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Telstra $30 Prepaid SIM Starter Kit $10 @ Woolworths

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Telstra $30 pre-paid sim starter kit $10 @ woolworths until 29/5/12

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  • Starts on the 23rd?

  • Thanks, been waiting for this deal to come back

  • FINALLLLLLLYYY, I can call my friends. =D TYTY

  • Before everyone one runs out wanting to load up, they have now imposed a limit of one per customer. Whether or not that gets imposed or how it is interpreted is another thing.

    • Have you got a source or reference for this information. I have not found this to be the case?!

      • Have a look at the ad which states "^Telstra Starter Kit". At the bottom of the page ^ reads "Limit 1 per customer".

        • this limit has always been there.
          just tell them one is for your tablet, one is for you 3g netbook, 1 is for your phone, 1 is for your car alarm, 1 is for your err, something.
          up to 5 on your account b4 you need to jump through more hoops activating with telstra

        • Just bought another 3.. no questions asked at all..

    • I don't think that restriction would apply in South Australia, I think in general supermarkets can't limit purchase quantities in SA?

      • No idea - just pointed it out to avoid embarrassment of having them pointing it out in the catalogue if they refuse to sell you more than one.

        • +2



          What is tis concept of 'embarrasment'?

          Nevrer heard of it!


    • They've always said '1 per customer' but is up to the actual staff member.

      There is no restriction on any woolworths system to prevent multiple sales.

      And it is illegal in south Australia.

    • I purchased 2 this morning. No mention of a limit.

    • purchased 4 this morning, 2 each at 2 woolies.
      no Id at the second store.
      expiries, March 2015

  • No restriction in south Australia.

    It is illegal to restrict quantities there.

  • -

  • Can you just buy multiple and use them as $30 credit? You don't need to be a new customer and bring your number to Telstra prepaid?

    • -1


      • Thanks mate.

      • that's not the same bouce, recharging $30 will give you many bonuses which transferring money across $10 at a time wouldn't

        you are NOT using them as $30 credit as you need them activated each time

        • Correct.

          Although there are no such bonuses on the Simpliciti plan

    • If you plan on transferring the credit over to your existing Telstra number:

      You can only transfer $10 per day, and will cost you 25c for each transfer. So in effect you get $29.25.

      As far as I know you can't use the transferred credit to purchase a monthly cap like the Cap Encore. So that transferred credit will be used up so quickly, unless you use them to get the 'extras plus pack'…

      Kinda lame… so what I do (at least for the past few months) is to switch to a different network each month… for $10 it's kinda worth the hassle (or not?).

      If you're looking for one to switch to I posted Gotalk a while ago: http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/69647

      • +1

        Since I don't use much credit, I Credit Me2U from the missus's phone but only $1 at a time. Gives me 14 days credit and cost .25 cents. Then after 24 weeks if I haven't used the credits I send it back to her phone $10 x 2 days and $3, then start again. Cost $6 (24x25 cents per transfer) in credits but I only paid $10 for $30 credits anyway. All I have to remember is to do the Credit Me2U transfer each fortnight. So I get almost 6 months for $10.

  • Can u use these to get the special 12gb IPad offer?

    • What special 12gb iPad offer?

      You can get these activated for an ipad when you call up. You will then need to cut down the sim to fit, or go in store and ask for it to be swapped (say you have lost your old one or some such, I just go in and ask for a micro sim swap).

  • How much data is this worth? Would it work for my iPad? Could do with some 3G data for when I go traveling….

  • And can these be activated as iPad sims to get the 12gb offer?

  • I have always bought these and activated for my iPad with 3gb, does anyone know if the data can be transferred to another sim,? For example, since u may transfer credit to another account, included in th charge fee of 25c does that mean transferring credit is also data?

    • How do you transfer data (not credit) to another account??

    • no you cant, the $30 you recharge gets used up depending what plan/offer it is on. so on the ipad plan, it uses 0.01c/MB.

      when you xfer credit, itll do whatever the incoming plan wants it to do.

      on the encore, when you charge $30, out of the $250 total credit you receive, $220 is a bonus so is the 400MB, so both of those are non-xferable as well.

      hope this clears a few things up.

  • Yes.

    But u cannot transfer Bonuses.

    So the 3gb cannot be transferred.

  • yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy my missus just ran out of broadband.. might pick a couple up!

    • But don't you want to enjoy receiving your missus in narrowband for a little longer first? :)

  • The last sims I bought have active life until 2015

  • So, can some somebody confirm that if I buy this, I will be given the regular bonuses that Telstra offers (ie 400mb and $250 credit and unlimited talk and text after 6pm?)like this:

    Thanks heaps :)

    • Yes just activate the card and choose the encore cap option.

  • If I activate this for my iPad and get 3gb then if I recharge at $150 for 12gb before expiry, will the unused data be rolled over?

    • No. I dont think the original starting credit rolls over. That will expire at 30 days. Also theres no limit on the number of starter kits. I purchased 4 this morning from the one shop.

    • Are you sure you can add up the starter packs to $150? I thought they can't be combined.

      • No you can't combine 5x$30 to get $150 recharge for 12GB for 12mths. It has to be 1x$150. The important thing to note with Telstra Prepaid is that the data rate and expiry date for each recharge depends on the last recharge denomination.

        However you can always purchase 12 starter kits and activate one per month which works out to be 36GB for $120 for 12 months on iPad plan (need to cut or swap SIMs).

    • On the iPad plan, the data doesn't roll over but rather the unused amount of the $30 should rollover as long as you recharge before the expiry date. Not sure about other plans though.

      Please note, the data rate for the $30 starter kit on iPad plan will be 1c/MB (3GB). If you do another recharge of $150 the data rate that will apply will be 1.22c/MB and this rate will also apply to the unused portion of the $30 that rolls over.

      From the Telstra website (iPad plan):
      1 The data rate per MB (charged per KB) is determined by your most recent recharge denomination, and is for use in Australia. Usage consists of upload and download data transfer. Effective allowance rate does not apply overseas, as standard international roaming charges will apply. Our FairPlay Policy applies.

      2 Recharge before your expiry date and any unused Recharge Amount credit rolls over. If you recharge your service before your recharge expiry date, the new credit expiry date for your recharge amount will be the longer of either:
      the expiry date for your existing balance (before you recharged); or
      the expiry date for your new recharge amount.

  • Newbie question: I just got an Ipad and I'm looking for data plans. Is there anything stopping me from buying say 12 of these (one at a time if need be) and activating one a month for the next year to get 3GB of data a month? (Understand that the SIM needs to be cut down to fit). Cheers

    • +1

      Nothing stopping you. Its a cheap way of getting 3GB data a month on the iPad (assuming you can get around the 1 per customer limit). Just make sure you activate by telephone. You cannot select the iPad plan by activating online.

      Of course this means you will get a new mobile number for every SIM starter kit you purchase, but since you are only using this for data then it shouldn't be a problem.

      • Brilliant thanks. Does anyone know if Telstra will make it difficult to activate that many services over 12 months?

  • I don't have many calls. Can I use it to recharge my original Telstra number on a prepaid simplicity plan?http://www.telstra.com.au/mobile-phones/prepaid-mobiles/prepaid-offers/index.htm#tab-prepaid-simplicity

    • The $30 credit is linked to phone number attached to the SIM. However, you can creditme2u to transfer credit to your existing prepaid service. There is a maximum credit transfer of $10 per day and a cost of 25c per transfer.

      • Also, I think there are two points to note:
        1. You would have to activate the new sim in your name
        2. You would not get any additional validity - depending on what you mean by "many calls" this might be an issue.

          1. creditme2u transfers don't have to be in the same name.
          2. creditme2u can extend your expiry date by up to 14 days, but only if you recharge on the last day before your expiry. If you already have more than 14 days validity before your expiry then creditme2u won't extend your expiry date. In other words, your new expiry date will be the maximum of either you current expiry date or 14 days from the date of credit transfer.
  • Make sure to give them a call to avoid disappointment… Waiting for half hour for them to answer and find the product is better than taking an hour to travel there, that's for me tho. Worse time I had once another woolies" sorry can't find out, maybe no stock!"

  • Bought five of them.

    From what I can see, with the iPad deal you get 3GB..

    What about if you activate it for their mobile broadband sticks? Still 3 GB.

    If not, would there be any issues using the ipad deal in the stick? :D

    • +1

      The Prepaid iPad plan is the best value for data as you get 3GB for the $30 starter kit. However, if the SIM is inserted to any other device then Telstra reserves the right charge your data usage according to the Prepaid Data+ plan (possibly they can tell which device from the IMEI). The Prepaid Data+ plan is not as good value as you only get 700MB for the $30.

      If you plan on using the SIM in a mobile phone, dongle, stick, pocket wifi or non-Apple table then probably activate it to the Telstra Mobile Encore mobile plan as you get 400MB data included and $220 call/text bonus for use in 30days, and use the $30 recharge to purchase a $20 browser plus pack which gives you an additional 700MB for a total of 1100MB.

      Or you could just take the risk and activate on the iPad plan (especially if you plan on buying multiple starter kits and throwing away the SIM after the 30day expiry)

  • Might give it a shot with the 3GB first time round…

    See how it goes. So when you activate it on the encore plan, is the 400MB bonus data, and you have the $30 on top of that to spend on the pack? (which you can purchase online?)

  • I only have net access via my phone or ipad now and this is great exspecially as you can tether with telstra ipad now.

    On my last sim i still had $8-9 left over after 30 dyas and when i rang the CSO transferred the credit to the new sim and deleted the account..

    Still need to figure out a way to make consolidate all my packs so i dont have to call every month and get a 6 month mobile foxtel sub..

  • 10 left at parkmore (vic) guys..
    Had no issues getting 3 packs except for the grumbling about the paper work it involves lol.

  • Well activated first one last night and it's not working. I activated on the Encore plan, and it's in a mobile wifi.

    When I type #100# in a phone it says there was an error and to call.

    When I call they say it takes 24 hours to activate…….

    Online it said it'd take up to 2 hours to get going.


    If I activate it on the Mobile Broadband Option, would it give me xxMB + $30 credit? Might do that next time…

    • I rang them up to activate it. It took 3 mins. =)

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