So I realised there's a current sale for this camera at JB Hi Fi, Good Guys and Bing Lee but I wanted to see if I could find something cheaper to match price with Officeworks. Just by chance theres a sale on at Amazon (…) and is for the same model and cheaper at $989.10!
With the match price from officeworks I got it down to $939.65(, fortunately for me my local office works had the last once so I just went in store and got the camera and did the match price but I believe you should be able to call Office works themselves and get it done over the phone. The amazon deal is free shipping so naturally you would expect to get the same with office works but its free delivery over $55 so you should be able to call office works to get this deal if you dont have a local office works to C&C.
Specs can be found here
Basically has 365 days battery life (supposedly), local storage to the home base, 2K resolution
I'd wait for the next 4-set 4k Arlo Cams for $5xx just the other day.