cheapest static ice price:
cheapest logitech G105 costs $49 from logitechshop
cheapest Logitech G9x costs $78.00
so looking at saving around $40.25 if you dont mind the MW3 branding.
Mod: Added coupon code, adjusted price $20 cheaper
cheapest static ice price:
cheapest logitech G105 costs $49 from logitechshop
cheapest Logitech G9x costs $78.00
so looking at saving around $40.25 if you dont mind the MW3 branding.
Mod: Added coupon code, adjusted price $20 cheaper
Becoming a sale thread!
But I'm guilty too. Looking to sell the keyboard for $35 as well. In Melbourne.
selling the keyboard as well when it arrives in sydney. can pickup from cbd area. $30
can you PM me?
So no one bought it just for the keyboard, like me? haha. Might sell the mouse, I dunno.
I got the g19 for $40 so no point using something inferior. I'll buy the mouse off you though!
That is an incredible price on the g19. Can I ask where you scored that and how long ago?
Dick Smith gaming sale…must have been one of the lucky few!
very lucky indeed. One of my mates saw the g19 hidden in the back possibly by another staff member. He forced them to hand it over and because he already has a G15 gave it to me….so I actually got a staff item!
Dunno why you got a neg…must have been the staff!
Given the keyboard is available for $49 and mouse $78, I think you guys are being a bit rich asking for $35 for the keyboard…in proportion, it works out to be $25.75. That would be fairer in my opinion.
so? even at $35, people would still be saving at least $14
but if you're selling your keyboard for $25.75, I'm sure it would be snapped up quick smart ;)
sure, people might pay that price. and if they will, then good for them.
the point is, you're profiteering off other ozbargainers - whether you're happy to do that or not, i guess depends on how you feel about this place.
personally, i believe profiteering off ozbargainers is a no-no. that's fine if you disagree, but it's also fine for me to think you're a dog.
so 5 people here think it's ok to profiteer off other ozbargainers?
well i don't think that is in the spirit of ozbargain, but ok, i guess we'll have to agree to disagree…
and how did you come up with 25.75?
thats more than 50% off the cheapest retail price.
its brand new. not like its going to depreciate in the box.
49/(49+78) * 66.75 = $25.75
ie, he found the ratio of keyboard to keyboard and mouse prices from LTS, then multiplied what people paid at COTD to come up with a recovery price for keyboard.
Given how people went to town on the guy selling Diablo 3 guest passes for $2, I'm surprised we don't have a lynch mob in this thread yet.
as explained by Domingo above. $66.75 is 47.4% off $127 (the combined price)…$25.75 for the keyboard is 47.4% off $49, just like $41 for the mouse is 47.4% off $78.
and how did they come up with $35 for the keyboard?
g105: $35 from $49 lowest price = 28.6% off
g9x: $31.75 from $78 = 59.3% off
and you're questioning my calculation…?
I was just asking.
for that price I'm sure most would rather keep it as a spare. 30-35 is more of an incentive to sell. for me anyway.
Anyone who ordered before the $20 off code manage to get $20 taken off order?
Kinda got buyers remorse from impulse purchasing, I've already got blackwidow keyboard and logitech g400.
Happy to sell it to anyone who missed out for 66.75 when it arrives.
Melbourne area pick up welcome.
I imagine the mouse is probably a lot better than a g400. I use that for my mouse at work (till I get round to bringing my M950 in) but I wouldn't like it much as a gaming mouse.
Yea, but I'm quite happy with my g400, plus its easier to sell brand new g9x than a used g400. might have to use ebay :(
a lot of people seem to rate the g400 (or the previous mx518) as the ultimate gaming mouse. sure, the relatively cheap cost probably has something to do with it…but it's also a bit of preference too, i would think.
main reasons why people may prefer the g400 over the g9x (aside from cost) is the scroll switcher easily accessed on top of the mouse (not under the mouse, like on the g9x), and the shape (i believe the g400 might be better for a "palm" grip?).
also, something about the downsides of both lasers…i think the g9x laser has "acceleration", while the g400 has "prediction". both appear to be unfavourable to hardcore gamers, but some prefer to live with "prediction".
edit: looks like second version of g400 is "flawless" (no prediction) (see:
edit: oh, and also g9x supposedly has VERY hard to press middle click! people were saying that the force required to middle click was as much as twice as much (might not seem that significant, but if you middle click a lot, it may be quite significant).
this is all just stuff i read while googling different mice…i have no experience myself (and may have got some details wrong!). but yeah, both mice seem to be pretty well regarded.
Either way, I'm using a Razer Imperator at the moment. I had a G5 for many years and loved it but it started to get a bit aged after some very heavy use and was replaced by a family member, so have to use it for a while.
Hi KenG9999, I would like to buy the keyboard and mouse. I live in Melbourne and can pick it up. Can you please turn on your private messaging?
just sent you a PM :)
First time I ordered from COTD. Is it normal that I got no invoice/receipt sent to my email address? How long do they take to post your items off?
You should have got an order confirmation immediately. As for shipping time, anywhere between 4 days and a month.
Anyone got theirs shipped yet?
Do they let you know once they've shipped it?
Yeh mate, or you can check 'view orders' on your account at COTD and see.
what does it say when it has been shipped? "shipped"? mine's on "payment received" at the moment
Hence it hasn't been shipped same as mine man, chillax. :)
Normally says 'dispatched' when it's shipped.
It will be a long time yet.
Catchoftheday had placed an order request on behalf of all the buyers here. They are awaiting for the factory to manufacture these items. So sit tight and expect for a long wait.
Your order 372XXXX has been dispatched with Australia Post. Please allow 3-9 business days for delivery.
Wasn't so bad this time round!
nice! i ordered pretty late in the deal, so mine might take a bit longer…but hopefully they are making their way through the orders!
Wow I just got my tracking ID as well, it's odd that COTD is mailing it so fast… for once.
They can be really fast sometimes. Well, considering they normally take 4+ weeks.
Posted mine off too. Should be here by Monday :)
Got mine this morning, going to sell the keyboard and buy a silver grip off ebay for the g9x mouse
Did yours track through AusPost?
Mine hasn't moved:
Date/Time Activity Location
31/05/12 15:10 Article ready for despatch MPF BULK LETTERS (PROFIT CTR)
Yeh, COTD are located in Melbourne so I got mine the next day, where you located?
01/06/12 09:12 Delivered to J ****** WESTERN DC
01/06/12 06:13 Onboard with driver WESTERN DC
01/06/12 01:26 In Transit WESTERN DC
31/05/12 11:10 Article ready for despatch MPF BULK LETTERS (PROFIT CTR)
Buying the keyboard
mine has shipped as well. anyone in sydney interested in the keyboard?
Onboard for Delivery! Unfortunately for me, that means anytime between 9-3 basically.
Good thing it's SWOTVAC and I'm home all week.
oh that''s pretty fast. mine is "Article ready for despatch MPF BULK LETTERS (PROFIT CTR)" since the 31st. Hope it is sent out soon!
Got it today, yay. Being able to record macros on the fly with the keyboard is awesome. Haven't opened the mouse, will most likely sell.
So, anyone in Brisbane interested in the mouse for say $40?
note: fair price - $1 cheaper than the proportionate cost ($41)! ;)
It's still half price.
ummm, i think you missed my point…i was saying your price was good. hence why i gave you a positive vote!
edit: watch me get all the negs from people trying to make their purchase cheaper by selling the unwanted item for more than they (proportionately) paid for it!
I apologise, I saw the neg and then mis-read it as 'not fair price'.
no worries, all good!
haha yeah, I figure it's a good deal for people who missed out, or who only wanted the mouse but didn't wanna get both :)
They apparently tried to deliver mine to work at 5.27pm, and noone was in the attendance… I find that extremely hard to believe because I was talking to the receptionist at 5.27pm, and she didn't look like she was going anywhere til 5.30pm on the dot…
I call bullshit, Australia post! It better be delivered tomorrow!
delivered today.
I just received mine. anyone in the Sydney area that is interested in the keyboard, just send me a pm
I received mine as well. Anybody who wants the keyboard in Sydney CBD for $35, just send me a PM.
Has anyone tried nail polish remover on the mw3 logos yet? How did it go?
Anyone in Melbourne who is selling the keyboard and/or mouse? KenG9999 is no longer responding to my messages… =(
Anyone near Bondi Junction, NSW who would be willing to sell the keyboard for $30?
Just buit a gaming machine in April and bought the Logitech G510 - was looking for a replacement for my aging G5 and this seems like a solid deal.
Selling my new G510 once i get this if anyone would like.