Hello guys
Could you suggest me good gaming laptop. I really like the Alienware series but is their any other better option for kid.
Mainly for Roblox and Minecraft games.
Much appreciated
Hello guys
Could you suggest me good gaming laptop. I really like the Alienware series but is their any other better option for kid.
Mainly for Roblox and Minecraft games.
Much appreciated
Any good deal for a good laptop?
Some recent deals that would work well:
This one will be more than enough
The first one from this post will do the job but won't be as future proof if the kid wants to move into more demanding games. The 2nd is more than enough
Just buy an Xbox or playstation
She has ps4 but she wants laptop due to portability
Alienware has a price premium due to its name.
If you really want one, I suggest the Dell Outlet for a refurbished model. It looks like they’re having a 22% off sale. One with an RTX 3060 would be best value. Avoid the RTX 3050 one
However, both Roblox and Minecraft are very easy to run games so the laptop will be overkill. In fact, non-gaming laptops with decent integrated graphics can handle these games. If you really are only going to play these types of games in the foreseeable future, then I would consider a non-gaming Laptop which will be cheaper, lighter and have much better battery life than a gaming laptop
Thanks Fire
Much appreciated
This should be able to handle those games + other future games https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/175310240937 or this
have you looked into valve steam deck?
I thought they weren't available in Australia yet?
I have and there’s no way to get one without jumping through hoops and/or paying a significant premium
Didnt know that, I guess oce market is not big enough for them
It will get here eventually.
Even in regions where they do sell them, you need to enter a waitlist. Until they can meet demand in their main market, they won’t start here
Depends on what screen size you are after. The Asus G14/G15/M16 line are highly rated and worth their value.
As others have said, you don't need a gaming laptop at all to just play Minecraft and Roblox, those games can run on a $500 laptop easily. Look for a machine under $1000, maybe one that can be the at-home PC once your kids are in high school.
My recommendation would be a Lenovo on sale at their educational store
In the last 20 years I have owned about 25 gaming laptops. That includes around 10 Dell's and 5 Alienware's.
WIthout exception the Dell's and Alienwares have suffered from severe overheating when gaming.
Alienware is overpriced and overkill for those games.
Just buy a basic laptop with enough grunt to last 2-3 years. I assume they're under 13?