NSW - Car Collision - Who Is at Fault?

Image URL: https://imgur.com/a/umtp7Ae

Car-B indicated that it wants to turn left. It isn't clear which Street it is turning into, and it assumes Car-A knows its intended destination.
Car-A assumes it is turning to Street A, however instead the Car-B turns to Street B.

If they collided, who is at fault?

I find these streets very common in NSW.

Poll Options

  • 162
    Car A is at fault
  • 4
    Car B is at fault

closed Comments

  • +5

    When car A assumes it makes an ass out of u and mes. Car A drive into oncoming traffic so car A is the ass.

      • +18

        Are you car A? Because that's the kind of thing car A would say after driving into another car.

        • I rewrite it because car-b also asssumed…

          Why does it matter which one am I?

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: If you were car B it would be odd for you to defend car A in this situation.

              • +8

                @[Deactivated]: It matters because you're financially invested in car A being right, rather than this just being a fun hypothetical that you want to find the truth of.

                • -2

                  @AustriaBargain: Nah, not my car. I'm neither of those.

                  It's hypothetical.

                  I would be dumb to find truth in ozbargain, and use this for tribunal

                  • @[Deactivated]:

                    I would be dumb to find truth in ozbargain, and use this for tribunal

                    Don't be like that fren. We actually don't know how the rent-a-judge down at the traffic citations panel will respond to MS Paint diagrams and the testimony of complete randos on a bargain sharing website. Who knows? It could work and the judge might agree that Car B was the A. We need you to be a pioneer, bro.

      • +4

        Nope. yourwrong.

      • +4

        If i was car a, i would wait until car b slows down to turn.

        Same applies in roundabout. Have seen So many last minute “abort missions”

  • +7

    Car A at fault.
    As they are so common, you would know to wait until Car B makes the turn or not.

  • +2

    key word there is assumed..

    car A is at fault

  • +2

    Car A.

    It the sudden wet weather in Sydney the cause of an above average amounts of posts relating to car accidents?

  • +14

    Car A 100% of the time.


    Because an indicator is just that. It's an indication of an intention to do something. It's not a contract, it's not a definite thing, people can have their indicators on and do something completely different. What if Car B left their indicator on accidentally and didn't realise, or changed their mind.

    Car A 100%.

    I'm guessing in this totally not real scenario that probably happened, you are car B? you're SOL OP, you're at fault.

      • +15

        Yes because you should be driving defensively not offensively . Drive assuming the other person is going to do the wrong thing. It's why you don't drive in peoples blind spots or tailgate people, you don't know what they're going to do. So why would you put so much faith in someones use of an indicator?

        Or in the roundabout. not indicating right, and hit someone, etc etc

        Well in this scenario the person entering the roundabout would be at fault because you give way to whoever is already on the roundabout, but you knew that already right?

        Maybe in your opinion cars dont need indicators, perhaps you come from Asia like Thailand or Indonesia where indicating is not required.

        lol wtf, what a blatant stupid statement to make. I'm actually Australian born and raised. I ride a motorbike so I drive defensively and assume everyone is a horrible driver.

        Maybe you're a bad driver. Go and have a look at the actual road rule laws and there's nothing in there saying that "once you indicate you MUST perform that action". It even says that indicators are for an "intention" to do something. So Car A needs to drive defensively but both may be deemed at fault.

          • +8


            Any proof that you are Aussie-born and raised? Your comments and wording makes me think that you come from those countries that don't have lanes.

            Nice racist attack there mate. Reported.

              • +15

                @[Deactivated]: The color of my skin and my birth place has nothing to do with the fact that you have a poor understanding of the road rules.

                Classic deflection from someone who knows they're unable to provide constructive retorts about their position on a conversation to bring it down to a racist level like that. Maybe take the day and think about how silly you sound.

              • @[Deactivated]: Imagine being so vexxed because you caused a crash and you're at fault that you drop casual racism lmao

      • +7

        It is a simple road rule. Car A is at a T intersection and needs to give way. If you don't understand that, re-read the road rules book they have for learner drivers, it will explain all the basic rules for you.

  • +2

    Definitely car A at fault. Indicate to turn left does not mean it must turn left on the nearest left turn unless the lane is a left turn only lane.

    • +2

      And even if it did, what the car indicates doesn't mean that is what it is going to do. You still need to give way.

  • +2

    Car A.

    Reason? It "assumed".

    End of.

    • -3

      Which car assumed? Both assumes

      • +2

        Nope. Car A is getting ready to turn into the street that Car B is travelling on and must therefore Give Way.

        Given the extremely short distance between Street A and Street B, Car A's assumption is incorrect, as Car B has indicated with the proper amount of time (5 seconds).

        Why would Car B assume that Car A knows where it is going when it could be the first time Car B has travelled down that street? Car A clearly knew about Street B was just around the left hand corner, otherwise they wouldn't have assumed Car B was turning into Street A, so Car A has assumed that Car B was turning into Street A, and not Street B.

        TL;DR - You've assumed another driver is going to do something and now you think you're not to blame when the other driver didn't do what you assumed. This one is on you. Own it.

  • +1

    Car B is dumb for assuming Car A will turn. This is why "accidents" happen.

    Well, I guess Car B has now learnt their lesson for next time.

    • +1

      I think you mixed up your cars
      It was Car A that assumed Car B would turn into street A.

      • +1

        Yes, Thank you :)

    • +5

      Well, I guess Car B OP has now learnt their lesson for next time.

      • +3

        Yeah, though I've assumed that it was the OP that upvoted SF3 when they accidentally said Car B was in the wrong

      • +1

        Somehow I don't think they have learnt anything judging by how fiercely they are defending their mistake.

        • +3

          Confirmation bias is an emotion, can't fight it with logic.

  • +6

    always wait until they actually start making the turn, i made this mistake when i was learning. some guy coming down the road from the right, indicator on so i thought he was turning into the street i'm coming out of, turns out he just left it on for some reason and i get a rude shock when he beeps at me after i turn out (this was the only possible place he could turn left, the road had no side roads for at least 1 KM after the side street i was pulling out of), embarrassing too. he isn't blameless, but i shouldn't have trusted that he knew what he was doing.

    always drive as if everyone else is an idiot, especially when you have right of way

    • +1

      I agree, well put

    • +2

      And even more especially when you don't have the right of way and you are actually the idiot.

      • in this case i didn't have right of way, you are correct, but we were both idiots, him for leaving his indicator on, and me believing his indication to turn.

        the advice at the end was more of a general statement, rather than relating to the situation mentioned, as i was on a roundabout early this morning, doing a U turn, and as i was coming to halfway point, a guy almost pulled out right in front of me when i did have the right of way, thankfully he braked hard and stopped, but i did slow down as it didn't look like he was going to until the last second. he might not have seen me (which is another reason i slowed down), though he should have seen the lights, as he was on the side of a hill and you can only see who is actually on the roundabout when you get to the very top, just behind the line.

      • always drive as if everyone else is an idiot, especially when you have right of way

        And even more especially when you don't have the right of way and you are actually the idiot.

        Except there is no ‘right of way’. I’d rephrase it to “always drive as if everyone else is an idiot especially when they are legally meant to give way” or “And even more especially when you have to give way and you are actually the idiot”

    • 100%
      So often I watch what the tyres are doing to figure out where they’re going.

  • +3

    And this, kids, is why there is the "obligation to give way" and not a "RiGhT oF WaY" in the road rules.

    Car A at fault because "road rules". Car A must give way to cars entering or "approaching" the intersection.

  • +1

    What did your insurance company say when you called them about the accident you were in?

  • +1

    I’m one of the suckers who wanted to vote for car A at fault whose fat finger hit the other button instead. Why is there no revoke option?

  • Please change username to iamrite

    • +1

      'mi irate' might be more appropriate

  • those that voted car 'B' show yourself now.

    • +2

      My guess is;
      OP (because they are going hard at defending Car B.)
      Zonra, because fat fingers
      And finally, SF3, because they cant read

      • +2

        SF3, because they cant read

        hahaha… didn't vote. yeah A & B meh… the car coming out of intersection was in the wrong, by then A & B was lost on me when I was typing the comment - lol

        OP upvoted my mixed up comment lol.

        I guess my error leaked the truth eh. :)

  • +4

    Oh ok, i got it.
    Op is car A.

  • Car A…learnt it the hard way

  • I blame NSW/Sydney Flooding

  • +1

    Never assume an indicating car will carry out what is indicated. Always drive defensively and don’t pull out until the other car has definitively made a move away from your intended path.

  • +1

    Does anyone remember last year there was a guy who posted a similar thread about an accident and was defending the car at fault religiously under the guise of “fair fight” only for it to turn out that he was at fault? Feels like OP is fishing for “outs” lol

  • +1

    Car A is at fault essentially 100% of the time for failing to give way.

  • +1

    The cyclist is definitely at fault

  • +1

    Why isn't both at fault an option?

    B for having blinker on too early and a for failure to give way

    Not equally

  • Car A is at fault.

    Car B is a bad driver for indicating too early, creating more confusion than if they hadn't indicated at all and ultimately creating the conditions that lead to the accident. But yeah, legally not at fault.

  • Hand your license in

  • Even if street B didnt exist and it was just a standard t intersection, you should never pull out of an intersection unless the other car has started to turn off the road, or there is sufficient gap to pull out without causing a collision with the car if it were to continue through the t intersection. Never trust an indicator completely! Anyone that does is a danger to the public and should not have a licence.

  • It appears that the poll results are pretty clear and discussion/participation from the OP has ceased, comments are now closed.

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