Should I wait for the next EOFY sale for samsung? I'm looking to buy the S22 Ultra 256GB model and there is currently a deal for it. But the deal only lasts until June 15. I've been reading around and seeing comments like waiting until June 15 for the real EFOY sales. I'm not too well versed in this, does anyone know if I should wait? are the post June 15 deals much better for Samsung if people remember from previous years
EOFY expectations for samsung

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Didn't know Samsung made those… Kewl. TIL :)
Haha End of Financial Year Sale is what I meant
End Financial of Year
What's so confusing?
Order for this EOFY, and receive it by next EOFY
My Precognition tells me EOFY is near.
How would anyone actually know… Each year is always different 🤦♂️
Nah just a historical guess. If someone was around back last year did they remember seeing the deals after June 15 being really good.
Good look back through all the S22 ultra deals then.. ? you can see all of them posted .
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