Wedding anniversary photo shoot

Husband and I are looking to get some wedding anniversary photos clicked with help of some professional. Can you suggest us any good photographers in Sydney? Basically we are happy to just have a photoshoot session of max 1hr ( considering the budget constraint may be max 100$ ?…not sure how much is usual fee)

thanks in advance !


  • Hi,

    This lady is based in Melbourne. It was very cheap ($200 for about 2 hour shoot and ALL the photos on a DVD for free plus 2 prints!). I used her for an on site photo shoot for the family. MUCH MUCH cheaper than any studio and she was lovely (her ename is Marie). You could probably fly her to Sydney and it would still be cheaper :)

    Alternatively ring around photo studios and ask them to recommend an independent photographer that can come on site. Tell them your budget is around $200 (or whatever you'd like). I called about 10 studios until they recommended Marie. If the photographer is doing the work from the studio or on behalf of the studio they charge through the nose ($500+) and that's without the photos on disk.


  • Would you consider people who are just starting out?

    I don't know of any professionals who will do a session for $100, especially if it involves travel time, editing and prints.

  • I think you'd be hard pressed to find a professional photographer who will do an onsite shoot for $200 with DVD of images. There is a massive difference between a $200 photographer and a $800 photographer. Go on the Australian Institute of Professional Photography (AIPP) website and source yourself someone who is properly trained and accredited. Not some common dick/tom/harry that has a $3k camera and calls themselves a 'photographer'.

    Try exclusive photography, although from memory they charged me premium price.

    Don't go for cheap ones, you'll just wound up disappointed at the quality of images.

    My 2 cents.

    • Be sure to ask about any additional fees that they may charge as well.

      AFAIK, many photographers will provide you will the standard low-res prints as soft copies, but charge extra for high-res/raw copies. Some wouldn't even provide them and would require you to order any large prints from them at inflated prices (i.e. no artscow for ya).

      Just something you may wish to ask when hunting around for a freelance photographer. :)

  • ring an arts/photography department at a Uni.

    ask them if any of their photography students would do a shoot for you.

    throw $100 at a uni student and you're laughing.

    It's good for their portfolio, they get experience, you get someone who knows which way a camera should point and all the stuff about lighting, posing, etc.

  • IMHO you will be very lucky to get photos that you are happy with in years to come for $100. You have a 90% chance of getting something like this and a 10% chance of getting a student that actually knows what they are doing.

    I would avoid anyone that uses selective colour on their images, it is very amateur. They are more often than not someone who bought a dSLR from JBHIFI in the morning and set up a photography website in the afternoon.

    If you are just looking for photos to post on facebook they might be fine but if you are looking for photos to print and keep for a while then I would be looking at stretching your budget further.

  • Maybe try sites like ??? You can post a job (free) and photographers will send you quotes. I've posted a couple of jobs there and have been happy with the businesses that responded.

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