Just wanted to see how the Ozbargainers fare on the educational level. Hope you all can contribute.
What Is Your Highest Level of Education?

Last edited 21/06/2022 - 13:23 by 1 other user
Poll Options
- 18PhD
- 82Master's
- 129Bachelor's
- 33Year 12
- 6Year 10
- 13Diploma
- 7Certificate
you forgot 'hard knocks'
.I can add the option ;)
i was going to say - where's the options for hard knocks (to the head) - put me down for that
PhD from Udemy, majoring in "Collecting Only"
Just Year 12 for me.
Surprisingly, no job that I've ever applied for has asked for a degree (super, finance and insurance industry), but I often wonder whether life would be any different if I went to uni before to get one.
Army requires completion of high school cert lol
A job that requires proof of education
@[Deactivated]: I was saying that no job I've applied for has ever asked for a degree.
The high school cert is obtained upon completion of year 10. lol
Don't talk to the jarheads - talking ain't their strong point
Similarly I've worked in IT for 20 years at various schools/education institutes and have no tertiary completion :|
Same. I've got a masters but no job ever required for me to have a degree. Im not even friend with any of my uni peers. Id say life wouldn't be different without a degree but i needed that for my visa 😅
No year 11 option?
No diploma option?
No certificate option?
The polls of late have been very lazy.
Would the diploma/certificate be equivalent to any of the options listed? If not, I will add these options
Good luck - I didn't think you could add options after posting.
You're right. Can't add them, sorry.
@RSmith: Don't be sorry.
You just needed to be educated.
Have you completed the Certificate II in ozbargainology?
I voted PhD to justify my 170-190k pay bracket from the last poll
Is timthetoolman underpaid considering he has a PhD?
I'm only 1 day a week
Is timthetoolman overpaid considering he plays golf 6 days a week?
No Trade / Tafe option? Do we mean nothing to you?
I am sorry… I can't update the options. Of course you do mean a lot. I have requested the mods to add some more options. Let's see if it is possible or not.
These days not sure if you can really consider Masters higher than Bachelors in a lot of cases. Junk masters degrees are used as a way to milk international students and for them to get PR. Doesn’t mean jack for education.
Junk masters degrees are used as a way to milk international students and for them to get PR
What does the country gain out of these junk masters degrees? The international student might get PR, so it is a win for them.
My university started handing out junk combined degrees eg. bachelor of engineering/science which wasn't recognised as a formal engineering degree basically forcing people to pay for another 2 years of masters to become qualified.
Next thing you know there's people graduating after their 3 years sham bachelor degree and calling themselves an engineer because their degree said engineering science…
Turned out to be a great money spinner because you were forced to pay for 2 years at elevated post grad rates while you took the exact same courses as the undergrads. And you still only come out as a graduate engineer… But because you've supposedly done a masters you're somehow better than everyone?
Money. Education is a massive export.
No option for diploma? Must be worthless.
Which actually aligns pretty well with my real life.
Must be worthless.
Not as worthless/unused as my business degree :')
PhD, killed my love of reading and made me a expert procrastinator. Thankfully I was awarded a scholarship so had a small HECS debt, rather than paying that back bought a WRX instead. Did not pursue an academic career, rather a 9 to 5 brain dead job, science is a joke in this country.
If I had my time again, probably looked at some trade, probably electrical engineering or something.
You are never too young to change…
I will moving to rural area next year and starting a new life actually.
Statement is more for anyone else looking at careers, look at engineering rather than Science if staying in this country.
Lines up with someone I know. In saying that, there are definitely opportunities within government for phd candidates particularly within defence.
Will be looking at those, seen a few interesting roles I can do later on.
However will take a break for awhile, will renovate my new house, build my dream garage, enjoy outdoor life. Cycle of work, traffic, city living and general BS isnt living. Covid just highlighted the imbalance work-balance in a lot of jobs. To me now, job is just a pay check.
That's life for the VAST majority of peoples working "life". Sure is for me, can't wait to get out of this shit job…
@Woody982: Which is sad really.
I do enjoy my current job in science, I managed to make a difference in several fields and helped move research in my areas into 21st century. Some days are not a job but fun to me. However its the faceless suits above the ruin things and makes things worse. Got to a point that its become too toxic and time to move on.
Yes it’s disgusting that s tradie who works and studied and STILL gets paid a wage while training (granted not a lot to start with) are far better off financially than those that pursue a job in the Science field. My husband did a bachelor of Biomedical Science then a Masters in immunology and he was paid a pitiful $60,000 a year to be a research scientist, you know, the ones that come up with cures and treatments for illnesses. If he moved to the states it would have been a different story as they actually value their Scientists. He also worked in the public hospital system in organ transplants, and would have to reapply for his job every three or so years, as his wage came from grant funding, so employment was never secure. He ended up leaving the system for these reasons and went into high school teaching (not for the faint hearted these days) as he had completed a bachelor of education as a back up. His pay was marginally better but the conditions are apalling. People think teachers have it easy with 12 weeks off a year but I can tell you that at least 6 of those weeks are spent grading assessments and writing reports. Not to mention the work 8.30 - 3.00. He used to arrive at school around 7am each day to prepare for the day’s lessons and stay back til 4.30 or 5 for meetings most weeks. Then when he got home would spend at least 4 hours calling parents, doing administrative work eg Johnny jumped out the window do several reports had to be completed. Then came the curriculum writing, lesson planning and marking work done by the students. I am so glad he is at the age he has been able to retire. I wouldn’t recommend teaching to my worst enemy , not only is the workload unmanageable. the bureaucracy is ridiculous and teachers are now meant to be pseudo parents and cover all the crap they have crammed in the curriculum. Not to mention that students can and do tell you to f*** off etc and threaten you physically with little to no consequences, perhaps a few days at home to play their Xbox. He often says he wishes he didn’t spend ten years studying when old mate down the road can charge $150 to unblock your shower. Sorry for the long rant, but education these days just doesn’t pay and then you have a HECS debt for years to get even more money off you. Take the hint, if you’re young and healthy enough change to a trade.
Government sets the tone, money for mates in monopolies but nothing for innovation / next generation.
Think in covid was reading about latest grants available, nothing expect defence. I got into science to help ALL people, not harm them, it was the final straw to jump ship. I would of previously considered the US but that has so many problems that are only getting worse, rather find something here. Certainly seeing a exodus from medicine, education and hospitality.
At least with a trade you're helping people, your efforts are valued by someone and pays ok in particular areas. I dont blame tradies at all, think its a tough job and end up with a broken body way before retirement, so there are caveats there.
Id rather be doing research to help people but in the end its a job that has to put roof over your head and food on the table. If it doesn't do that, then there is little incentive.
10 metre swimming certificate
I once attended some uh…"education" on the top floor "accessible toilet" at uni.
That counts right?
I received a certificate of attendance at kindy.
I failed :(
me toom, I was lying to make myself look better :(
Well these days you would have ‘Graduated’ from kindy, with all the pomp and ceremony of a university degree 🤦♀️
Bachelors Degree
Juris Doctor (Masters)
And admission to NSW Supreme Court despite never practicing law.Wife has 2 bachelors degrees, an MBA and some beginner level IT certs.
I am OzBargain certified.
2 batchelors and such a waste of time and money. At least the parties were fun. I don't think I spent much time sober or awake in lectures.
Now I'm looking to do GradCert. Unfortunately many healthcare degrees are not online.
You were definitely snoozing on day 1
Evidently snoozing today too.
He went through in a batch job
how many more before you get it right?
Grumpy bum
I went to uni parties without going to uni, was cheaper that way.
Uni ID was super useful though. Get onto the party double decker for free from campus to the city, then free entry to clubs and cheap af drinks.
I receive the exact same question from Google Opinion Rewards every few weeks…
At least you made 12c
12c? they only pay me 10c. (well, guess we are going into recession after all…).
Learn something new from every Slav poll…
None of the above - Add in a Grad Cert/Grad Dip option.
Pleaze explein?
University of life……..
Masters and a ton of HECS.