Furniture Tradesmen Recommendation to Restore

We have nice furniture (cabinet, buffet, etc).

It's fairly old and the the coat is peeling.

See photo:…

Would anyone know how to go about finding someone to restore it. Just need some sort of paint.. Don't know anything about restoring furniture. So not sure who to search for.


  • Don't think slapping paint on that will fix it. Looks like there's a clear coat cover that's peeling, likely due to age and sun exposure. That'll need to be removed, completely buffed, polished and clear coat applied again. Doubt will be cost-effective work.

    • Yeah. So you know what type of professional I should search for to fix it? It's worthwhile getting a quote anyways.

      • +1

        Stick "furniture restoration" in maps…

        • Thanks a lot

  • Do you actually want to restore it as you also say "just needs some paint". Two vastly different things. Anyway, I haven't used them but I ran into this bloke about a year ago. Seems to have been doing it for a while and has a decent workshop so much be doing something right:

    • To be honest, I'm not sure how to go about it. I'm trying to identify correct professional who can advice.

      • If you want it to look like it did when new then you need someone who does furniture restoration. If you want to paint it blue then you need a trip to Bunnings.

  • It looks like it may be French polished and that is the shellac peeling off.
    French polishing is a trade (though I don’t suppose a very common one anymore) and they will be able to restore the furniture.
    Don’t fall off your chair at the pice, though. It is very labour intensive, and takes time and skill to do a good job - which mean dollars.

    • Agree. It’s not just varnished and will be expensive to restore.

  • I think it’s a cheap Chinese import, not worth restoring, I don’t think it’s real veneer looks more like melamine that’s been given a clear coat.
    Have a look at the Color change on the edgestrip. Would only be worth restoring if it had sentimental value.

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