Hi guys,
Looking to grab a Kindle touch, need it within a month or so. Suggestions please? :) I'll be using it mainly overseas so AU warranty isn't really going to be too useful.
Hi guys,
Looking to grab a Kindle touch, need it within a month or so. Suggestions please? :) I'll be using it mainly overseas so AU warranty isn't really going to be too useful.
If you're going to the States, wait and get it there. You can pay a few dollars for 1 day shipping, and get it delivered to your hotel.
amazon.com has both US and international versions of the Kindle touch, so unless you're planning on staying in the US you should get the international version. I just bought the 3G Touch from there and it was delivered in 5 days, but there is a cheaper delivery fee for a longer leadtime (2-3 weeks).
You can order in $US or $Aus but beware - they use their own exchange rate which is not great for Aussies, so I'd advise you go with the order in $US. The bank's exchange rate should be much better.
If you buy it in the US you can get the ad-supported version which is $40 cheaper and just shows an ad on the menu and when turned off, but not when actually reading. Some people are getting this shipped to aus through a reshipping company to save $. I haven't looked into it but I expect the warranty will be international as they offer a version with international 3G coverage (they know people will move around with it).
I bought a Kindle keyboard 3G direct from the Amazon website couple of weeks ago, even with the shipping charge it was cheaper to do that than buy from just about any retailer I found in AUS. Ordered on a Tuesday and it arrived on Thursday so can't complain about the shipping time.