Made in New Zealand from 100% Australian ingredients.
Proper crunchy; big bits, little bits and everything in-between. Freshly roasted in our oven, squashed in our squashers, sprinkled with salt and jarred by our jarrers at Pic's Peanut Butter World in Nelson. A natural plant-based protein source. With 50% Australian Ingredients, it's just Hi Oleic peanuts and seasalt - no weird stuff.
½ Price Pic's Really Good Peanut Butter Varieties 380g $3.75 @ Coles

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From the Pic's website, FAQ section.
In the last few years, Aussie peanut farmers have suffered huge crop losses due to drought.
We were determined to continue to support them, but we had to supplement our supply with other quality Hi Oleic peanuts.
We’ve been able to commit to 50% of our supply of Hi Oleic peanuts from Australia and 50% from new and exciting origins.Then this:
We appreciate that you may want to know exactly where the peanuts in your jar came from rather than a generic origin statement - so we got creative.
On the back of the jar you’ll see a QR code - scan that with your smartphone camera, and it’ll take you to our Batchinator!
Enter in your six-digit batch number, and you’ll find out where your peanuts were grown.
You can also check out our Batchinator here (link removed) and enter your six-digit batch number
Out of interest does anyone know why they'd go to the effort to send this to NZ to be made ("Made in New Zealand from 100% Australian ingredients")
They've got a slightly higher minimum wage than us and then their is freight costs - doesn't seem to make sense compared to the usual either send our ingredients elsewhere for cheaper labour or import cheaper raw ingredients from cheaper countries.
Edit: now I'm seeing both 100% Australian ingredients and 50% Australian ingredients so who knows.
I was actually going to ask the same thing
New Zealand has less strict labelling laws.
AUSVEG spokesman Hugh Gurney says produce can leave China as a frozen product, then be packaged or modified in New Zealand, and then sent on to Australia under the labelling 'Made in New Zealand from local and imported ingredients'.…
I’m not saying everything made in New Zealand is bad… but it could be a reason.
Interesting , cheers.
There's no mass production of peanuts in NZ. The company has grown from a garage op in NZ, becoming the most popular PB in the country. Moving production offshore would be reputational suicide for a company that's been built to elicit a sense of national pride.
This is made and sold in NZ for local customers. NZ don't grow peanuts at the scale that we do here so they have to be imported from somewhere.
50% Australian ingredients. I used to love them but do not buy them anymore. Now they are too dry after a couple of spreads. I guess it has to do with imported peanuts they are adding to the mix due to a shortage of peanuts locally.
We just get the Bega stuff now. Label says 100% Aussie peanuts and Aussie made and owned. Taste is excellent too. Can’t go wrong.
Mayvers half price is good, tried the smooth and hasn't dried out at all.
Main thing is the only ingredients should be peanuts (and a bit of salt).
Extra crunchy mayvers dark roasted every day of the week.
Cheaper too at $2.50
Sorry what?
100% Australian Ingredients…
Made from 50% Australian Ingredients?
Which one is it?