Can someone tell me how to get this part of door lock out?
Pictures here and here
Help Needed to Remove This Part of Door Lock

It already looks like it's out. It comes out the same way it goes in.
Once you pull out that square rod (might need to tap around to loosen it), the rest will be come out itself.
When tapping/pulling the rod, make sure to brace the lock so you don’t break the door.
OP should post the after photo, to see if they were successful or disaster.
As everyone else has said, remove square rod (maybe some wd40 to loosen) first, then the other bit will be super easy… last resort (hacksaw square rod if completely fused… it shouldn’t though). And yep, brave the lock so you don’t break the door if tapping with a hammer or similar
Watch out though, on that square shaft, there may be a small steel retaining ring. It will either only come out one way because of this retaining ring, or you will find it has one on both sides. You will have to use a pick or a jewellers screwdriver to get one of the retainers off.
Somewhere on the side of that knob is small hole where you just need to push with small needle or key, that will loosen that up and you'll be able to release
Grab a pair of pliers and pull out the protruding shaft. Then pull the whole thing out from the side.