Hi all,
I'm currently looking to purchase another car. One of my current cars is in the shop needing a very specific part which is proving difficult to obtain.
The seller of the car I am looking to purchase needs to sell it by the end of the week (Sunday) so I am scrambling for alternatives at the moment. I have considered variable rate personal loans for $12000 which, at the very latest a few weeks, I will be able to pay off - in full. I submitted an application with Commonwealth and was declined on the basis that I had made no transactions on the account (I have since changed banks, but decided to keep the Commonwealth account open in case).
I am hoping someone here is able to offer advice about what to do moving forward. The best thing would be for the part I need to be easily obtainable in the next couple of days but my hope has waned.
Thank you kindly in advance.
Very unlikely you'll get finance by Friday COB
Legit reason?
Is it French?