Would This Kind of Stone Chip Caused by Car Service? Is It Needed to Fix It?

I didn't see it before the maintenance, but found it just afterwards, I mean this is not a big deal for a 1.5 year old offroad SUV, but just wanted to confirm if there is possibility so I may go to another dealership to do the service next time.


Also the car does have a few stone chips near the door edge, I noticed those ones before the service.




I don't care them as unobvious, but should I fix them as if not, will rust eventually?


  • +1

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    • +1

      Works for me?

      Given the size and location just get some touch up paint from the dealer and seal them up just to be safe.

      • get some touch up paint from the dealer

        Dealership chips paint, go back to them to buy touch up paint… it’s not the OzB way!

        I’m surprised OP has not demanded some compensation to take those photos, that $2 coin, time taken to post question here and the time to drive back to dealer and give dealer more money…

        OzB post standards, it just seems so wrong at so many levels.

  • +1

    That’ll be $2 thanks.

  • +1

    It's a possibility that it happened after the service. The mechanic will typically take the car for a drive afterwards to ensure everything is okay.

    I would not be worrying about and am not sure why this would cause you to consider going to another dealer? It is unlikely to be there fault, stone chips are normally caused from other cars flicking them up. I would be more concerned about the quality of the service then a stone chip. If they did a good job with the service then stay there, there are plenty of bad dealers out there and you can end up with way worse then a stone chip.

  • Since most of them are on the inside once the door closes it is not a “stone chip” and is more likely chips from back pocket buttons, handbag buckles and loading kids/pets/luggage.
    I doubt the mechanic did any of those.

  • +4

    You are going to take your car to another dealership over a stone chip that you don’t know where it came from or how it got there?

    I’ll be super vigilant at work now to fully bubble wrap customers car before I road test them in the future.

    Buy a touch up pen and put a dab on each stone chip. Done.

  • You are going to take your car to another dealership over a stone chip that you don’t know where it came from or how it got there?

    Crazy isn't it?

  • I didn't see it before the maintenance, but found it just afterwards,

    Who knows, looks like marks from getting in/out of the car.

    Get some touch up paint, and move on with life.

  • +3

    You deserve compensation for sure

    • -1

      2 bucks to be precise

  • fix it… it'll make your car drive slower

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