This was posted 12 years 9 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Diablo 3 Guest Pass (US) FREE - Only for People Who Want to Try The Game out before Buying Them






Play Diablo 3 in the US server up to the skeleton king boss in Act 1. Note that certain game features are restricted on guest accounts.

You can continue to play your character in the America server if you decided to buy a cd key and upgrade the Diablo 3 game in the account that you had the guest pass activated on

For people who are 15 years old ++ only.

After you receive the key, redeem the key at

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closed Comments

  • +21

    WARNING: You get three of these passes for free when you buy the game. I'm sure heaps of people here on OB will be more than happy to give you one. I'm guessing you've taken this from the leftover boxes for people who bought their keys online?

    PS: PM me if you want one and I'll send you a trial key.

    • +3

      ok i will give it for free

      • +11

        lol got busted. Next time when you want to rip others off do it quietly, certainly not on ozb - you'll be ripped into pieces.

        • OzBargain is an awesome place to find the clueless. Where's the "rip-off", exactly? Just because you get three of these free in the box doesn't mean that a) everyone has access to that, and b) that it therefore costs businesses nothing to send them out. How is a MASSIVE $1.50 a "rip-off"? Deadset stupid.

        • Thank you Mic Cullen, not many people understand.

          I admit i got upset when people said i "RIP PEOPLE OFF" for a massive $2 or $1.5…

          Look at those new comment at page 2, they have no clue what are they talking. This deal was expired 3.28pm and now they are still saying i am bad and complaining. Was thinking to completely delete the deal but don't have the option.

          I am offering free key in our own facebook page after i made this deal expired and people still want to complaint about it, what is wrong?


        • -5

          You are offering 1 per hour and still telling people if they missed out to go and PAY FOR IT again. You are RIPPING PEOPLE OFF!!!!!!

        • I said to people

          "If you missed out please wait for the next free pass, OR if you cannot wait then purchase it in our website for $1.5…….."

          What is wrong with this? I didn't force people to purchase it did i? It is just simple as WAIT or PAY FOR IT. What is wrong with that? And FREE deal was actually expired.

          < Nice attitude in here before :) >

        • -2

          Nice attitude!

      • Busted!

        • +5

          Firstly, we see all other online store are selling them so we thought we should give it a go. But as soon as ONE post unhappy about it(from Doey21). We changed it to free straight away.

          Enough explain. We are only copying other businesses of what they doing but obviously it is not welcoming so we decided not to do it.


        • +1

          LOL! That is one of the lamest and worse excuse ever.

          Copying from other business? Give me a break.

          More likely you got caught so you decided not to go ahead with it.

          Attempting to sell something that is free to begin with is just low.

        • -5

          Exactly my point. You were not copying other businesses. You were merely trying to recover your own cost at our expense. Your intent was here to rip us off. Enough said.

        • -4

          Do not use me as an excuse to stop

          It is your decision whether to give it or not.

          I did not tell you to stop.

          If you had explained that you wanted to cover your cost but decided against it because of us complaining and decided that it was not right to do so, I would have kept quiet about it.

          But using such a lame excuse as following other business? Business is for one purpose only which is to make a profit. Do not make excuses saying you are merely following other business.

        • LOL wow. Is the OP serious? He put it back up to $1.50. What a joke.

        • +31

          So it goes like this…

          OP has heaps of free passes, notices other places selling them. Decides he can make a bit of profit from it.

          Posts to OzB, gets bad feedback off the bat, decides to make them free as a nice gesture.

          OzB posters bash him for asking for money in the first place, again and again, even though he has offered HUNDREDS of guess passes for free by now, and then feel they have the right to whinge when he puts them back up at a price..

          Tough life being an OzB user, clearly..

          I got a free pass, and I'm thankful for it.

        • -6

          No, he targeted a single user and used him as a means of rescinding the 'free' offer. Not a great way to represent your company, in my opinion.

        • +8

          I was bashing him for using a lame excuse when he got busted

          It's like a teacher catching a kid for cheating in a test and kid telling the teacher.. "The other kid is cheating too so I did it"

          Someone else doing it does not justify it being right. That is a very lame excuse to use.

        • And also, having given the reason for selling the codes and deciding to give them away instead, they revert back to selling them.

        • +4

          Nope, i thanks him to point out that our company is losing money while giving away free passes and trying to "Rip people off". So we stopped giving out passes and let it sit there and wait for people come and buy it to let us "Rip them off", obviously not OzB user.

          Was just trying to be nice and give it free after saw the first complaint. But well, people just keep bashing us off. So enough, we will just give it for free in our own fb page and not in OzB anymore.

          Thank you all OzB.

        • -1

          dude, shutup already
          clearly you dont understand the costs of runnig the business
          just because you "can" get it for free, doesnt mean it shouldnt be sold, particularly if they were acquired specifically tobe sod and not from openned boxes

        • +2

          What? He said you were ripping people off, so you decide to go with it? I have no idea what you're getting at.

          just because you "can" get it for free, doesnt mean it shouldnt be sold, particularly if they were acquired specifically tobe sod and not from openned boxes

          I think what most people are trying to say is that a lot of people on the internet are giving this away for free.

        • +9

          kheob you're not really representing yourself in a good light atm either. The guy changed it to free after one complaint. Bloody good of him and 100 OZBargainers got free guest passes. Pointless bashing driving off genuine good merchants.

          A massive + from me

        • +4

          I don't think rep has done anything wrong. First "complaint" came 3 mins after deal was posted, a minute after that comment they were made free & hundreds of codes were given away. THEN people come bash the OP?! get real.

          I do not blame him for leaving, well done ya turkeys!

        • -1

          That is not a defence! That is a just joining in on RIPPING PEOPLE OFF!

        • -4

          Wow… worst excuse ever, buddy. If all the other dodgy online shops were stealing CC info for fraud I suppose you'd try it too?

          Furthermore your horrible Engrish lessens your credibility even more.

          I definitely will never do any future business at

        • -1

          kheob you're not really representing yourself in a good light atm either. The guy changed it to free after one complaint. Bloody good of him and 100 OZBargainers got free guest passes. Pointless bashing driving off genuine good merchants.

          I am not a company, and if I were, I wouldn't be pointing fingers at people for my business decisions.

    • What he said, I got a spare trial pm if you want one.

      • Yes please.

        • +1

          PM sent

    • +2

      last time, they sold the package box for $2. i threw my box in the bin on the day i bought the game….
      this time, they sell FREE guest pass for $1.95. this company is doing very WELL.

      • +14

        theres nothing wrong with selling the package boxes
        people like me buy the cd key cheap after launch and want the box for peanuts later for collection, effectively giving me a boxed game for cheap.

        I have done this for most of my games.

        just because you dont value the box doesnt mean it cant be sold for monetary value

        theres also nothing wrong with selling the trial key, although technically it does make you an ass. Its a promo to begin with, i think kengamer would have gotten better PR points for his business if he gave them away for free to begin with. A one stop shop for trial keys - now thats an idea

        • +2

          I remember the days when you had to pay to trial World of Warcraft. Blizzard sold the trials at JB and other retailers.

      • +4

        Just because you threw your box in the bin doesn't mean I won't pay $2 for one.

        I was the one that suggested to KG that they should let people buy a key + have the box also delivered. (They couldn't get the right boxes sent to the right people and they would have had to had charged for the postage separately, so they did this instead.)

        I assume these guest passes are from the boxes that weren't sold.

      • +3

        you have to PAY to get the game with the free passes..
        there is nothing that says the free passes CAN'T be sold.
        cut them a break.

    • +6

      Doey21 does not accept new private conversations.
      krisspy does not accept new private conversations.


      • G7XNTH-X6CH-HWJ4VR-6JXG-J2X24H

        My pm not working? Im sorry


  • Can one of you guys send me one? Tx =)

  • I would love a key. If someone can send me one that would be awesome. :)

  • +9

    Wow, was this guy seriously trying to sell the Guest Passes? You can ask on just about any online forum and someone will give you one.

    • It's free =="

      • +6

        He only changed it after being caught out.

      • +4

        He was trying to sell it for $2 - He edited it after numerous complaints! I'll retract my neg after he actually starts giving them out for free

        • +3

          Well technically it's not free, because you have to buy the game. It's more of a bonus.

  • +10


    First come first serve :)

    • Ty 7CTVJG-MJWT-VEHZFC-94C6-RC4KJK used

    • +1

      YBWYWR-7VW4-7ZYK6W-GC6X-DMWHCP used. Thanks.

    • 6V8WRF-XNC7-6HPc2K-9JMJ-7KBD26 used

      An error has occurred.
      The game key you entered has already been claimed.
      Each game key can only be redeemed once. If you’re sure you have not previously claimed this key, please double-check the spelling and enter it now.

  • +1

    a friend gave me 2, still got one spare laying around i will look for it afterwork and post it up.

    • +1


  • +2

    Two guest passes here, message me if you would like one.

    • All gone

  • +2

    Wasn't a good deal when it was $2 now it's a good deal depending on how many passes you guys have

  • Thanks. Got mine!

  • would appreciate a trial key here :D am so keen to try out the game

  • +7

    Yeah, trying to sell these is pretty low.

  • Hey guys pm me a trial key. Thanks

  • +1

    PM me if anyone wants a guest pass

    • Could you PM me a guest pass please :D

  • <deleted>

  • +4

    It's free…. He didn't get 'caught out', he changed to free after one post. Do people neg just for the hell of it?

    • +1

      ….and out of stock

  • -8

    making money from free stuff off ozbargainers new low

    • Are these actually free though? I don't see any other business giving these away.

    • +3

      It's not free, it's complementary with the game. There's a difference, in that if it were free, someone who doesn't own the game get one easily and officially. This is not the case, no matter how abundant the guest passes may be.

  • Its good deal as long as its free

  • someone pm me a key thanks!

  • Why are people complaining, it's free!

    • +1

      It became free after someone complained about it and they changed it from $2 -> Free

    • +1

      he started the post with an intent to charge until people started negging him. thats why.

  • +2

    This used to be something called GAME DEMOES!! they were always free

  • +16

    WOW - all gave out within 15 minutes. 95 of them.

    Last 5 i will post it here - To apologize that was try to see what reaction we get for putting it up for $1.95 , as soon as 1 post not happy we change it straight to free.

    first come first serve!






    Next batch of free keys coming soon!

    Sincerely apologize from KG

    • -1

      GNVH7K-XYN4-DXWZXC-MPBM-TV2G2P claimed :D

      • DELETED: pointless

    • -7

      ZT6T9D-2YTB-9ZB6RK-J8PJ-WJFFP2 claimed :D

      • +7

        Thanks for taking two!

    • How do i change my neg into a pos?

      • I don't think you can.. You can only revoke - click on the 'votes' at the top of the post.

      • I dont care for the deal, but ill give it a pos because you cant ;)

  • Passes all gone

  • Can someone please pm me 2 passes for me and my friend?

  • If anyone has one, I'd appreciate it! :)

  • Anyone kind enough to pm me a pass? Greatly appreciated.

  • More please!

    • +4

      Wow, really? Because, you know, people never sell things that they got for free……

      If someone wants to pay for it, why is it your problem?

      • It pisses off people who don't want to pay, obviously.

        • +1

          Oh, so if someone was willing to pay $2, then it's evil because you want it for free?

          Makes sense … NOT.

      • One man's trash is another man's treasure.
        I think Lionheart doesn't know the existence of gumtree where they sell one man's free stuff.

    • I'd agree if I could freely get one of these free trial passes, but I can't. Enter supply and demand!

    • +4

      Firstly, we see all other online store are selling them so we thought we should give it a go. But as soon as ONE post unhappy about it. We change it to free straight away.

      Enough explain. We are only copying other businesses of what they doing but obviously it is not welcoming so we decided not to do it.


    • +1

      Check out eBay. A lot of people are trying to sell them for $1-2 and a few even have bids on them.

    • there are ppl who brought BETA key for ca$h

  • Can someone please pm me 1 pass?

  • +6








    • Taken - EX6E2T-BWGY-4V7RRR-E4WH-ZFVTD4


    • All taken. :(



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