This was posted 2 years 8 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

ASRock AMD Radeon RX 6600 Challenger D 8GB Graphics Card $349 Delivered @ BPC Tech


Seems like prices are continuing to drop for this GPU, was $419 just 3 weeks ago. Best to HODL, but figured at this price some of you might bite.

Previous deal @ 14/05/2022:

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closed Comments

  • +8

    Graphics card prices are dropping like it's hot lmfao

    • -3

      Asus/Gigabyte models have been 380-399 for nearly 2 weeks. It's not a drop it's an asrock. ie it's priced proportionally.

      At $349 it's not even priced proportionally to the $380 Asus Dual (with 6600xt cooler).

    • This one is dropping like a rock

  • +3

    this is great to see

  • +1

    Wow, prices continue to drop hard

  • Brought it from BPC, but damn, during the last deal!

    • +2


      • oh no, sir. I'm pretty sure I paid….

    • How is the build quality of asrock?

      • Nothing is free (if it's cheaper it's cheaper for a reason).

        Build quality is first world. but not better than Gigabyte/Asus/MSI/EVGA/XFX/Sapphire/Powercolor etc

      • +9

        Works exactly the same as the other brands - cooling is less important with such a low TDP

      • Same as the rest, it's all about the warranty. I've found the warranty on these or Galax to be decent but personal opinions always vary. I used to love gigabyte but they've burnt me too many times.

      • I used an Asrock motherboard ages ago until upgrading. It retired as a proudly working motherboard. Couldn't tell much real difference from other brands used.

        • 20-15 years ago I considered asus a cheap/nasty brand of motherboard after I had a bunch die within a couple of years, but today they are apparently considered pretty good. It's all just anecodes as far as I can tell. If only we had a consumer law that required manufacturers to release failure/warranty rates for each product.

  • +5

    HODL? how low will this go? Been wanting to upgrade my GT710

    • HODL for the 4010, I'm hearing good things

    • +2

      yeah man hodl for the rtx 27000 because prices are going to keep on dropping!

      on a serious note, if u need a new GPU, just pull the trigger man, no point waiting another 2-3months for the prices to drop by $50 when the benefit from buying it earlier can be worth more than $50.

  • +3

    How low can it go?

  • they have. 1030 low profile for $99 if anyone is looking for such a beast

    • I think necause they announced the 1630

    • I’ve got a old pc with a water cooled 570, wonder if it’s worth slotting one of those into the water block and overclocking it for the lols. But gpu benchmark suggests it’s worse than the 570, that just seems incorrect

      • Its the ddr4 version as well which is a no go for the 1030

    • damn that means I can't sell my 1050ti for $400+ :( :)

      • +1

        Yeah lol. I sold 2 during lockdown for $550 barely used

  • -7

    Possibly unrelated but worth taking note, AMD cards are very unreliable in terms of consistency. I have a 5600xt and getting high fps detail is fine but maintaining it is a whole another level. I get constant fps stutters on almost every game I've tried. I've triple checked and fresh installed drivers multiple times. Changed Power Supply.

    There is just something that AMD haven't done right, i'm sure this 6600xt would stutter also. I've never had any problems in the past with Nvidia cards, and i will never purchase a AMD card again. The stutters are literally unenjoyable and ruin any gameplay when it comes to split second decisions.

    • +2

      My RX 6600 doesn’t suffer from stuttering

    • +8

      Sounds like something is wrong on your side. Give us some more info.

      • +1

        I have no idea what could be wrong as i've fresh installed the drivers many times with DDU. Optimized my pc with current up to date guides, same scenario stuttering even optimized/unoptimized.

        I did say possibly unrelated but I've never had a card do stuttering similar to what i am experiencing. I'm running a i7-10700k with 32gb ram low latency with 750rmx corsair psu. You'd think the 5600xt would breeze, some games more noticeable than others. I could've got a bad egg but I've read its common in some AMD cards.

        I even looked at a 6600 xt review and they said some stutters occur.

        • +1

          You need to disable GamebarPresenceWriter, if I don't I get stutters in DX9 games (CSGO mainly). Other than that I haven't seen any stuttering on my RX570. I'm not sure if Microsoft fixed it yet but last time I did a fresh install of Windows after ~1.5 years, ~2 years ago it still wasn't fixed.

        • +1

          do you have a link to the review? Curious to read more about the stuttering, thanks

    • +1

      Did you use DDU when swapping your cards? Have you tried a fresh install of your OS?

      • The card was bought with the whole system, so it was my only card on this PC but i tried DDU in safeboot and fresh install just out of curiosity. This pc is a year old and i installed fresh OS. I haven't tried a fresh OS since a year, although when i first had it i generally noticed the poor performance but i didn't have a backup so i stuck to lower graphically games.

        Anyways i'm due for a upgrade especially with the current prices dipping, time to grab something more powerful :d

    • RDNA2 drivers are fantastic, never had an issue personally. didn't with my RDNA1 card either mind you but im aware there were widely reported issues with those

    • This card is an 6600 btw, not XT version which has better performance.
      Your issue seem to be isolated to your system as I run a 6600XT with Ryzen 5 3600 without any stuttering issues.
      My old 5500XT albeit a lower performance card had some fps drops in COD WZ but the 6600XT runs it perfectly.

      edit: also check your power mode is set to Ultimate performance.

      • -1

        "Many experienced users simply have no interest in buying AMD cards, regardless of price. AMD's Neanderthal marketing tactics seem to have come back to haunt them. Their brazen domination of social media platforms including youtube and reddit resulted in millions of users purchasing sub standard products. Experienced gamers know all too well that high average fps are worthless when they are accompanied with stutters, random crashes, excessive noise and a limited feature set. [Jan '22 GPUPro]

        Yea windows ultimate performance, I've done the basic things. Anyways each to their own, no harm done just saying my opinion. After i find a decent 3070 ti its all uphill from there!

        • You're quoting userbenchmark, which is such a joke it's memed about and banned from a bunch of subreddits for hardware discussion, including /r/intel. It's banned from /r/intel despite it promoting intel (drastically) over amd, so go figure.

  • welp….we know the asrock models lead the pack in price drops. we saw this guy drop to 419 before the asus and gigabyte ones went to 399. i just bought the asus one from mwave for 387. i don't think i'll regret it too soon though, unless it drops to something insane like 300.

  • -1

    Everyone should have a decent graphic card by now

    • +7

      lol yeah they should stop making them

      • Possible to wait for next release which should be at RRP. Good value on new Nvidia cards which should be priced better than they were during covid.

  • +2

    There is an rtx 3050 for this price on their site too if someone wants to make a post for that.

  • +3

    Paid $550 for mine on "sale" in April


    • +3

      What part of HODL did you not understand 💀💀

      • hodl …. your money?

  • +22

    Nice, I can finally afford a GPU with 30 iceberg lettuces.

    • +1

      Lettuce is a better bet than Crypto at the moment 😄

      • +1

        That's why I'm snapping up cards and setting up this lettucing rig on the cheap.

  • +3

    Much better price compared to 3060-12GB $579 as far as per dollar. +65% price for +10% performance.

    Even the +50% VRAM isn't worth the difference.

  • +1

    I just posted the RTX3050 deal for the same price, glad to see these prices finally.

  • +3

    Retailers are around 3 weeks late with these price cuts. I probably would've paid $350 for it then. If they don't offer a $500 mid range gpu very soon I'll buy next gen.

    • +1

      Isn’t this a midrange GPU? I guess it might be somewhat subjective but I’ve always considered
      RTX3050, RX 6500 budget
      3060 and 6600 midrange
      3070 and 6700 highend
      3080 and 6800 flagship
      3090 and 6900 Titan equivalent

      • +2

        Most people consider 3080+/6800xt/6900xt high end. 6800/6700xt is mid range, and very few would consider 6600xt mid range, let alone plain 6600, due to their gimped buses meaning they are marketed as 1080p cards.

        • I guess that’s fair. Perhaps the standard has creeped towards the high end. The GTX 1060 was considered a solid midrange for years, it’s current Gen equivalent is the RTX 3060 and AMD’s competing cards the 6600 and 6600 XT.
          I guess the 6600 might fit in between the low and mid range cards
          It still absolutely stomps the 6500 and 6400

          • @FireRunner: I believe the rx6500 is beaten by the old gtx1060, even at 1080p, and in some games a 1050 will beat a 6500 due to severely gimped buses, so it would have been considered low end even 6 years ago. I agree its a bit murky though, and terms like high/low end aren't that useful anyway.
            Another spanner in the works is the proliferation of igpus/apus these days - are they usually considered low end, "budget", or excluded from this categorization?

  • +1

    Would this work in one of those small form factor Dell Optiplex systems that often come up here refubed?

    • +3

      No they're too large, you need a GPU called a low profile.

      XFX RX 6400 Speedster Swft 105 4GB

      MSI GeForce GTX 1650 Low Profile 4GB

      Without knowing the specific pre-built you have, this one may not be appropriate either. Between those two, the 1650 is older, but will be more likely to work well with an Optiplex.

    • +1

      No. Even if it fits, it doesn't have the power.

      • +1

        No.. this card requires an 8pin PCI-E plug to give it extra power .. the PCI-E slots alone provides only 75w.. check your system if it has a spare 8pin PCI-E cable dangling .. if not refer to Jimbuscus comment above

    • low profile GTX1050 are great too.

  • What was the peak price back then when demand and scalping was high.
    Seems cheap now

  • +4

    Close. I'll pull the trigger at 6600 XT $350 6600 $300.

    • +4

      wait for 6600xt @$300.00

    • I'd rather a 3060 at $300-350 (or 3060 Ti but that's another tier of GPU) because it's not gimped by PCI-e bandwidth.

  • +1

    As expected, 10% price drop every 2 weeks, practically on schedule. I got this for 100 more back in April.

    For the few who want this for Minecraft with complimentary shaders or similar, it's alright. 17 chunks, with sub 60fps once a while. But with distant horizon, only 10 chunks with 128 LOD. And as you may know, minecart 1.8 is a stuttery mess on alot of systems, and distant horizon really shows that.

    • Minecraft was struggling with loading the world with long view distances on my i5 4690 and GTX 1060 3gb, but I just replaced the CPU with a 12400 and now it's way better with the same GPU, so it might be that your CPU is the bottleneck.

      • Ryzen baby. The 6600 is the bottleneck now lol

    • If you decide to play a newer version (1.16+), check out the Sodium (and Phosphor and Lithium) mods to improve performance.

      • Can't play complementary without sodium, it barely runs 60fps on 12 chunk even on optifine.

  • +1

    wow that is actually really good pricing.

  • when is the price drop for the high-level card like 3070 3080? The price is stable since March.

  • -4

    this is still a downgrade from my 2016 GTX 1080. Unbelievable

    • It's actually an upgrade if you're not pushing high res textures/framebuffers, eg gaming with standard contemporary textures at 1080p. You're right though that the 1080 is better if playing high res.

  • this is a decent price. it performs better than the GTX 1660 Super which I paid $349 for back before covid.

  • Only AMD GPUs dropping.

    Nvidia holding firm - so just buy don’t wait

    • If this was effecting only high end cards i'd assume it was driver/feature tax or perceived brand quality, but since it's affecting the low and mid nvidia cards too, it must surely be mining related. Eg, despite mining being in a slump, there is still enough value in those extra MH/s nvidia cards provide.

    • keep current gen prices high so you can push next gen ever higher :o

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