• expired

Receive One Bonus eBay Stock for Each Referred Friend Who Funds The Account @ Stake


There's no limit, so you can refer as many people as you'd like during this campaign. Every single friend that funds their new account will earn you one eBay stock (currently worth ~US$41.67).

All successful referrals completed before 11:59pm Sunday, 31 July 2022 will result in your extra eBay stock(s) being automatically added to your Stake account by 12 August 2022.

Referred member gets: $10 when you fund in Stake AUS, a free US stock when you fund in Stake Wall St

Referral Links

Referral: random (996)

Referrer gets $1 off brokerage for 12 months for each referral. Referees gets $10 bonus (funding account within 24 hours of sign-up required).

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closed Comments

  • +30

    Great now i can refer friends until i own 51% of eBay

    • +43

      no ozbargain user has that many friends mate

      • +3

        Maybe ozbargain can do it together. Then award ourselves an unlimited supply of 50-90% off vouchers

    • Try twitter

  • +1

    I want to open an account. With reference link, I willget $10 fund?

    • +2

      You need to open an account through a referral link.

      They have ASX or US. If you're signing up to ASX, you get $10 free.

  • +1

    I heard their usd/aud conversion rate is very bad. Is it true?

    • use Revolut to transfer

      • +1

        How? Stake told me last month they don’t allow USD deposits anymore because of some regulatory requirements with their US Broker.

    • +3

      Please see my post on Stake's transfer rates

      In a nutshell, do NOT initiate the transfer during weekends
      It's 140BPS round trip (entry and exit) so that's the price you pay to use Stake

      • +2

        been using interactive brokers for international, no complaints. I don't get why anyone would use stake for international unless its for a small portfolio but even then you're getting ripped off via their conversions and eXpReSs dEpOsiT fee

        • Can you trade with unsettled funds for IKBR?

          That's probably the only reason why I use Stake

          I use TradingView and Webull for charts and L2 data

          • @cwongtech: yes you can trade with unsettled funds on IBKR. stake always has been and always will be the pleb platform when it comes to international.

        • Which "interactive brokers"

  • +4

    Do not use stake for international, thank me later.

    • Then use waaaaat

      • Interactive brokers, or even IG markets.

  • +1

    The stock market is crashing…join them, get the stock, sell it, and cash out. Thank me later.

    • what about $SHIB?

      • +4

        That’s the old avatar, I no longer participate in either stock or crypto market, just secure my cash, sit back and watch the wildness coming.

        • +2

          So your cash is secured under the mattress?

          Inflation would a word about the value of your cash.

        • Good move!

        • +3

          you should work with JP Morgan! they need more experts that can time the market.

  • +20

    Stake recently announced they'll be loaning your shares out as a default "opt out" scheme, oh and btw, if the loanee (profanity) you over you could lose everything but they don't insure that.

    Yes, that's right, they opted all their customers into elevated risk. Without covering it. Without asking.

    Plus everyone on reddit rightfully hates this, because it let's people borrow your shares to short against your shares.


    • US market only.

    • +3

      This is one of the reason I avoid Stake from the beginning, never ever let them loan out your shares, specifically those who are investing in AMC, GME, and other meme stocks. They use our shares to beat us, and also getting the payment for orders flow from the market maker, they are all devils, not retails friends, all they want is your money

      • -2

        How delusional are you

    • -5

      Not that I disagree with your logic (i.e. lending a stock which then can be borrowed to short), but
      Stock lending on stake is actually a default opt-out, you have to opt-in to do stock lending.

      • +2

        Check again, you are opted in by default.

        Check the section just above the FAQs

        Go go Settings -> Trade settings -> Stock lending settings to opt out.

        • You should play both sides of the equation, let them lend out, then during a short squeeze, put a sell order at a ridiculous price to force the borrowers to find shares to rebuy and return to you 😈

        • +2

          So US stocks only. Also mentions that anyone lending from them is required to put up 102% cash of the value borrowed and that is kept in a seperate account locked away. Wouldn’t really be concerned esp if only using it to buy aus ETFs in on their ASX platform.

          • @I like freestuff: Do you own a single share of any description?

      • +1

        They show a pop up on the app and there’s no way to get in without agreeing to loaning. If we want to opt out have to go to settings and disable it. I can’t think of any reason for them to do it this way apart from looking you take advantage of unaware users.

    • +1

      Just love how a company with sound fundamentals can still be shorted into closure… What a world!

      • +1

        Cinemas are dead
        Brick and mortar physical gaming stores are dead


  • +3

    I use Stake for ASX and Interactive Brokers for US stocks

    1) Stake is cheap for Australian shares, $3 per transaction, as far as I know, it's $3 no matter size of transactions, I usually just used $5k, so I'm not too sure for very big transactions. In contrast, Commsec has tier pricing, it's fee is about $19.95 for $5k share transactions

    I usually transfer $5k to Stake at a time, usually took about less than 1 hour (in hours) to reach Stake for use
    If I want to take $5k out of Stake, it usually took less than 24 hours to my bank account, not bad

    2) Stake is expensive for foreign exchange, I remembered it's like $50(?) fees just to convert $10k AUD to USD (express transactions cost more!), and I was told I need to pay similar amount to convert back to AUD. Interactive brokers costs about $3.5 to convert $10k AUD to USD, but Interactive brokers charged $1 to buy US shares, Stake is free to buy US shares(?). I compared to foreign exchange rates, it's similar between the two.

    just my 2cents

    • options on IBKR too if that's your thing + its much more established than stake

      • haha, sorry, I'm a conservative one
        I just throw in to some ETF a bit here and there, every now and then, hopefully it will grow, by the time I need it for my total hip replacement surgery

        • likewise, can't do options yet but I meant its an additional benefit of using IBKR. one stop shop!

    • Can you do day trading on stake and short sell. Also will it provide tax statements

  • Handy for asx acct, i think it stacks up w -$1 per referral

  • Excellent

  • +1

    Where does it actually mention the free eBay stock?

    • From the app itself (referral

      • I still can't find it, could you highlight where?

  • Very good!!

  • FYI

    If your receiving broker cannot support ACATS transfers, your transfer will need to be completed via FOP/DTC, which will cost US$50/position (US$200 minimum). ACATS transfers cost US$200 irrespective of the number of positions transferred.

    They are also enabling share lending on all accounts but you can opt out.

    You can opt-out of Stock Lending at any time by opening your Wall St Account and clicking on Settings > Trade Settings > Stock Lending Settings > Uncheck the ‘Stock Lending Income Program’ button.

  • Mind suggest other apps for swing trade occasionally?

  • How do I get a referral of stake? Also I don't understand if I want to buy a US stock, can I buy by paying in AUD? I don't understand why people are saying that stake exchange rate is not good. Can someone clarify?

    • There is a way for you to get a referral but I am not allowed to mention it.

      • There's nothing secretive about the referral process on here. Enter your referrer credentials in your Settings, and wait for someone to pick your name out of the hat using the random referral generator.

        I don't think you can do the ol' "refer yourself" thingo on a stock-tradong platform as there are ID checks involved.

        What am I missing?

  • +1

    Do you still get the eBay stock if they only sign up for an AU account and not a US one?

    • +1


    • I'd like to know this too. A friend funded their Stake ASX (few days before 31 July), but not the Wall St.
      The promo from the email says "AUS or Wall St account" twice and "extra eBay stock automatically added to your Stake account by 12 August 2022."

      But I still haven't received the eBay stock (today 12 August). Anyone had any idea?

      • I got my eBay stock just now and my friend had funded their Stake AUS account.

        • Yep, got mine too.

  • What are the tax rules for receiving free stock?

  • Has anyone gotten their free eBay stock yet?

    • Nope.. it said by 12th August and still haven't received mine.

      Edit - Nvm it's in Wall St, oops!

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