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[PC, Steam] Up to 82% off on More than 70 Bethesda Games (e.g. Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus $10.56) @ GamesPlanet

Bethesda Deals (Ordered alphabetically) US ($) AUD ($) % Off
DEATHLOOP - Deluxe $28.99 $41.93 64%
DEATHLOOP $21.99 $31.81 63%
Dishonored - Definitive Edition $4.75 $6.87 76%
Dishonored 2 $6.99 $10.11 77%
Dishonored $2.50 $3.62 75%
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider $6.99 $10.11 77%
Dishonored: Deluxe Bundle $13.99 $20.24 77%
Dishonored: Dunwall City Trials DLC $1.20 $1.74 60%
Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches DLC $1.99 $2.88 60%
Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall DLC $1.99 $2.88 60%
Dishonored: Void Walker's Arsenal $0.80 $1.16 60%
DOOM 3 - Resurrection of Evil DLC $1.20 $1.74 60%
DOOM 3 $1.25 $1.81 75%
DOOM 3: BFG Edition $4.99 $7.22 75%
DOOM 64 $1.25 $1.81 75%
Doom Classic Complete $3.75 $5.42 75%
DOOM Eternal - Year One Pass $13.99 $20.24 53%
DOOM Eternal $14.99 $21.68 63%
DOOM Eternal $14.99 $21.68 63%
DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part One $8.99 $13.00 55%
DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part Two $8.99 $13.00 55%
DOOM II $1.25 $1.81 75%
DOOM VFR $3.75 $5.42 75%
DOOM $4.75 $6.87 77%
Fallout 3 - Game Of The Year Edition $7.50 $10.85 63%
Fallout 4 - Automatron DLC $3.99 $5.77 60%
Fallout 4 - Contraptions Workshop DLC $1.99 $2.88 60%
Fallout 4 - Far Harbor DLC $5.75 $8.32 62%
Fallout 4 - Nuka-World DLC $3.99 $5.77 60%
Fallout 4 - Season Pass $12.99 $18.79 63%
Fallout 4 - Vault-Tec Workshop DLC $1.99 $2.88 60%
Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop DLC $1.99 $2.88 60%
Fallout 4 VR $13.99 $20.24 77%
Fallout 4 $7.50 $10.85 63%
Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition $11.99 $17.34 70%
Fallout 76 $8.99 $13.00 78%
Fallout 76: Steel Dawn Deluxe Edition $13.99 $20.24 77%
Fallout Classic Collection $5.50 $7.96 72%
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition $7.50 $10.85 63%
Fallout: New Vegas $2.99 $4.32 70%
Final DOOM $1.25 $1.81 75%
Ghostwire: Tokyo Deluxe Edition $35.99 $52.06 55%
Ghostwire: Tokyo $26.99 $39.04 55%
Hunted: The Demon's Forge $1.50 $2.17 70%
Prey - Mooncrash $7.50 $10.85 62%
Prey $6.99 $10.11 77%
Quake II $1.99 $2.88 60%
QUAKE III Arena + Team Arena $5.50 $7.96 63%
Quake IV $5.50 $7.96 63%
Quake $3.99 $5.77 60%
RAGE 2 - Deluxe Edition $13.99 $20.24 77%
RAGE 2 $8.99 $13.00 78%
RAGE $3.99 $5.77 60%
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition $4.49 $6.49 70%
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Edition Deluxe $5.75 $8.32 71%
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Edition $4.49 $6.49 70%
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition Upgrade $12.99 $18.79 35%
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition $17.99 $26.02 64%
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition $14.99 $21.68 63%
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR $17.99 $26.02 70%
The Evil Within 2 $7.67 $11.09 81%
The Evil Within Season Pass $3.99 $5.77 60%
The Evil Within $4.99 $7.22 75%
The Evil Within: The Assignment DLC 1 $2.50 $3.62 50%
The Evil Within: The Consequence DLC 2 $2.50 $3.62 50%
The Evil Within: The Executioner DLC 3 $1.50 $2.17 50%
Ultimate Doom $1.25 $1.81 75%
Wolfenstein II: The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe (DLC 1) $3.99 $5.77 60%
Wolfenstein II: The Deeds of Captain Wilkins (DLC 3) $3.99 $5.77 60%
Wolfenstein II: The Diaries of Agent Silent Death (DLC 2) $3.99 $5.77 60%
Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles Season Pass $8.99 $13.00 64%
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - Digital Deluxe $11.00 $15.91 82%
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus $7.30 $10.56 82%
Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot $6.25 $9.04 69%
Wolfenstein: The New Order $5.75 $8.32 71%
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $5.75 $8.32 71%
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe $6.99 $10.11 77%
Wolfenstein: Youngblood $5.75 $8.32 71%
Bethesda Deals (Ordered by % off) US ($) AUD ($) % Off
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition Upgrade $12.99 $18.79 35%
The Evil Within: The Assignment DLC 1 $2.50 $3.62 50%
The Evil Within: The Consequence DLC 2 $2.50 $3.62 50%
The Evil Within: The Executioner DLC 3 $1.50 $2.17 50%
DOOM Eternal - Year One Pass $13.99 $20.24 53%
DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part One $8.99 $13.00 55%
DOOM Eternal: The Ancient Gods - Part Two $8.99 $13.00 55%
Ghostwire: Tokyo Deluxe Edition $35.99 $52.06 55%
Ghostwire: Tokyo $26.99 $39.04 55%
Dishonored: Dunwall City Trials DLC $1.20 $1.74 60%
Dishonored: The Brigmore Witches DLC $1.99 $2.88 60%
Dishonored: The Knife of Dunwall DLC $1.99 $2.88 60%
Dishonored: Void Walker's Arsenal $0.80 $1.16 60%
DOOM 3 - Resurrection of Evil DLC $1.20 $1.74 60%
Fallout 4 - Automatron DLC $3.99 $5.77 60%
Fallout 4 - Contraptions Workshop DLC $1.99 $2.88 60%
Fallout 4 - Nuka-World DLC $3.99 $5.77 60%
Fallout 4 - Vault-Tec Workshop DLC $1.99 $2.88 60%
Fallout 4 - Wasteland Workshop DLC $1.99 $2.88 60%
Quake II $1.99 $2.88 60%
Quake $3.99 $5.77 60%
RAGE $3.99 $5.77 60%
The Evil Within Season Pass $3.99 $5.77 60%
Wolfenstein II: The Adventures of Gunslinger Joe (DLC 1) $3.99 $5.77 60%
Wolfenstein II: The Deeds of Captain Wilkins (DLC 3) $3.99 $5.77 60%
Wolfenstein II: The Diaries of Agent Silent Death (DLC 2) $3.99 $5.77 60%
Fallout 4 - Far Harbor DLC $5.75 $8.32 62%
Prey - Mooncrash $7.50 $10.85 62%
DEATHLOOP $21.99 $31.81 63%
DOOM Eternal $14.99 $21.68 63%
DOOM Eternal $14.99 $21.68 63%
Fallout 3 - Game Of The Year Edition $7.50 $10.85 63%
Fallout 4 - Season Pass $12.99 $18.79 63%
Fallout 4 $7.50 $10.85 63%
Fallout: New Vegas - Ultimate Edition $7.50 $10.85 63%
QUAKE III Arena + Team Arena $5.50 $7.96 63%
Quake IV $5.50 $7.96 63%
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition $14.99 $21.68 63%
DEATHLOOP - Deluxe $28.99 $41.93 64%
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Anniversary Edition $17.99 $26.02 64%
Wolfenstein II: The Freedom Chronicles Season Pass $8.99 $13.00 64%
Wolfenstein: Cyberpilot $6.25 $9.04 69%
Fallout 4: Game of the Year Edition $11.99 $17.34 70%
Fallout: New Vegas $2.99 $4.32 70%
Hunted: The Demon's Forge $1.50 $2.17 70%
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind - Game of the Year Edition $4.49 $6.49 70%
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Edition $4.49 $6.49 70%
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim VR $17.99 $26.02 70%
The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion GOTY Edition Deluxe $5.75 $8.32 71%
Wolfenstein: The New Order $5.75 $8.32 71%
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood $5.75 $8.32 71%
Wolfenstein: Youngblood $5.75 $8.32 71%
Fallout Classic Collection $5.50 $7.96 72%
Dishonored $2.50 $3.62 75%
DOOM 3 $1.25 $1.81 75%
DOOM 3: BFG Edition $4.99 $7.22 75%
DOOM 64 $1.25 $1.81 75%
Doom Classic Complete $3.75 $5.42 75%
DOOM II $1.25 $1.81 75%
DOOM VFR $3.75 $5.42 75%
Final DOOM $1.25 $1.81 75%
The Evil Within $4.99 $7.22 75%
Ultimate Doom $1.25 $1.81 75%
Dishonored - Definitive Edition $4.75 $6.87 76%
Dishonored 2 $6.99 $10.11 77%
Dishonored: Death of the Outsider $6.99 $10.11 77%
Dishonored: Deluxe Bundle $13.99 $20.24 77%
DOOM $4.75 $6.87 77%
Fallout 4 VR $13.99 $20.24 77%
Fallout 76: Steel Dawn Deluxe Edition $13.99 $20.24 77%
Prey $6.99 $10.11 77%
RAGE 2 - Deluxe Edition $13.99 $20.24 77%
Wolfenstein: Youngblood Deluxe $6.99 $10.11 77%
Fallout 76 $8.99 $13.00 78%
RAGE 2 $8.99 $13.00 78%
The Evil Within 2 $7.67 $11.09 81%
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus - Digital Deluxe $11.00 $15.91 82%
Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus $7.30 $10.56 82%

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Great post, love the table.

    A friendly reminder for people that now Microsoft owns Bethesda that a good chunk of these games are on Gamepass.

    • +2

      Thanks mate, yeah that's a good point about GP.

  • +1

    These prices aren't that good, as most games are cheaper on the usual CD key sites (Eneba, Kinguin etc).

  • Deathloop regular cheaper on Amazon ($28):

  • Does the skyrim anniversary edition include all the DLC? Love to play it again.

    • +2

      Yes, it includes all the expansions DLC content that matters. It also includes like 50 official mods that were user created, such as new weapons and various minor quests related to getting these weapons.

      If you haven't already got it, worth picking up.

  • Can't believe that pos Deathloop is still that much.

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