• expired

CPAP F20 Mask Kit Plus 5 Bonus Masks $169 (43% off) Delivered @ CPAP


Pretty specific but if you have a Resmed CPAP and wear a full face mask this is a really good deal.

Full set of headgear is usually $170 and the foam cushions are $20 a piece so this is basically either $100 worth of cushions as a bonus or 6 masks for $120 and a full mask setup for an extra $50.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Really excellent price if you use a full-face mask. Good find.

    Oh hey, looks like that site has all the Resmed masks on sale atm

    • +1

      All the other masks are also available at similar prices from other sellers e.g. NSW CPAP.
      Only this F20 mask is a good deal with 5 extra cushions included. Even NSW CPAP also has similar deal: https://www.nswcpap.com.au/collections/all-cpap-masks/produc…

    • I use the AirFit F20 (silicon). How is the foam cushion different? Are the foam really "30 day consumables", or can you clean them for longer life?

      • It may last longer, but thin foam like that I assume would degrade and lose its firmness pretty quickly.

      • They last a bit more than a month, but not by much.

        Check you health insurance. You might be able to claim one of these every year.

        • AFAIK BUPA are the only ones that covers some cost for CPAP machine itself but do not cover any costs for masks

          • @Squeezy: Teachers health covers CPAP + accessories (can't remember which tier of cover)

          • @Squeezy: Queensland Country Health cover both under their general Hospital cover up to 80%.

          • @Squeezy: BUPA only covers upto $500 on the machine too. which normally cost 2k+

      • I used to use the Silicon but it would give me a bad rash no matter how often I cleaned it. The foam pads don't do that.

        Mine will last two months with no issues.

      • +1

        FYI, if you use silicon ones thecpapclinic.com.au is throwing in a free silicon one at the same price as this deal. Never ordered with them before but I ordered one to try out the f30 (and I desperately need new head gear)

        I keep foam ones for travel. You can’t just wash them with soap and water but I keep a pack of wipes and it seems to last about a month.

        • I thought that deal ended? Got mine 6 weeks ago and had 2 weeks left of the promo then.

          No issues from that seller either.

      • Yes, they're really consumables; you /may/ be able to stretch them beyond their recommended 30 days, but it'll depend on how oily your face is, how fast they disintegrate etc.

        From experience though, the AirTouch is good for lower pressures, and tends not to be good with facial hair, or at higher pressures.

  • +7

    Come on, who else skimmed the headline and misread CPAP.

  • +1

    I can't imagine these work well with facial hair right?

    • +3

      Correct. Nasal pillow is better.

    • +1

      If you want a full face mask the foam is better than the silicon for facial hair.

      I've got a full beard and used both.

    • I use the F20 with the silicone and have a short beard and it's fine.

    • Nasal mask and sleeping mouth tape

      • does that tape really work?

        • +1

          It helps, I cant sleep with a closed mouth…..$6 ones from ebay are good.

        • +1

          I've never seen it work, and most people tend to baulk at the idea of taping their mouths, so I've stopped suggesting it!

      • Link for nasal mask and tape you speak of

  • +26

    ResMed stuff is awesome. If you've never been tested for sleep apnea and suspect you might have it, do yourself a huge favour and go get tested. You don't even realise what actually getting a good sleep feels like

    • +2

      Not to mention untreated sleep apnoea shortening your life expectancy.

    • +1

      LuthLexor…. Lex Luthor’s antithesis.

    • -5

      Im a bit skeptical about the whole sleep apnea thing …I have not seen a person who gets tested and passes the test. somehow everyone has sleep apnea.I tested since I snore and i was told to go on machine but i sleep just fine.I wake up fresh and I know if i use cpap and get used to it with more oxygen i will probably enjoy my sleep more but I dont want to get hooked to another thing.seems it opens a whole lot of other troublesome lifestyle using cpap machine

      • +4

        People who don’t have symptoms of being tired/not sleeping well/snoring tend not to get tested for sleep apnea in the first place, it’s not exactly a routine test. Before you dismiss it, maybe you should do a CPAP trial and read up on some of the research on how untreated sleep apnea increases your risk of other diseases.

      • That’s how they make money selling cpap machines 🤣

      • +2

        Just because you're asymptomatic doesn't mean you don't have sleep apnoea! I've lost count of the number of people who say they've got no issues with their sleep, wake refreshed etc. but have OSA. Your perception is your reality, of course, but if you've got other co-morbidities (eg. heart disease, diabetes, hypertension etc.), it's a problem. People are fixated with oxygen, but it's your carbon dioxide you need to be careful about, esp if you're morbidly obese; long term hypoventilation/hypercapnoea can be very ugly.

        And yes I've seen plenty of people "pass" this test (it's not an exam though …!).

  • I got tested 5 yrs ago and glad i did, i liked my dreamstation until the recall and the 2 weeks in between getting my money back and getting my new airsense10 was a nightmare, definitely get tested.

    • Do you need GP referral to get a sleep test? Also is it covered by medicare?

      • +1

        Yes GP can refer you to either a home sleep study or a in hospital study. From memory the out of the pocket cost is about $50 - $60.

        • +1

          Nah, more like 100-200 out of pocket these days, depending on where you go

          • @TheRealCJ: Wow. Both my son and I use CPAP machines and were tested about a half dozen years ago. I'm sure we were both bulk billed.

        • You can get the sleep study all for free if a gp refers you to a sleep specialist in NSW. You just have to wait.

      • There's a bunch of criteria the GP or pharmacy can assess you. If you're "at risk" then the actual test is bulk billed, the CPAP/sleep study might charge a small gap fee for admin, equipment hire, etc. Definitely get a check!

        • Gp refused to refer me and said the wait list was 1 or 2 years, had to get a private sleep study done for $200

          • @Mixhael: If you did the simple little questionnaire test and came back with probable Sleep Apnea and your GP refused to refer me, your GP is an idiot.

            My brother very rarely sees a GP and often different ones. Had undiagonosed Sleep Apnea to many years, now he has serious kidney problems from very high blood pressure for years. It's all related, so get tested people.

            • @AdosHouse: Yeah I ticked most of those boxes but the GP didn't want to refer me. I had even been referred 2 years previously by a different GP (didnt end up doing it regretfully) but this GP insisted I didn't qualify or need it. At the time I was hugely sleep deprived.

              Got it done privately and turns out I stop breathing for 10 seconds+ every 50 seconds haha

              • @Mixhael: Great isn't it. My test showed 31/hr with an average of 24 seconds each. Longest was about 1.5 minutes. My blood pressure came down quite a lot after starting CPAP treatment.

                • @AdosHouse: Yeah I'm amazed how I slept so bad without noticing it sooner. And the sleep with it on after 1 month of almost no sleep was one of the best feelings I've ever had. I didn't even care I got ripped off for the CPAP machine as it was what I needed at that time. Glad to know you're doing better, I myself don't use it every night since I'm still looking for the right mask.

                  • @Mixhael: There has been one downside to CPAP therapy, before I could sleep anywhere from 4-8 hours and be okay all day because my body was used to crap sleep. Now if I don't get 7-8 I hate on everything. Though that could just be having a customer facing job and the years catching up.

                    I need to wear a full mask, since I have crap nose breathing and tend to breathe through my mouth when sleeping.

                    • @AdosHouse: I think that might just be getting older haha, when I was younger I could get by on 4 hours of sleep and still be cheery, but now I'm a very grump man if I get less than 6 haha

    • May i ask what happened to the recall of dreamstation? Did u get a replacement or money back?

      • So called "Foamgate".

    • Out of interest, which device have you preferred? The Phillips or the Resmed device?

  • +5

    You don't need to be using a Resmed CPAP device to use this mask.

    With the 5 extra cushions, this is not a bad deal.

    I use BMC NM4 nasal masks, which can be had from Aliexpress for under $50 delivered, and you get 3 cushion sizes as well.

  • +2

    Cant get used to the machine, trying for years and can't get used to it.

    • Are you using a CPAP or an APAP? APAP is well worth the extra cost

      • +2

        People often interchange CPAP with APAP nowaday. ResMed CPAPs include both fixed pressure and autoset pressure (APAP) models.

        • True. The APAP is the only way to go though I reckon, it doesn't fight you breathing in/out, and it automatically uses the best pressure no matter what.

    • I have a CPAP and a MAS (Mandibular Advancement Splint) the CPAP completely stops my snoring so it's the one that predominantly use so that I can sleep next to my partner. If I use the MAS and sleep on my side it greatly helps my Apnea and the quality of my sleep is greatly improved, I just still snore. The MAS I find a lot easier to get to sleep with and if my partner is away on business I will generally prefer to wear that and keep the CPAP for when they're around.

    • You may need to adjust the RAMP setting on the machine, if you haven’t tried that already

  • Anyone imported one of the lower priced CPAP machines from Aliexpress or elsewhere? Recommendations?

    • Following. I'm about due to upgrade my old S9. Hard to justify well over a k though. Sucks that Medicare and (my) PHI don't cover any of such an essential treatment.

      • Is tax time though, can claim as work expense

        • +4

          I'm not sure my accountant is that creative.

        • +2


    • +1

      A friend bought one of the BMC ~$500 devices on ebay a few years ago & still works as good as a Resmed.
      But whatever you choose, a couple of things:

      • Make sure its a universal 15mm hose so it fits any mask
      • Your luddite sleep doc who can't print to pdf, & has shares in resmed, will complain they can't read the 'disk'. So make sure you can spit out a detailed sleep report on paper.
    • +1

      I'm up for a bargain, but I'm just not that confident the ones from Aliexpress are any good. I'd always be suspicious it isnt ramping or responding to events as it should and/or calibrated corrected. For something that is connected to your breathing (and while you're asleep), is it venting out enough of the CO2 or are breathing it back in and causing a lot more problems?

      • yeah, hence why I'm asking for recommendations on a particular product.

      • +2

        Whilst your concerns are certainly valid, the truth is CPAP is not a new technology. If we were dealing with tech that was only a couple of years old, then yes, 'cheap chinese' may be a concern.

        As I posted above, I use BMC masks with no issues, and whilst you could argue that masks are different, I would argue they are just as important as the machine. A brilliant machine and crappy mask will give crappy results.

        As mlakmlak says, a lot of medical professionals will turn their nose up at brands that aren't the big recognised ones, but that's because the medical supply industry as corrupt!

      • BMC ones are sold in Australia these days although are still cheaper from Ali express. IMO if the options are that or nothing due to cost limitations, I’d go BMC.

    • +1

      I usually buy from the Usa. 1800cpap.

      • I bought my first CPAP (ResMed S9 Autoset) also from 1800cpap and recently bought the new AirSense 10 Autoset locally in Sydney. The saving in price is probably around $200 (not counting the inflation over the years) and you miss out on the local longer Australian warranty too. Not worth it for me to buy from oversea.

        • I buy mostly masks and accessories nowadays and they are at least 30-40% cheaper than here when u buy in bulk.

          • @ChaseTheSun: Luckily I am using masks with silicone cushions, no need to replace very frequently, so I don't buy in bulk. Same with tubes. As for filters, I can buy them cheap from eBay.

    • +1

      Thing to keep in mind is what materials are inside it?

      Philips a huge multinational had cancer causing foam in their machines, bad but the recall was announced and enforced, would you know if a particular Aliexpress brand had issues or was recalled?

    • FWIW I bought myself a "lightly used" RedMed S9 Auto w/humidifier from secondwindcpap in the US around 8yrs ago. Took about 1.5 weeks to arrive in Perth and was ~30% of purchasing new within Australia. I was concerned about the warranty but figured worst-case I could order a 2nd unit from the US and still not have spent as much as ordering from an Australian store. The USD$ conversion rate has changed since then however.

      They currently have a refurbed ResMed S10 auto for US$689 (roughly AU$1k plus shipping) which is still cheaper than the AU$1395 being asked at cpap.com.au although this is for a new unit.

      EDIT: Updated URL to correct autoset unit

      • Same here. My S9 is still in use!

  • I'm using the p30i mask but thinking of getting a full head mask for the times my nose is blocked. Any recommendations?

    • +2

      If you're a side sleeper the F30i mask works like a champ.

    • but when nose is blocked P30i unblocks your blocked nose? constant positive pressure flow of air unblocks the nose>

      • Seems like it does but when i put it on and try to keep my mouth closed then it feels like i am just suffocating until it opens my nose haha

    • -1

      Buy a pack of Breathe Right strips for $10 and see if that helps. I use the large size and although I've had a deviated septum operation, I can't breathe through my nose well, but the strips and air pressure from the nasal pillows works for me. I used to also have a chin strap but after a few years I've stopped using the strap and although I have some air leakage, I still have a low number of events from the Resmed app. Afaik the difference between apap and not apap is that apap starts low e.g. 4 and ramps up, e.g. 11, once you're asleep

    • -1

      Consider a nasal rinse with salt+chilled water. The water must be boiled first though because of the brain eating amoeba stuff.

  • +1

    If you are already a seasonal CPAP user, I will stick with the silicon mask. The foam cushion is nice, and maybe it will help people who have just started their therapy. But one of the purposes of the foam cushion from a business point of view is that a silicon mask can last a long time. Resmed wants us to continue to buy $20 foam cushions every few months rather than a one-off payment for a silicon mask and never buy anything for a few years.

    • Even the silicon masks will eventually split, but yes, almost like the hated subscription models.

    • +2

      I replace the silicone mask on my F20 every few months. I find the silicone gets softer and doesn't seal as well over time.

      • Uh … you shouldn't need to replace the cushion every few months. If you are, you should be looking at why it's degrading so quickly, and how often you're cleaning it.

    • I have used both the Silicone and Foam and I got problematic dermatitis and other issues from the Silicone even using Remzzzs. I also have a full beard and the silicone hates that but the foam handles it fine.

  • Hi, I'd be interested in any advice on buying a cpap machine, I've never had one so all new to it.
    I've been advised already to get the AirSense 10 AutosSet machine, but It looks like they come as 3g, 4g or SD card? I was looking in USA and said 3g was on its way out in 2022 and will not work on this machine then? I maybe wrong as new to this.
    Also any other machines to compare to this?
    Any help would be great.

    • +1

      I have an AirSense 10 AutoSet (was also recommended this & never looked at any other options really). Am really happy with it except the price of consumable parts — definitely shop around & clean regularly / keep them in good condition to help with longevity.

      I don't know if you get to choose between 3G & 4G these days — here are the submodels & features. My AutoSet has 4G + SD. 4G is used to send data to ResMed which ends up in the myAir app. I've only ever used the SD card once or twice to bring results to my sleep specialist & I saw they used ResScan (not available to the general public) to view / analyse the results.

      The AirSense 11 just launched in the US. If you're not in a hurry (not completely practical given the impact of sleep apnea), might be worth checking that out & waiting.

      • Thanks for that info, I see a few advertised in Australia are 3g when i look at buying? I did see the AirSense 11 was out in usa, but couldn't find anyone with stock?

        • +1


          I brought the KIT when it was on special - I went with F&P SLEEPSTYLE AUTO -
          1. smaller unit
          2. less night stand room taken up
          3. heated tube
          Did a little research and it was a toss up between this and the resmed at the time the resmed was dearer
          After trial of a few maskes I went with https://store.airliquidehealthcare.com.au/en/masks/philips-d…?
          I didn't like Hose out front and preferred hose out top nose only cussion and Im happy with it - Jan 2022 start date
          Range of comfort options - ThermoSmart humidification, SensAwake and expiratory relief

          • A new lightweight ThermoSmart AirSpiral breathing tube
          • Simple set up and start
          • Easily accessible water chamber for cleaning and filling
          • Quiet performance
          • Fully integrated humidifier
          • Instant access to sleep data
          • Compact carry-bag for on the go

          • @Jettblack: Thanks, I'll look into both machines, and I'll look at the hose options, I didn't realise they had so many options?

    • +4

      I have been using a Resmed S9 since 2014 and when I travel I use the Resmed AirMini portable. My S9 is well past the life of the motor, and I intent to use the airMini permantly when the S9 does die. Mask wise I used to use the Fisher and Paykel, but now use the N20 cushion for both home and travel. Highly recommend the N20 myself. I have also tried the Philips CPAP machine when I was originally diagnosed. So choosing a machine, consider the airMini if you travel ortherwise the AirSense 10 will serve you many years. The mask will be where you have to make some decisions. When I started, the Sleep doctors let me try a few different ones and I liked the F&P, however when I got the AirMini for travel it came with the N20, which I prefer and now only use. Your private fund may pay some money. Mine paid from memory areound $600, but would not pay if I bought it from overseas unfortunately. I wouldn't get too hung up on 3G, 4G etc. After the novelty wears off and you know it works for you, you just go in one a year or so to buy new mask pieces. On the topic of sleep when I started I went from 8+ hours to 6.5 immediately and wake up with the joys of spring. I did not realise how my my sleep/day was impacted by untreated sleep apnea. I can't actually sleep without it now. the que of putting on the mask is now what sends me to sleep. Best of luck. Feel free to PM needed.

      • +1

        This > I can't actually sleep without it now. the que of putting on the mask is now what sends me to sleep. - I hear ya

      • +1

        Thanks rabbit71, unfortunately that's probably the only thing I've found that my health fund doest cover, but no real issue.
        That was good to know about the 3g/4g issue, I thought it meant it wouldn't work properly?
        Good to know you went down in sleep time but felt better, an anaesthetist told me it won't make your sleep any better? But your health long term is was it will help with. It was the anaesthetist and nurses that made me aware that I might have a sleep apnia and to get checked out when I was in for a procedure.

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