• long running

One Month Free Starlink Low-Earth Orbit Satellite Internet for Referrer & Referee (30 Days from Activation) @ Starlink


Just got this email from Starlink. It looks like a EOFY deal as this promotion is only valid until June 30, 2022.

Update Sept 2024. The terms of the Starlink referral programme was updated, both the Customer and referee will receive a free month of Starlink service only after 30 days of service. The free month of service is awarded in the form of credits.

Please see below for the new terms:

Current restrictions:

  • The referral program is currently only available in Australia, Brazil, Chile, El Salvador, Mexico, New Zealand, & United States.
  • Referrals will only issue credits to Standard Plan (Residential) and Mobile Regional (Roam) subscriptions. (No Priority or Mini Roam services)
  • Referral codes are granted on the account level, not by number of service lines.
  • Kits purchased from a retailer or reseller are not eligible for the referral program. Please note, no credit will be given, even if a referral link was used during activation.

As a Starlink customer:

  • You will receive an email inviting you to the referral program. This email will contain your unique link (e.g. https://www.starlink.com/?referral=RC-XXXXX-XX).
  • You can copy & paste this link or share via the Starlink app.
    • In the Starlink app, select the 'person' icon and then "Free month for you and them".
  • If your referred friend makes the purchase through your referral link you will receive a notification via email.
  • 30 days from your friend’s account activation, a service credit will be applied to your account.
  • The service credit will be used to deduct from the total of your next invoice.

To see the number of times or how much service credit has been applied to your account, you can log into your account via web and see the referral section.

How can I use my referral service credit?

  • As the Referrer (You shared your referral link): The service credit will be applied to your account 30-days after the person you referred activates their account. Once applied to your account, it will be used to deduct from your next invoice.

Mod: Use referral system below

Referral Links

Referral: random (112)

The referrer and referee receives bonus credit for a month of standard service, 30 days after the referee activates and keeps their Starlink. Referrals will only issue credits to Standard Plan (Residential) and Mobile Regional (Roam) subscriptions. Kits purchased from a retailer or reseller are not eligible for the referral program. No credit will be given even if a referral link was used during activation.

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  • +1

    Is it super reliable? My limited nbn fttn has had no dropouts for the last 18months but faster than 50mbps would be great, as would lower latencies to Europe.

    • +7

      Can't speak for StarLink, but if your NBN has regular dropouts and you are confident that it is not your router overheating and throttling/resetting, then there is a good chance there is a problem with the infrastructure in your street.

      I had HFC NBN at my old place and the connection was solid for almost 2yrs, then began getting regular (daily) dropouts. The first NBN tech stuck an attenuator on the connection box at the house and said it was fixed which was a load of horseshit.

      The dropouts continued, and I had to really go full Karen on them to send out another tech, who eventually checked the sump where the NBN tap was in the street, and found that it had been flooded and damaged. They did some maintenance to the tap and connection was back to %100 after that.

      Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that if you are sure your equipment in your house is working reliably, get the NBN to come and test everything outside your house. They might not get it first time, but they should be able to provide a reliable connection.

      • +3

        I said I've had NO drop outs, would need StarLink to be as stable because I work from home.

        • +16

          Please ignore my massive rant then haah

        • +6

          If reliability is top priority, stick with your solid NBN service. Any wireless service will have issues (nothing is interference free) and if you’ve had a solid run for 1.5 years, you won’t beat that.

          All satellite services have issues with weather etc. to some degree.

          • +1

            @enigma48: Good point about the weather, forgot those days of satellite TV

    • +1

      Dropouts due to the network do happen. You can also get frequent/regular dropouts due to placing the dish in an area with obstructions. You can check for obstructions before installation with the Starlink app. Personally I've got no obstructions, and when network related dropouts (as reported in the Starlink app) happen I don't notice them, but then again I don't game online.

      If you need 100% uptime, professional installations at businesses and schools use a 4g failover.

    • +1

      I've had Starlink for about 4 months now and it's stability is super important for me to not drop out during customer meetings.
      I have it mounted on the roof with no obstacles around and can tell you strong storms will cause drop outs. Yesterday we had a sudden burst in the weather and my link dropped for about 5 mins.
      This is why I have a standby link. I run my NBN as a back up mainly cause 4g/5g is nearly non existent here.

      • +2

        Thanks for the real world experience, guess I'm stuck waiting for nbn fttp upgrade.

      • What's your mount like? I sprung for a professional installation since we're in a naturally windy location and they used a tripod steel kinda thing that is rated for a much heavier dish than the starlink dish, we've had no wind-related dropouts - that we know of.

        • I used starlinkinstalls.com.au and guy that came out was local and really good. He used some sort of gutter mount that similar to Foxtel dish mounts. AFAIK it's not wind-related, but heavy rain/cloud coverage takes it out. Was windy today and never had a drop for example.

        • Is the breeze supposed to blow the bits off track or something?

          • @Manny Calavera: The dishy actively moves and tracks the satellite. So if it's not secure, wind can blow its tracking out of alignment with the satellite, then you get poor speed or none at all. Once it happens you have to wait for the dishy to realign itself.

      • How much is starlink p.month?

    • +2

      Well Putin wants to shoot them down, so there is that reliability concern.

      • Bless him 🙏

      • And China

  • +3

    Sounds to me like we just need a referral randomiser for Starlink, I don't believe you can use ozbargain to just self promote your own referral.

    • Agreed, but I'm not 100% sure that will work. It's a bit weird. Instead of a referral link to send others, I've been sent a link to a unique-to-my-account form to input other people's account numbers in.

      • Yeah it can be setup as a Private message only function

        • Oh interesting, so once someone has signed up they can hit the randomiser and get a random person who already has Starlink's contact to send their account number to.

    • Added as coupon code. The form to sign up is generic but the account number doesn't get auto-added into the form despite the URL. Just need to enter acct # on form.

      • I'm not sure this is correct, the form link needs to have the referring account number in the acc= part or the URL, and the new user then needs to type their account number in the "new customer that you referred to Starlink" field.

      • Agreed this doesn't seem to be set up correctly Neil. As I understand it, a person goes and signs up to starlink, once signed up they find out and give their new account no. to an existing starklink user. This user then puts this new account no. into a form, this form is unique to the existing user's account.

        • OK changed to PM. I thought it was a form for the referee.

          • @neil: Yeah, this promo is a weird way of doing referrals. Thanks Nieil.

  • I assume people still need to pay the one-time hardware cost of A$924 ?

    • +1

      Plus $150 'shipping and handling'! (for my in-laws in rural Vic who were looking at this)

    • +1

      Seems it's gone up, was cheaper earlier in the year and free shipping to Newcastle for me.

  • Sadly referral belongs to the forum so this will be moved to forum soon

    • Sadly that's not correct.

      Deal Posting Guidelines: Referrals

      • +1

        In the original post the OP asked for people to DM for the referral discount hence I made that comment. Seems like it has been edited and removed.

        Thanks neil for clarifying

      • Thanks Neil.

  • Anyone gone through the process with strata for installing the satellite?

    • Unlikely to get it approved unless all your neighbours on the committee really likes to spend money.

  • +2

    $924 "one-time hardware cost". Yeah, nah.

    Apart from that - and assuming it actually works as claimed (which is not a given in the modern corporate Empire of Lies)… at $134 a month it would blow SkyCluster shitty, laggy 'NBN for rural proles' into the weeds where it belongs.

    • I know a few peoeple using Starlink and the best thing about it is the low latency that it provides from what I hear. Other satellite internets in Australia have absolutely horrible latency, upwards of 500ms which makes everything super slow.

      From the speedtest they shared to me, it can do under 50ms ping and achieving 250/10 easily.

  • I have the original round dish and love it.

    $139/mth unlimited if far better than what I was paying for satellite nbn.

    They have 3 tiers now…
    RV roving

    • +1

      $139 is not a price for metropolitan residents considering the srray of 5g , nbn options available.

      • It's still competitive for an uncapped >100Mbps plan.
        Though the hardware cost is currently a killer.

        Has the advantage of outperforming other ISP's for a lot of international routes too.

      • And that's why they pushed it for regional / rural areas over metro areas… We don't have a lot to choose from

  • Dodgy Starlink seem to have stolen SpaceX's logo :|

    • +3

      Not sure if you're serious or sarcastic…

    • +1

      I actually ignored the post cos I thought it was a Reebok logo

      EDIT: Forgot reebok has a new logo now

  • can anyone who is already on it comment about ping/latency when connecting to NA/EU server while gaming?

    • +1

      From my experience, latency to overseas isn't too bad. For example my latency to:
      xboxlive.com is about 175ms on NBN, whilst 210ms on Starlink.
      googledns ( 8ms on NBN, 54ms on Starlink

      • +1 is cloudflare DNS. Google is

        • Good catch! Typo by me for the IP, but the latency is to

  • How much is it per month?? Can’t find this anywhere.

    • +3

      ORDER STARLINK (Go to starlink site and enter address)


      Shipping & Handling

      Service (Residential)
      $139.00 /mo


      • yikes, yeah that's a year of NBN100 for me

        • +2

          This is for people who can't get NBN100 - if you can get NBN100 then you don't need this 👍

  • I am not sure the above download speed *up to 370Mbps because the article claims 104Mbps and fastest satellite provider (March2022)

    • +1

      I just copy and pasted from the last Starlink title to be posted on ozbargain.

  • Can you move it out of the designated address yet. We wanted to use it for a remote exploration camp and move it between two spots about 40km apart. From memory you are locked to a specific zone - which is about 20km across. Go outside it and the unit becomes non functional.

    Dear Leader was promising it can go mobile and move anywhere, any truth to that?

    • It looks like you can on the RV plan, but $174 per month:
      Immediately access high-speed, low-latency internet on an as-needed basis at any destination where Starlink provides active coverage. A$174/mo with a one-time hardware cost of A$924.

    • On the starlink map it suggests that it won't work from locations above Bundaberg across the county until new satelites are launched.

    • They charge extra for the mobile enabled plan.
      It's mostly because there is limited bandwidth for the antennas focused on an area and they have to protect it from people moving it causing grids to become overcrowded. That's why there are weird unavailable spots like Camden near Sydney, all bandwidth has been allocated in that grid.

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