Spirit Super Data Breach - Contact Info, Name, Addresses STOLEN 50,000 people impacted

As a Spirit Super member, I'll be changing superfunds because of this…

The data breach occurred on 19 May 2022 when a Spirit Super staff member's email account was caught up in a broad phishing attack campaign.
A Spirit Super data incident has resulted in approximately 50,000 member records from 2019/2020 being compromised.
The personal data that may have been comprised is akin to the information found in an annual statement. It includes items like name, addresses, ages, email addresses, telephone numbers, member account numbers and member balances. Though the stolen data doesn't include dates of birth, government identification numbers or any bank details.

More from here https://www.financialstandard.com.au/news/spirit-super-membe…

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    • +6

      Hey can I please have your super balance?
      I'm from China, and as above you confirmed this is no big deal.

        • +3

          Screenshot for proof or it didn't happen, that's the internet rules don't forget

    • +5

      They will use the data to call people and seem more legit most likely.

    • +2

      Mate, it's bad enough the Amazon scam calls I get. I don't want fake calls about my super too…

    • -1

      So some random in China knows your super balance.

      Nah China was just the boogeyman until Morrison lost the election. Now that we're in new government, Russia is enemy numero uno again.

      • +1

        Russia has won the war mate. Western media is obviously contending otherwise, but with all said and done, Russia has won.

        If Russia was truly enemy #1 they would have sent in troops from EU,US,AUST

        • Nooo, that can't be true! Zelensky and Ukraine are the final frontier stopping the Western world from falling into the evil clutches of Vladolf Putler!

          Why would the western media blatantly lie to us with wartime propaganda like that? We don't use propaganda, we're the goodies!

    • Now they are quietly waiting till OP turns 60 to access the super.

  • +1

    Plus they can resell my information for more spam calls and emails…

    Identity theft is a big risk too through social proofing now…? They have your full info apart from dob, if you have social media, no doubt you have posted a celebratory pic on facebook or instagram. They'll get your dob from there

    • +1

      Took dob off ages ago. Also take your mobile off. Profile picture should not be a close up that clearly identify you.

      Websites that don't need my DOB gets a dummy DOB which right month and year and that is it.

      I think at some point people will pay to be off line.

      • The scammers not gonna go to that effort they get databases from the web then go for the easiest options.

        But online safety is important and a dummy dob makes sense

      • I swap date & month around and a false year. Any website that doesn't really need my name gets a fake name & makes for easy ID of spammers.

        In saying that, my name & mobile is on a lot of job adverts & I don't get smashed with spam, maybe 3 on a bad day, sometimes once per week. The app Hiya helps.

        • +1

          It's your superfund, you can't submit a fake DOB

  • -8

    Super is a Ponzi scheme 💰that’s why you use crypto to hide your identity 😷here is a quote from an article on a website www.google.com.au

    I’m feeling lucky

    • I dunno, seems suss. What's ma'boy Rekt think about all this?

    • Is this rektrading. I take it back rektrading says it's bad

  • +1

    This is bad.

    Users should be prepared to get bombarded with scam calls.

  • No 2FA/MFA on their emails too

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