This was posted 2 years 8 months 2 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

AnyCubic Resin 3D Printer: Mono 2K $141 (Was $255) Delivered @ AnyCubic eBay


AnyCubic are clearing out their Resin Photon Mono 2K printers!

Cheapest price EVER for a new resin 3D printer!

Photon Mono 2K
$141 including delivery (was $255)
Print volume: 165 x 130 x 80 mm (HxWxD)

Compatible with all standard 405nm resins, both AnyCubic and by other manufacturers.


Bonus deal if you need resin:

BUY 2 GET 1 Free 500g

Related Stores

eBay Australia
eBay Australia
eBay Australia anycubic-direct
eBay Australia anycubic-direct

closed Comments

  • wow thats cheap for a well regarded 2K printer. not bad at all for general tabletop minis (4k is better of course)

    • so is this a better option ?

      • +1

        Probably, but it's $293

      • depends on what your need is. Speed vs resolution, Mono vs LED, etc.
        Best to compare the product pages on the Anycubic website and determine what is best for you

  • +1

    Does one need to buy a wash and cure station as well to cure the print ?

    • +4

      Yes that's correct, or you can purchase a separate ultrasonic cleaner and 405nm UV curing box.

      Their wash an cure station is more convenient though

      You will need a cleaning agent such as "simple green" from Bunnings, or 90%+ isopropyl, or:

      Also ensure you get disposable nitrile gloves (not latex) whist handling resin

      • +7

        So in essence have to double the price (roughly) to get everything to running. Not a criticism, just a planning observation.

        • +2

          Yes it's roughly double the price to get things up and running, but it's wayyyy cheaper compared to about 2-3 years ago.

          A similar spec machine 2-3 years ago would have cost you ~$500-700 just for the resin printer alone, that's just to put things into perspective.

        • +5

          Wash and cure stations are nice, but not essential.

        • Yes and no. U can just use a container with isopropyl in it and a brush and get a cheap uv light around 400ish nm.

          Wash and cure is a lot easier

        • -2

          We live in Australia. The Sun is a good source of UV.

          • +3

            @ATangk: The sun is good but unreliable, you won't get consistent curing times and prints will warp due to being over exposed from one direction.

            I built a little curing chamber out of an icream tub, tin foil and a $20 UV light off eBay. Works much better.

          • -1

            @ATangk: Thanks for the reminder of where I am, totally forgot.

        • +1

          I started without a wash and cure, then promptly bought one a week later. Very handy.

        • Ye its more work as well than a fdm 3d printer but the results are so much better

      • +2

        Or Metho for cleanup

    • +2

      You don't need the anycubic station, or any professional station. There are plenty of DIY guides on building a UV Curing station fairly cheap (say $25 AUD) and for washing if you get the water washable resin you can just rinse it off with the hose or tap - though the resin is toxic so a) use gloves and b) don't wash it down the drain or into the garden.

      • +1

        don't wash it down the drain or into the garden.
        Any other option please…..

        • The toxicity comes from the "un-cured" resin so you have to "cured" it by exposing it to the Sun before disposing of it.

        • +3

          What ive done (may not work with water, i just use the regular cheap uv resin) is to wash it in isopropyl alcohol (or metho, but be warned that smell lingers) and then pour the dirty solvent into a disposable aluminum tray and leave in the sun to evaporate. then you just crumple the tray and chuck into the bin.

          some hot tips for printing:
          buying a proper $50 mask like this one… Will help considerably with the smell and reducing vapor inhalation, especially if you're not in a well ventilated area (e.g. garage)

          Also, get a flexiplate add on for the printer, it was a complete game changer for me, no more snapping or breaking models to or worrying about damaging the build plate, just pop it off and away you go. I can not emphasise enough on how much of a QoL improvement this was.

          • +1

            @Wilociraptor: I wont touch a resin printer because of the fumes (im one of the people who get really sick even being around acetone).

            This is a hell of a deal though

          • +1

            @Wilociraptor: Yep, tray and dry is also a good way to get rid of paint. Disposing it as a liquid with the council or whatever is $$$.

        • +1

          Dedicated wash bucket and let the water evaporate away in the sun, the remaining resin should cure and go hard and you then either leave it in the bucket, or scrape it into the bin.

      • don't wash it down the drain or into the garden

        So we drink that water and let it out a different way? Or let the water sit in the winter sun to vaporise?

        • Certainly quicker than evaporation, especially at this time of year.

    • an ice cream tub, methylated spirits, and the sun are all you need

  • Thanks OP, grabbed one.

  • Cheapest price EVER for a new resin 3D printer!

    Since the photon zero :)

    • -1

      Man! You should compare everything you're interested in buying to the price of a Ferrari - you'll LOVE the comparative discount. What the dickens are you talking about? The Mono and the Zero are different products.

  • Do you still have to level beds and fuss around like with other 3d printers? This looks awesome

    • +2

      Yes. Much easier than filament printers I found. And I just had to do it once. When I fitted the bed. Haven't since

      • Great, thanks. I loved my filament 3d printer, but bed leveling was always a bummer.

        This is so cheap I'm tempted to grab it for the sake of having one

        • Look up at the process before you want to buy and see if you're willing to put in the work for it just search up "resin printer post processing" or even "resin for beginners". There's also additional things you need to buy before you start, nitrile gloves, isopropyl alcohol(omit if you buy water washable resin), some type of curing station etc.

          The results for resin printing are outstanding and much better than fdm 3d printers. Wish you the best and hope to see you join in the fun. But ye this is pretty cheap :O.

      • You can't adjust the level on this out-of-the-box, like some filament printers - you need levelling feet. Print some or buy some.

    • +1

      It's less fuss to get going initially, and it's entirely possible to have a solid run of 4-5 prints without a single failure. However when it fails it can be very messy (if the FEP film in the reservoir fails) or messy and annoying (if you get a stuck print on the FEP film, meaning you have to empty everything and try and work it off without ruining the film).

      Overall though I'd prefer resin printing any day of the week!

  • +2

    Not 100% sure what I just bought. Any good ideas for what I can use this for?

  • +5

    I bought one of these last year (I paid about $195 for mine) and it's such an exceptionally impressive little unit for the price. I've smashed out dozens of 28-32mm and a few 75mm scale minis; the quality is amazing, the print speed is quick, and only 3 or 4 failed prints among all that.

    Do yourself a favour and grab something like this as your iso bath; even if you upgrade and grab the wash & cure station, I highly recommend a two step process anyway. 1st round in this one, give it a quick shake/agitate to get most of the uncured resin off, then pop it into your main wash!

    • +1

      You know you can use methylated spirits also know as denatured alcohol instead of iso right. Way cheaper.

  • Bought. Got an extra $5 off with Ebay plus coupon too!

  • +1

    Did some research before jumping in and buying the printer.

    1. The resin vat is plastic and has a proprietary framed FEP consumable piece ( sneaky…
      A youtuber ( recommended one of these aluminium vats with the more easily replaceable FEP sheets - conveniently has a $20 off voucher so cost was only $25 AUD

    2. LCD lifespan is approximately 2000hrs print time - recommendation by some redditors is to tweak and reduce the base layers to save LCD lifespan for printing the actual object - will require practice by the sounds of it.

  • If I want to print little 15mm cube ish shapes, would this be ok for that?can they do neat, tight shapes?not sure if anyone has seen math links cubes, I want to make them and shapes that plug into them, thanks .

    • Yes, resin is great for printing smaller high-detail objects.

    • Yes it will handle those fine, though depending on the resin used and how it's cured the snap fits may become brittle and break, so it could take some testing (or just reprinting if they break) to perfect.
      See for an example of a common resin test print to see how they print.

  • lol i love how there is an expo edition duel gundam just chilling on the side of the printer.

  • Video of printer/wash and cure looks pretty cool. I think this is the right one?

  • @pinchies any deals on wash and cure station?

    • Not at this stage (afaik). The wash and cure is a much newer product than the mono 2K.

      It’s a nice accessory though — I would have got one except I setup a basic curing station using a UV nail polish curing lamp before the “wash and cure” existed.

    • +2

      I’ll ask and see what can be arranged

      • Ooh, that would be awesome.

  • Hi Pinchies and guys

    I have noticed that there’re also a bunch of anycubic resin printer biddings going on as well, and they always work to be even cheaper than buying this deal. Unfortunately I remember biddings can’t be posted as deal right? So I can only write a comment here for your references. I already got one at $127.5. Guys remember to try bid one before go for the direct buy ;)

    And in the unlikely event it goes higher than the discount price then just buy this one lol

    • Good tip! Just won at $130.50. Darn that's $3 more than you.

  • Any specials people have noticed on a 4/6k resin printer? Looking for something abit bigger and provides abit more detail.

    • +1

      Not sure if its actually a good deal or not, but the Elegoo Saturn 4k is on clearance on their website $360USD (shows as $518ish in AUD):…

    • Maybe check my previous deal posts — no harm to let me know what model you’re most interested in and I can ask for a new deal from AnyCubic.

      • Looking for a larger 4k/6k printer. I've had my eye on the ANYCUBIC Photon Mono X or the newer 6k version

  • @pinchies, with the buy 2 get 1 free resin option, on the 1kg random colour what is the change that I can pick the 3 "random" colours? There is only green as an option in the dropdown for 1kg. I will be happy with black, clear and green.

    • Hi thanks for the question, maybe try send the store a message with your preferred colours? my guess is that most likely they would ship out which one they have the most stock of. No guarantees unfortunately re colour with random selections.

  • Just a side note, you can use methylated spirits also know as denatured alcohol instead of iso. Works the same as is way cheaper.

  • -4

    Interesting coincidence, I read a story an hour ago about an Australian being arrested for producing an 3d printed firearm:…

    I sincerely doubt a gun made out of plastic can hurt anyone bar the firer, but we live in a fascist nanny state.

    • reeee MSM is uhpressing me

  • Can I print a girl friend with this?

    • +1

      Yes, a very small one!

    • +1

      My wife will be single after she finds out I bought this…hopefully it is delivered on a day she is not home!

      • If they also buy one, she may not be interested in them either.

  • This deal will expire shortly.

    • +1

      Pricing is saying $202 for me now.

      • There are other sellers (and possibly other listings by the same seller) if you missed out, like this one. But they all seem to have the same pricing so might need to be quick before it goes back up.

    • Damn, missed it

      • +1

        I don't know enough to be 100% sure, but is this Photon Mono the same one?

        • -1

          No. Photon mono has a lower resolution screen, which means less detailed prints. Then it steps up to the photon mono 2k, then 4k.

        • That is the same one (standard res is 2K), and also should have increased in price. Grab it while you still can.

  • How does this model differ to the Mono SE?

    • +1

      Took me ages to find out as they seem identical in most regards. Firstly, the mono SE has dual linear rails… which doesn't make any noticeable difference. My understanding is that the real main difference is the UV panel on the SE gets brighter, so it cures resin faster, resulting in very slightly faster prints.

      • +1

        I think the SE also has wifi.

      • Good to know, I was eyeing the Elegoo Mars 3 Pro 4K but that's way more expensive to start off with as a beginner.

  • @pinchies any chance of having a bundle deal on the Mono SE and the Wash & Cure?

    • +1

      I’ll ask!

    • +1

      $391 delivered - mono SE + w&c 2.0

      I don’t know how long for. Prices likely increasing again tomorrow.

  • Thanks, it got delivered today.

    Me: OMG look, it's $141 resin printer!!

    $450 later…Waiting for the wash and cure station, 5L of alcohol and 4 x 1L resins to arrive.

    • Awesome. Enjoy playing with it this weekend :D

      My order literally just arrived too!

      • The other stuff hasn't arrived yet so I'll have to wait, but I have Wednesday off, so I should be able to get started then.

    • You bought the alcohol and resin from the same store too?
      We can use other branded resin with it right?

      • Any resin that works with 405nm uv will work.

        I'm personally a fan of siraya tech resin.

      • This was the alcohol, can't really vouch for it as I have no idea what I'm doing.

        I grabbed some Anycubic resins and Nova3D resins, not from the same store, though I think they sell the Anycubic too. I got the Anycubic grey and translucent green. I got Nova3D clear red and clear blue. Can't vouch for any of those either.

    • Where was your alcohol of choice?

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