This was posted 12 years 9 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Diablo 3 Original Box $2 - for People Who Bought CD KEY Only but Would like a Box for Collection



Our idea is just to sell to people who regret after purchased a CD KEY and now want a box to put on the shelf for collection with their other games

*This price is only for MELBOURNE pick up price only. We located in the Melbourne CBD.
*Happy to post if you pay the postage (Aust standard post)
*Limited box available

This deal is only for people who bought the CD KEY and now want an original Diablo 3 Box for collection.


This box included

1 x Diablo 3 quick start guide
2 x Diablo 3 EU guest passes
1 x WOW guest pass
1 x Original Diablo 3 installation DVD for MAC / PC
1 x DVD case
1 x Diablo 3 cover Box

How to order?

Add to cart -> Delivery method select pick up from store -> Payment method select pick up from store -> Order comment write what time and date to pick them up -> Press confirm

If you want it to be post, please select it from the Available option in the product's page

Happy gaming in the hell of D3 :)


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closed Comments

  • +23


    • +23

      I love how


      Has +5, and

      This has got to be a joke

      has -6.

    • +1

      cd key cossts $35 plus box for $2 = $37 for boxed game

      make sense now?…

      • You can't get it for $35.

        • +1

          i was just giving an example of what the point of something like this is

          anyway cjshavent updatedtheir xchange rate, it seems to be $6.50 or so, entering shipping estimates did not change the price

      • nm

  • only 2? the aus version has 3 guest passes

    • Exactly what I was going to say. It also doesn't specify whether you get the manual/quick start guide.

      • +2

        Sorry - added the quick start guide. Missed it. (Thanks for letting me know)

        For the guest pass, i have no idea. It came with 2 guest pass only in the box.


  • How many do you have?

    • +4

      many :)

  • +5

    Pretty niche, but still handy to some

  • +9

    Props for an original idea.. I prefer having a physical box + media! :)

  • +1

    wish you were located in sydney :(

    • +11

      I hate australia post for charging so much on postage :(

      • +3

        this is also true

      • flatten the box, and throw everything in, you should be able to get cheap postage like that..? like $3?

        • the plastic cd case cannot be flatten :( otherwise 60 cents but risky because the CD might break on delivery.

        • +1

          Cd case? what CD case… i got a cardboard sleeve..

          The smart thing to do, would be to remove the plastic CD case and put them in plastic sleeves, because we can buy plastic CD cases any day of the week(use an old CD case ?), what people really want is everything else, from the papers, cardboards, etc..

          saving buyers money.. essentially, you are making people pay $4 for a plastic Cd case.. you can just find an old CD case or.. buy them for less then that..

          just my two cents..

        • -1

          Please do this ^^ for me, I would love you forever.

        • +15

          Crikey guys. Get over it. He's doing a favour and you want to make it harder for him???
          Bloody oath. Cough up the $8.50 and get over it.

        • if the box doesn't exceed 2 cm depth when flattened you might be onto something…

        • -4

          Yo keyboard warrior, we were just asking, and I was very appreciative of his efforts to accommodate me.

        • +5

          As i said

          "I tried to flatten it…it will ruin the box :(
          Because the front of the box can be open to read and see the art, and that make it thick and cannot be flatten, the box will be ugly if i force it…."

          Sorry everyone, but ITS ALL AUSTRALIAN POST's FAULT!

        • Not a good idea to flat pack any game boxes, especially ones with embossed box art (the kind that has raised lettering/art that sticks out from the cardboard).

          For those that don't know the Diablo III box has a triple fold-out cover that expands into 6 separate frames, making the box much thicker than a regular DVD-case sized game box, you would seriously ruin the sentimental/collectible value of the box by flat-packing it and people who care about boxes goddamnit, don't want that.

          Not everyone throws boxes away.

        • lol.. don't get me wrong.. its a good deal, im just trying to make it sweeter..

          i bought the game anyways.. only trying to help the others..

          just simple business tactics at the end of the day.. if you invest time into labour vsing the postage cost.. sure, it might cost a little labour cost on your end.. or your own time.. but the advantages are greater.. as it shows it meets the demands of customer satisfaction..

          if you make the buyer happier, it will bring in more customers which will attract a larger customer market which brings people to know kensgamer online store.. at the end of the day.. you just have to weight that part out..

        • Lol. I'm gonna use that word for word at my next job interview.

      • +1

        Not just postage, heaps of other stuffs are just ripped off price here … but lucky we got ozbargain, $2 is a steal !!! too bad i m in sydney too …

  • +1

    lol. box.

  • +1

    You know I would LOVE to have the box because I like the art on the standard edition. I got the CE so this is the best thing ever? Buying it now. Do I just go to your address and pick it up?

    • Yes , please let me know what time and date you want to come. Order it in our website.


      • +6

        If I come over can we play some diablo 3?

  • Would love one it it wasn't so much for postage :(

    • convince them to remove the plastic cd case, flatten the box and send everything else.. that way you can just find an old cd case use that.. supposedly postage is only 60 cents..

      • I would love if you could do this, KenGamer! :)

        • But what if the CD broken while delivery? We will not be responsible for that?


        • Personally I wouldn't be worried. I kinda just want the box/book.

        • +10

          Challenge accepted.


          I tried to flatten it…it will ruin the box :(
          Because the front of the box can be open to read and see the art, and that make it thick and cannot be flatten, the box will b ugly if i force it….


        • +2

          Ok, thanks a ton for trying mate!

  • +1

    Do you sell the game?

    • Looks to be $65 here

  • Do you have Starcraft 2 box by any chance? B-)

    • I think i do have one but some guest pass missing lol.

      • Is it in good condition? I don't care about the guest passes. Just care about the whole collection thing..

        • +1

          looks a bit old on the corner and have a gametrader price tag on it :( lol

  • I put this in my cart, then when I try to check my cart it says my cart is empty??

    • Some people reported this to me before but it is not our problem, you may need to restart the browser/clear cache/history even restart your computer.

      But in our side we have no problem :)


  • What's your estimated delivery time after payment for the cd-key product?

    • +1

      Under 30mins………..why people don't read item description…………..

      • +1

        I did read people's reviews and the item description. However, they are not always entirely correct and I'd prefer to hear it from you :) Thanks.

        • No problem :)

  • Ordered the box + delivery, thanks for doing it! :D

    However it says pick up on delivery method/everywhere, but I paid the full price, is that right?

    • Yea that is correct :) The pick up is just for an option for people to choose for pick up.

      Can't remove it. But as long as you paid the full price then we will ship it :)


  • +1

    Can you combined the shipping if i buy two?

    • +1

      Yea for sure, just order 2 :)

  • +4

    Pretty sweet idea. If I had only got the CD key I would making use of this deal in a heartbeat because I love having the box. Of course, because I love having the box - I bought the boxed version originally…

  • -3

    Just to confirm, does it come with the actual CD (installer)?

    Anyone in melb coming over to bris willing to help me bring it over? =D (trying my luck - I'll pay the $2 for your box)

    • +3

      1 x Original Diablo 3 installation DVD for MAC / PC :)

      Lol goodluck on finding someone going over brisbane!

  • -4

    Can't you just cut/knife the box where its glued together? and then try fold it?
    That usually works for cardboard boxes that are oddly shaped and you can just glue it together later.
    Usually its a flap ontop of another one that you cut.

    • +1

      Sounds like a lot of effort to do it for only those that want it, especially given it's only going for $2. Judging by the responses of some, having a box thats been ripped apart, however cleanly, probably makes it a lot less desirable to them.

    • +2

      No because you'd absolutely destroy it and anyone who gives a damn over a game box (myself included) wants it in friggin' pristine condition.

      That's fine for brown cardboard packing boxes yes, games boxes? No.

  • To REP, buying more than one charges $8.95 per copy.

    If we can combine postage on multiple purchases, does anyone else in Sydney want to buy a few to save on shipping?
    We could meet up in Sydney CBD or somewhere convenient.

    • +1

      1 box is roughly 250gram , so 6.95 postage can hold 500 gram = 2 box. If you guys decided to do bulk buy for people in Sydney we can work something out. 18 - 20 boxes i only charge 16 bucks and it is courier express, next day to Sydney CBD :) Please let me know if you guys want to do it.

      • If your struggling with your auto shipping calculator bumping 2 boxes to the next postage cost then you could change the weight of the item to 249grams just to keep it under the 500gram bag cost.

        • +1

          I fixed it. Now it should just calculate 249 gram each.

    • As long as they pick it up, add the two copies to the cart separately. The first have shipping included, the second ask for pickup. That gets a total of $10.95. Adding two copies with the "shipped" option results in a total of $17.90 as you noted.

      Hopefully their staff realises what you want to happen…maybe leave a comment in the order but.

      • +1

        I fixed it. Now it should just calculate 249 gram each.

  • Anyone in Brissy wants to combine shipping? =D

  • Australia post has two postage methods, square boxes are a volumetric charging method, due to the weight of the package, if you can make it non-square, they'll have to post it according to weight which should save a bit of dosh (maybe i should put that trick up as a bargain?)

  • +1

    congratz on the kotaku article :)

    • Thank you :) Can't believe i made it in there! What a surprise this morning, had customer email me saying that KG is in Kotaku too this morning.

      That's a 100% positive post in kotaku right?

      Cause he did mention worst or best idea and i am not sure lol


      • no such thing as bad press :D

        but this was good anyway

        very tempted to buy this but the shipping kills it for me

        • Get some people in your area to buy it together with you and share the shipping. 4 boxes shipping only 8.95 via courier express. :)

        • i would do this but all my mates bought the physical edition LOL only reason i want the box is to one day look back at it

  • +1

    "so did you find anything interesting on OB today?"
    "there's a box for $2"

    Still nice for people who like to have the physical stuff.

  • i ordered 3 boxes for me and my friends, when will i be getting it to Sydney(pyrmont 2009) ?

    • Hi, can i have your order id kindly please? :)

      • +1

        order number is 2306, but i guess i will be getting it today… its status is "Onboard with courier driver for delivery" :)

        • :) Should be there by now or before lunch time hehe.

  • Kudos to the rep. Excellent response time and service.

  • please anyone who has guest pass, help me out? i really wan't to try out D3

    PM me

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