This was posted 2 years 8 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

PNY GeForce RTX 3080 XLR8 RGB 10GB Video Card $1199 Delivered ($0 NSW C&C) @ PC Byte


Prices are continuing to drop and this is a low price for an RTX 3080 10GB card if you're looking to buy now. Otherwise it's worth mentioning that prices will likely to continue to drop so you can HODL, and yes this card is LHR.

Free delivery and click and collect available in NSW.

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closed Comments

  • +55

    With BTC now down below 20k, is it true that you can also run these things on the tears of crypto miners?

    • You could use QuickMiner since they've broken LHR and I believe LHRv3 for the 3050 and 3080 12GB has been broken or at least partially broken recently. I haven't researched it much though so I could be wrong.

      • +12

        Mining is worth paperclips atm. Eth down 80% lol. Probably cost more in power consumption now than it makes. It's tanked bigtime

        • +9

          I've always been tempted to take the car out to the free charging stations that have Tesla + normal power points and have a rig in the backseat with an extension cord going. Mining with no power costs!

          • @Clear: I saw a marketplace ad where someone was trying to offload antminers recently, but you’d have to do a shitload of free mining to make it back haha

  • +8

    It's been this price since 12th, so nothing to do with the cliff dive in recent days and more a return to proper pricing that's been happening for some time now.

    • +7

      People like to attribute the prices to Crypto because it's what MSM feeds us. In reality it's just Nvidia doing their shady business practices.

      • +3

        You mean nvidia and amd?

        Just a coincidence that the prices dropping align with hash rate levelling out and now dropping? And the rough start of the spike in hash rate end of 2020? I do realise correlation and causation and all that jazz, but if you calculate how many "3070 equivalent" GPUs have gone into mining it's insane.

        It's definitely an over simplification to blame it ALL on mining, for example the hit in consumer confidence would definitely have impacted sales too. But to simply go "nvidia got..bored?…of profits and are dropping prices" seems a bit off.

        • No what do you mean man? Nvidia are evil and anti consumer, AMD is the underdog and our friend /s

          • @Yeahbudsimmons: And then along came the 6x50xt series

            • @Pugkin: Yep pretty much. AMD will do what nvidia can get away with, and nvidia will do what AMD can get away with

              • @Yeahbudsimmons: Exactly, I absolutely despise corporate fanboyism, pretending one corporation is their friend while the other is their enemy when in reality both just want your money

      • +4

        Charging what the market will bare isn’t shady business practices; it’s capitalism baby.

        • +1

          No! It should be the same price as the 780!
          I don't get the demands that premium cards should be cheaper, the market has shown it will pay ans added additional low end cards for those with smaller budgets.

          Let's be real, most people are apparently gaming at 1080, they don't need the next gen.

  • People shouldn’t be looking at these right now considering next gen performance uplift is thru the roof.

    • Bad advice, no guarantee 40xx series would be cheaper or better value. Nvidia also needs to sell their 3080s, its still the best selling card in May this year.

      • +1

        Miners have slowly begun listing cards in the US, if this land slide starts, retailers will have to lower price further. I suggest you sell your stuff now before they are worth less than half RRP. I dont want them tho.

        • +3

          I only have 1 GPU remaining, I need it to play all the FREE games from Epic.

        • So we are told.
          Where are these GPU's that miners are selling off in droves?

          • @beeze: I didnt say it has started full fledge, but slowly beginning.


            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: I've seen the articles. Selling cards at under RRP, shocking!
              Most cards I've seen used are not cheaper than the deals we are seeing here, they're not checking ozbargain before they list them, just remembering what stupid amount they paid.

              • @beeze: True, there will always be uninformed buyers.

  • +3

    Plenty of eBay sellers delisting when they can’t get the money they thought they could.

    Still asking $250 for a clapped out RX580. They’re worth $100 on a good day.

    Next gen will make these cheap.

    • +1

      I agree, not a lot of action until new gen is out and available. Some more movement, not a lot more used on market, not a lot at good prices.

    • +4

      So you're negging the deal because other sellers are delisting their GPUs. What a crock of shit.

      • -3

        Mods have stopped enforcing inappropriate negs.


  • +2

    if next gens make 3080 cheaper, i will just buy another one. I think that's what they call DCA.

  • Shield wall!

    [next gen!!]

    Ah shoot, what do we do now?

    • +7

      Feel free to link a cheaper 3080. Or even better post one for a change.

      • -1

        That's my point. Are you a politician? Read the post. The last time crypto was this low 3080 was $1120

        • +1

          Where is the cheaper one?

          • -8

            @Clear: It's in 2020

            • +3

              @Jimmy77: Where is the time travel machine then? That was then and not now.

              Why not neg everything else posted on OzBargain because of inflation? Things cost more now.

              • -1

                @Clear: That's rather deceitful of you this will be sub $1200 in 3 weeks. Crypto nov 20 to last week.

                • @Jimmy77: Why don't you build a time machine and travel to 3 weeks from now and "find one cheaper"

                • +1

                  @Jimmy77: I'm not the one trying to say deals from 2020 that were cheaper than this are now cheaper than this.

                  • -2

                    @Clear: I'm saying that because they were. You're aware of that right? They were low 1100's in 2020.

                    Anyway the 12GB was only $50 more recently. It's a shit deal. Sounds like you're not even aware of what prices were in 2020

                    • @Jimmy77: They were but not now. Where is a cheaper 3080?

                      • @Clear: So how is this a deal or bargain if you admit they're more expensive

                        • @Jimmy77: It's the cheapest currently available. OzBargain itself even says normal pricing can be deals.

                          • -3

                            @Clear: Well I hope you're proud of yourself for pumping something priced to hashrate on the eve of a crypto crash. Not a bargain though lol nor a deal. A deceitful ripoff.

                            Hope you reel in some unfortunate customers with this like your friends did with those asrocks.

                            • +2

                              @Jimmy77: I look forward to seeing a positive contribution from you one day. Perhaps in 3 weeks we can see a <$1200 3080 shared by you?

                              There's no Associated tag either so I don't work for PC Byte 😂

                              • +1

                                @Clear: So if this drops to $1189 is that a whole new deal for a whole new day? Like others have pointed out this isn't a drop but whatever fits your narrative

                                • +1

                                  @Jimmy77: I'd say 40 other people disagree with you. Odds aren't in your favour there.

                                  • @Clear: We've gone over that in another deal. The $749 RX6600 EAGLE received 62 upvotes. They all want high gpu prices because they bought them already.

                                    Nothing personal sorry if I offend. Many here have an agenda to keep gpu values high (like the double negative hashrate guy). They post these deals knowing their bad or on the verge of a crash.

                                    So I'm assuming you're trying to protect 3080 values rather than share a great 3080 deal with others. I've based this on the fact it's not really any cheaper than last 3 months, and coinciding with crypto crash,

                    • @Jimmy77: Stop living in the past! Jeeeez. You're basing it on pure speculation that these will be cheaper soon. Show a better price for now???

                • @Jimmy77: It is sub 1200

              • +5

                @Clear: Don't mind jimmy, he's a time waster. Even at $500 he's not gonna buy it, just a typical troll.

                • +2

                  @[Deactivated]: Yeah I figured. Always a bit of fun to see a troll's logic 😉

                • @[Deactivated]: What are you going to do with the old rig? It won't make a cent in a few days (the way we going).

                  Rather than put them in storage I would hook them up in series and use them to warm my fishtank. You might even be able to breed discus. Buy some water blocks, work out the roi, raise some discus and bobs ya uncle

                  • @Jimmy77: Not not a troll. Just fighting the pro inflation mining culture of this subforum.

                    It's a bargain website not a tool for you to protect your gpu's value. You really need to remind yourselves of that

                    • @Jimmy77: Seriously, how many people here are worried about their gpu price value os going to go down??
                      I couldn't care less what the resale value is…… i've never sold an old card in my life. Hell, i still have a 8800gtx lol. What gives you the opinion that people want to keep the price up??

                  • @Jimmy77: Clear is respected member of ozb, many of his posts were useful, more than 2000s.

                    And yet you has ZERO post. no contribution whatsoever besides negging this deal and comparing it against 2020 price.

                    • @[Deactivated]: Nice spin. I wasn't aware of his illustrious status. Clearly shouldn't be if he's pumping deals like this though. Maybe he bought a gpu and sensed a price fall so posted this lol.

                      Whereas you yourself are a true ozbargain campaigner. Not a troll at all who gets negged -20 on every post he makes. My post is a true beacon. The contribution is to tell people not to buy it because it's a ripoff about to drop in price. And yeah also because it cost more than you personally paid in 2020. Great humans on here (hiding what they paid in 2020 whilst recommending these deals)

                      • +3


                        Clearly shouldn't be if he's pumping deals like this though.

                        The real deal churners who care about post counts and votes are the ones sharing the same free ebooks and Colesworth specials every week. I often go for less popular and more niche products (like eScooters as a recent example) to add some variety to the usual things shared.

                        Of course at the same time I will share what I predict to be popular with OzBargainers if I see it.

                        • +1

                          @Clear: My apologies. There are a lot of members on this video card sub forum distorting deals (because they want gpu prices to remain high). This particular deal being not that good (more or less been this price for weeks and the 12GB has been better value) and posted during the crypto crash I thought it warranted a neg. But I particularly negged it to combat the culture of miners here posting lots of bad deals whenever they sense a crash in gpu prices.

                          Keep up the good work and contributions

                          • @Jimmy77: I also hate crypto miners but this deal is currently a good deal available at the moment, and I don't think your reasons are fair to warrant a neg.

                      • +2

                        @Jimmy77: JV got negged many times than I did, and he's a LEGEND!

  • Can this card run on 650W 80+ GOLD PSU? Probably going to use it as stock and mainly on video editing software.

    • +2

      Depends on the rest of your system. There are calculators and many reviews including power are showing the total system power.

    • Im in the same boat and I'd say no you need a psu upgrade. Ive got a seasonic 650w gold psu with ryzen 3600xt currently running a 2060 super fine. When i add a 3080 into a pc parts picker list it ends up at 530ish watts total draw. I feel that unless I under volted the card, a 850W PSU upgrade is on the cards.

    • +2

      As others have said it depends on your system but fwiw ran a 3080 eagle oc with a manual oc on top for 6+ months on a 650W 80 - no issues.

    • +1

      Oh don't ask that!! Jimmy77 will accuse you of being in the psu market to keep prices up lmao

  • clearly the evil corporations are tricking us with their mischievous schemes to pillage our gold

  • -1

    i have no idea why there would be anyone who buy 3080 10g(even not 12g) at this price instead of a 6900xt .

    • Only reasons are they want better ray-tracing, DLSS and CUDA video encoding.

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