I have a very useful bag that had the plastic Tri-glide buckle break. Unfortunately, one end is attached to a webbing loop sewn into the bag while the other has a press-stud, so the loop can be opened. Is there any way to replace the buckle without un-stitching the webbing?
Any Such Thing as an Open Ended Tri-Glide Webbing Buckle?
Yes there is but I can't recall what they're called. I'll see if I can find them.
EDIT: is this the sort of thing you're after https://na.itwnexus.com/content/sternum-split-bar
Basically you need to work the webbing in through the splits then smooth it out. Obviously won't be as strong but they're a quick and easy repair.
OMG! You are my hero (heroine?). Thank you so much for taking the time to find me a link. It is exactly what I need. Here's hoping I can source 1.
Just a brief update. It doesn't seem these are available in 50 mm (which I forgot to specify) however using these as a search term I managed to find something usable. Basically a rectangular carabiner that should do the job.
Another alternative is you place a full buckle there if that'd work. You can get the male and female side release buckles in the same split bar style.
That's a good option too. Thanks. I'll see what I can find.
Pics? Where there’s a will there’s a way. Unpicking the stitching might be the most effective in the end.