What Fees Are Involved in Changing Electricity Providers?

Do energy companies bill you for a new meter read when you change providers? (new connection fee?)

Is it cheaper just to re-sign a contract with your same provider?

What are the general pitfalls of changing providers? I'm currently on the default market offer.


  • Have you tried contacting any providers? T&C could constantly change.

    • I was thinking of doing it online so I don't get roped into changing my gas as well. I really screwed up last time and I ended up on a really shitty plan. That's why I stuck with the default offer for so long. In the past the default offer was lower.

  • +1

    Which state you're in?

    • +6


  • If you have a smart meter then they take their reading remotely, there is no charge to change provers

  • Do energy companies bill you for a new meter read when you change providers? (new connection fee?)

    In NSW, only if you request it, otherwise switch post the next scheduled meter reading (or if smart meter, once the sign up cooling off period has expired as there is no wait for a meter read)

  • No, no fees. Only cost is your time.

    No, it is not cheaper to resign with your current provider.

  • +1

    Depends on the plan conditions you are on when you signed up. Have a read of them to see if there are any termination fees.
    Depends on the plan conditions you are going to sign up to. Have a read of them to see if there are initial fees and if there are any termination fees for when you move to a different provider.

    With the info supplied no one can say if there are any fees.

  • So I will be charged a connection fee if I don't have a smart metre??

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