• long running

30-Day Free Trial Subscription to Everyday Extra from Everyday Rewards (Then $7 Per Month)


I received an invite for a 30 day free trial to Woolworths' subscription version of its rewards program, which includes a monthly offer of 10% a shop up at Woolies and Big W (max discount of $50/month each), 3 x points per dollar on shopping and extra discounts/points boosters.

After the trial, pricing is $7/month or $59/year. Seems like a no brainer, would well and truly pay for itself with a monthly shop over $70 (if paying monthly) or $49.16 (if paying annually) just on the monthly shopping discount alone.

Extracts from the FAQs from the offer:

What is Everyday Extra?
Everyday Extra from Everyday Rewards is a new subscription service designed to save you extra on your everyday shopping. Your Everyday Extra subscription is linked to your Everyday Rewards membership, and gives you access to a whole new level of extra benefits to help you get extra value from your everyday shopping, including:
● Extra Discount: 10% off one shop per month at Woolworths and 10% off one shop per month at BIG W
● Extra Points: 3x Everyday Rewards points on every shop at Woolworths and BIG W (please note points exclusions apply on certain products)
● Extra Perks like free products, exclusive subscriber offers and extra points boosters

How does Everyday Extra work with my Everyday Rewards membership?
Everyday Extra works side-by-side with your Everyday Rewards membership to help you stack on extra savings and benefits. When you subscribe to Everyday Extra, your Everyday Extra benefits will be activated on your Everyday Rewards account.

What does early access to Everyday Extra mean?
Early access to Everyday Extra will only be available to a limited number of Everyday Rewards members while we are currently trialling this new subscription service. Once the limit of Everyday Rewards members able to enjoy early access of Everyday Extra is reached, no additional members will be able to subscribe until Everyday Extra is made available to all members.

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (950)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards


  • -1

    GaaS - probably in response to Coles Plus https://shop.coles.com.au/a/national/select-subscription

    • Is the Coles Plus worth the effort if you don't do online shopping ?

    • +2

      this would be different as Coles Plus is in response to Woolworths Delivery Unlimited.

      This more like Flybuys Max.

      • Thanks Yes I think your right ):

  • So basically a paid version of the staff (Plus) card in regards to the once-a-month bonus discounts.

  • +1

    Possible combine with Woolworth mobile discount?

    • Unikely. They'd be 2x 10% discounts rather than doubling up to 20%

    • The FAQ confirms no stacking, the 10% discounts can only be redeemed on separate chosen shops.

    • They won't stack. (I used to hold a Plus card.)

    • -1

      It does!

      I currently enjoy 10% off my shop at Woolworths as a Woolworths Insurance, Mobile or Credit Card customer. Will I get another 10% off each month from Everyday Extra?

      Yes! If you’re a Woolworths Insurance, Woolworths Mobile or Woolworths Credit Cards customer, you will receive a 10% Extra Discount from Everyday Extra each month in addition to your monthly discount from Woolworths Insurance, Woolworths Mobile or Woolworths Credit Cards, which means you can redeem two total 10% discounts on separate chosen shops in a month at Woolworths.

  • +2

    Woolworths insurance and mobile customers get the 10% off. Woolworths house insurance is a rip off though and significantly more than RACV.

  • +4

    Currently doing this with sim cards for the same price :p $45 for 9 months iirc

  • +7

    Great, another (profanity) subscription service.

    • +5

      time to pirate woolworths


  • Receive targeted points offers - many times a month, which are much better value. Like 3000pts for $50 Woolies shop. Almost never shop at BigW, but receive offers.

    But never received those offers on card linked to Woolies Car Insurance with 10% off once a month. Lost out receiving that benefit.

    So paying to get 10% off at Woolies isn't attractive to me. Especially if good targeted offers I receive dry up.

    • I think (hope) that part of the point of this is that subscribers will receive better and more regular targeted points offers in addition to the discounts. Will have to wait and see.

      • Found better offers could be achieved free, by having more than 1 Rewards account for family. The more cards the better the chance, & then can choose the best offers to use😉

        Last month, received topup of $130 worth of points @Woolies for total spend of under $10
        Plus topup of $32.50 of points @BigW for total of 90c spend.
        And quite a few 3100pts & 3000pts for $50 Woolies shops & other good offers.

        I rarely spend more than $50 per shop, so 10% off one shop per month isn't interesting to me.

        Extra Points: 3x Everyday Rewards points on every shop….I don't click on 5x pt offers now, just boosting large point offers.

        Although they promise Extra Perks like free products, exclusive subscriber offers and extra points boosters
        So offers would need to be very attractive to be worth me paying!

        • What offer gave you 26k points for under $10 spend?

          • @Yapapi: See the Deal discussed in link above.
            (Received negs for being lucky & receiving offer on all family cards. Some missed out as not targeted.)

            I posted a better targeted 16k pt for 8c spend!

    • Why do you think the targeted offers would dry up if you join this?

      • As I explained above, based on my experience with Rewards account linked to Woolies Car Insurance (with 10% off 1 shop per month).

        No targetted offers in a year. Linked to another Rewards account following year - good targeted offers returned on first account & disappeared on next account.

        Targeted offers lost were worth far more than the 10% off 1 shop per month!

        • Just received a targeted offer for 4,500 points. No similar offer on my wife's card.

          • @Yapapi: Is that after signing up to this offer?
            Did your wife join too?

            I found random targeted offers continued for a short time after signing up to Woolies Insurance. Then none, just 10% off 1 shop per month.

            Tell us how it goes.

            I spend little & receive a lot of points - may be why I wasn't invited to trial your Deal😉

            4,500 pts on what spend?
            It's the points per $ that is important in offers! And if offer suits your spending pattern.

            Today received fairly regular targeted 3100pt on $50 spend (31%Cr).
            Suits me as my spend is usually $50 & have $60 from points on that card from recent targeted offers.

            Larger pt offers on larger spend eg 5400pt on $100 Spend (received 3100pt on $50 in that Deal) - don't suit me. So usually bin those.

            • @INFIDEL: $100 over one or more shops, but with babies (and so nappies) and other non perishables, that's easy to get to with just normal shopping.

              And no, wife hasn't joined.

  • pity you can’t combine a membership over multiple household cards?

  • Can out buy gift cards

  • And so it begins.

  • I think anyone can get it if you have the link… OP can share

  • Is this available to sign up for now? Can't see anything Everyday Extra on the Woolies Rewards website.

  • +3

    Hi everyone, this free trial subscription is not targeted. Anyone can join. Here's the link. Click "Start your 30-day free trial":


    I didn't get the email and was able to sign up. Got the confirmation email straightaway. When you scan your card, the 10% discount shows up at the Woolies checkout as an option if you want to use it, before you pay.

  • P.S. I've informed the moderator that it's not targeted with the link.

  • Can the 10% be applied in store?

    Edit: nvm

    Your Extra Discount for June
    Get 10% off one shop this month, online or in-store, at Woolworths and BIG W. You decide when to use your discount.

    Simply scan your Everyday Rewards card at Woolworths and BIG W and look for the prompt when you're at the checkout.

  • +3

    If you sign up now it looks like you will get 10% off in June and again in July under the free 30 day trial.

    Thanks OP.

    • +1

      Indeed, just bought an iPad with $50 off at Big W.

  • +2

    $59 for 12 months. Good deal considering it gives you an additional 10% off your shop if you already hold insurance. mobile,etc

  • +1

    Early access to Everyday Extra from Everyday Rewards is only available to a limited number of registered Everyday Rewards members.

    If you’re not a registered Everyday Rewards member, or you try to subscribe once the limit of Everyday Rewards members able to access Everyday Extra early has been reached, unfortunately you won’t be able to subscribe.

  • Free early trial offer came through - on least used Rewards card! Don't use much because it receives no good targeted offers, so has hardly any pts & $0.

    Other cards this week received the fairly regular targeted offer of 3100pt for $50 spend!

    Considered it…
    Extra has max discount of $50/month on $500 spend (my Woolies spend is half that), & almost never shop at BigW (spend around $40 in rare good targeted pts offers).
    So discount would be around $25/mth.

    But already receive over $50/mth in targeted points @Woolies - without paying for Extra or spending a lot more than I do now!

    Not worth it for me, even free.
    Spending on card with Extra (with little benefit) would take finds away from spending to qualify for better targeted offers.

    After all, increasing spending patterns is all Woolies is interested in😉

  • +1

    I saved $28 during the free trial - think this is worth it. Just trying to figure out if I pay for an annual plan does the period start at the date I joined (start of trial) or 12 months from my first payment

  • If you cancel during the free 30 day trial, do you keep the benefits until end of 30 days or does it take effect immediately?

    • You keep the benefits until end of 30 days.

  • the rest of us will end up paying for the "benefits" received by these subscribers - ripoff!!

  • Question guy's so if I pay via a %5discounted seniors gift card will I still be eligible for the %10 off on this deal.
    Also is it 3x points on every Shop not just the 1 discounted shop

    • +1

      Yes and yes

  • Updates to the subscription https://www.woolworthsrewards.com.au/extra/updates.html

    • 10% discount can no longer be used online
    • Rewards reduced from 3x points to 2x points
    • Annual cost increase from $59 to $70

    Seems effective immediately for new subs, delayed for existing subs

    • Similar downgraded benefits for Woolworths delivery subscribers as well.

      Only compensation is 3 months free service added on which I guess is something they didn't have to offer.

      Sucks big time for me as we are used to loading up our first online delivery shop each month with around $400 groceries. Now we can't get the 10% discount via everyday extras. Hopefully still can use the Woolworths Mobile discount I have.

  • 4000pt offer for joining Everyday Extra!
    Targeted offer email 30/6/23, subject:
    Pocket 4000 points with Everyday Extra🎁
    *To sweeten the lowered benefit

    Received on only 1 of the family's many Rewards accounts! So not worthy of a Deal.

    Sign up to free trial before 14/7/23
    Then pay at least first month ($7)
    4000pt ($20) added 21/8/23

    Handy as just received Targeted offer on same account of 5300pt on $100 @Woolies.
    Buy $111.12 for $100 this week.
    Receive 9300pt ($46.50)💰

    Subscribed today👍
    Will only stay for 1 paid month, (for bonus points & another 10% off shop) for $7 fee🎉

    Wasn't convinced when this started as have $50/w spends & receive good bonus offers
    4000pt changed my mind (for 2 months).
    *Mainly shop @Woolies in store, so hardly affected by recent changes.
    Received 16,000pt on $82 Woolies shop last week - effectively FREE groceries💰

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