This was posted 2 years 8 months 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Prime] Kindle Unlimited $0.00 for 3 Months @ Amazon AU

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Spotted this offer as an ad on Twitter. Three months of Kindle Unlimited for free for Prime Members.

Worked for me, even though I've run a Kindle Unlimited trial before.

Don't forget to unsubscribe later!

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Sorry for the dumb question, but does this basically mean 3 free books to keep (1 per month)?

    • +12

      No, it means you get access to loads of free books for 3 month period. Anything marked Kindle Unlimited. After the 3 months and you no longer subscribe any you have downloaded will drop off your Kindle. You don't keep any of the books.

        • +19

          It's FREE, how much cheaper do you want it? LOL

          • +1

            @sparkles: I think commenter is referring to the audible type of model where you get one book to keep forever per month. This is 'free' for 3 months and then gone forever

            • +7

              @Dandaman21: Honestly, I'm more upset by the use of the word "soz".

            • +2

              @Dandaman21: I see it as a bargain as I used to subscribe paying $15 or so per month and now I get it for 3 months for nothing.

              • @amahon: Not eligible for existing customers :( No bargain for you

                • +1

                  @Dandaman21: you are incorrect , i just signed up, and it is working.

                  • -1

                    @amahon: Congratulations! Thank you for keeping me updated, what a roller coaster this has been.

      • +1

        Should be able to use Calibre to copy the Titles from the Kindle and a DRM plug-in to remove the DRM, them copy them back.
        I recall doing that in the past, but honestly have not tried for years

    • +5

      Like Sparkles said already before me, it's access to Amazon's 'Kindle Unlimited' catalogue for the 3 months. If you look at an ebook on Amazon, a lot of them will have a 'Kindle Unlimited' tag above the picture that says if it's in the catalogue or not.

      There's also Prime reading which is similar but a much smaller catalogue where any Prime member can 'borrow' up to 10 books to have on their kindle indefinitely (as long as they are subscribed).

      I think what you're thinking of is Amazon First Reads. Prime members get access to one free new ebook a month from a small (~10 or so) selection or new releases that they get to keep (even if they stop being Prime members later).

      • +1

        Thank you!

        It's so confusing that they have 3 of these.

  • +25

    I can highly recommend downloading the free Libby mobile app and borrow digital books and magazines from your local library (for free).

    • +5

      Also Borrowbox and Pressreader

    • +1

      Do the author/publisher get royalty per borrow or have Libby bought x number of digital copies and it's on rotation to borrowers?

      Asking as I just had a look and it says you can add multiply libraries to maximise your results, and wondering if at this point the moral incling to just torrent it?

      • +6

        Libby is just the middleman.
        Libraries are paying the digital copies. It's on rotation. You can put content on hold if not readily available.
        You need valid library digital accounts to access their contents. Some are free.
        Libby app is really good. I rate it above audible, and you can send books to your kindle

        • +2

          Wow, I didn’t know you could send books from Libby to your Kindle.

          Can you tell me how to do that? Do you need any other program?

          Thanks for any help

        • I thought Libby to kindle was a US only feature?

          • @diazepam: My Amazon is set up on the US market and I'm borrowing books from the LA library, so perhaps you're correct. Doesn't impact my domestic prime subs.
            Check this out

        • thanks for the tip, signed up to LA library. Just a few questions if you don't mind as the site is not the most user friendly.

          How do you get the ecard books delivered?
          Is there any fines for not returning etc (bit hard to find me as I don't really exist with sign up)


          • @Max Payne: Most importantly, you need a VPN to sign up.
            They show you your e-card when you sign up. Also they should have sent you an email from [email protected]
            No fine, book is just returned at the due date if you let it lapse.
            Interestingly, I've got an old kindle keyboard and it keeps a copy of the books. Don't think its current os version checks if it needs to be returned ^^

            • @ShouldIBuyIt: How did you verify postal address?
              “ Within two weeks you should receive a postcard in the mail asking you to confirm receipt of your e-card number and verifying your postal address. You will need to reply to this postcard by telephone or email to maintain your e-card for the 3 year term. ”

      • +2

        There was a thread on Reddit yesterday with an author (Brian McClellan) in the US, and he said that he gets higher royalties for ebook sales to libraries.

      • +9

        Unfortunately authors in Australia get nothing for copies borrowed from the library. There's public lending rights (PLR) which does give authors money per loan, but only physical books. Authors associations are pushing for Digital Lending Rights scheme in Australia.
        More info here…

        One thing digital books lent by libraries is that we do keep stats on the loans, more loans makes us look better to the council. And it helps with purchasing decisions for the collection in the future.

        Check see if you library has cloud library, it's a newer app and there's less waiting time for popular books on it.
        (source: am librarian)

        • +1

          Thank you.

          That's very useful info

      • Are torrents any good for books? I hear IRC is the goto for anything Readar can't locate.

    • +3

      ^ this
      Since I got a subscription to LA library, I've read and listened to all the books I wanted. No need to chase free or cheap kindle membership.
      Even better, transfer your kindle account to the US website and you can benefit of the family plan and share your kindle library to members of your family.

      • +3

        this link to access the page to change market place.
        Worked for my partner.

        • +1

          Will this transfer your whole AU Amazon account to the US Amazon site so that you will lose access to the AU site? What about the free kindle books that get posted here - will I need to choose the US option for these?

      • any tips on how to get one?

    • Is the range of books on Libby quite limited? I just searched for 'Baptism of Fire' (a Witcher book by Andrzej Sapkowski) and it says 'No results'. In fact it doesn't seem to have any of Andrzej Sapowski's books. I find that disappointing.

      • Libby doesn't provide the catalog, your library does.
        For example LA library has copy of that book. You can look up their catalog - requires VPN

        • I see. Thanks. It sucks my local library doesn't have a good range.
          I'll look into a VPN which will allow me to open an LA library account.

  • +1

    can you cancel earlier and keep 3 month trial?

    • +6

      Yes, cancel immediately and keep the 3 month trial

      • Thanks for pointing this out. I wasn't going to risk it, knowing I would forget.

  • Thanks OP. Anyone looking for suggestion reads, try anything from Rachel Aaron. Nearly all her books are on kindle unlimited. Fantasy. Highly enjoyable.

  • +1

    Careful as I forgot to cancel and got charged for 3 months!!! I denounced my OZB membership and don't wear the OZB T-shirt anymore.

    • +3

      I just tested it and if you cancel immediately, it still allows you the full three month access.

      • +1

        Nice! I just forgot. User error.

      • +4

        yep same here.

        Good guy amazon UX designer tells you you'll keep the entitlement before you cancel

  • Not working for me. shows a 6 months deal at $41.97

  • Amazon has restricted refund to Amazon credits. Amazon sales will go down. EBay still honour refunds.

    • +1

      Are you talking about for Kindle books?

      I haven't done a refund in awhile but if there is a major defect with your product or it doesn't perform what you would expect it to when buying it then you are entitled to a full refund still.…

      If it's just a change of mind return they can give you Amazon credit though.

    • +1

      Perhaps it's based on your track record, I received a refund to a credit card last week.
      Never had a return on a book though…perhaps you were referring to books.

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