Does Anyone Have Experience with Mosquito Barrier Foliage Spray?

I look after a property that's set in bushland and has A LOT of mosquitos. It's pretty unpleasant working on the property or sitting outside when the mosquitos are in full swing. Normally I just wear repellent, which is okay for me as I don't react to the bites, but my husband and child do.

Has anyone used something like this To spray foliage around their home/yard?…
or this:…

Different actives in each. I can't imagine it's great for bees and other desirable insects (though they say not to spray on flowers). Also not sure about frogs, there's a fair few of them at the property.

I know it won't get rid of them completely, but I wondered if it might make it a little more pleasant. I'm also considering a CO2 trap to use as well as barrier spray.

Has anyone had any success with this? Thoughts on the impact on human health and the environment?



  • Have you tried this stuff

    Nothing comes close in my experience. It works a treat.

    I've never tried the foliage stuff.

    • We have the Rid spray and roll on at the moment, and it does work. But I'm not heaps keen on having to put on repellent just to walk out on the back deck or grab something from the car. The place is literally swarming. Sometimes I've got my toddler in his pjs and he wants to go outside, not to keen on coating him in repellent all the time.

      • Have you got an insect zapper in your alfresco area?

        I'm guessing they are bad at the moment because of all the rain and you know - Queensland.

        • Yep, I'm not sure that it's enough though. I think there's a CO2 trap somewhere at the property too, but not sure exactly where and it needs a refill. It's a deceased estate that we visit every few months or so, getting ready to sell it. Going for a couple of weeks again soon.

          It's actually mid north coast NSW. Heaps of rain there too.

  • +1

    We have really bad mozzies in out area, like pick you up and carry you into the bush whole type swarms. Fog our yard with this about once a fortnight to keep them in check.…
    Poisons from that mob are waaay overprived, much cheaper from harware store. Costs about $5 to treat all my buildings and about an acre all up. Reduces mozzie population from about 1000 per square metre to about 1 per square metre.

    It's on special right now too.

    • Thanks that's useful info. Which poisons do you fog with?

      • I use a pyrethrum 100g\L concentrate. There's a pile of brands to pick from. It turned out my local hardware store was half the price of anywhere online.

        • Thanks!

  • I reckon you’ve a few choices.
    Use repellent.
    Stay indoors
    Clear all vegetation within about 5km

    This season has been really bad (good?) for mozzies. They should slow a little over the winter, but while it’s moist and warm you’ll be battling to keep them down without adding a lot of poison into the environment.

    • Clear all vegetation within about 5km

      There’s about enough land there for that - I imagine when I sell, property developers will do exactly that. Kind of sad really.

      I’m hoping the cooler weather will help but it’s been mighty wet.

      • It’s been a shocking season. We basically haven’t had mozzies here in the last 7years. We’d get a few, but this summer we’d just go inside on dusk to get away from them.

  • Fan of mossie coils myself just light 2 or 3 in the right breeze direction will keep them away without stinky spray ons over your clothes.

  • +1

    Mozzie coils work well in my experience, and are cheap, but cover a limited area.

    For reducing mozzie numbers long term, I found a DIY fan trap works well. The little ones you can buy are not great.

    There are loads of YouTube videos and article if you Google it, but basically a pedestal fan + some sort of netting.
    You place it somewhere mozzies tend to go during the day, and it sucks them in, and they dry out and die in the net. It helps break the cycle of breeding and thin them out.

    This is a commercial variety (USA though) of the same concept.

    It's not going to do anything much at night, as hardly any mozzies get sucked in. But during the day, the mozzies all go and hide somewhere cool and damp. In my case, I have an old bit of shed that is mostly open on one side, and attached to the back of a garage and overgrown with wisteria. I store garden tools in there, and it was filled with sleeping mozzies each day, which would swarm my property at night.

    I put the fan in there running 24/7, and it slowly caught hundreds of mozzies, and greatly reduced the numbers outdoors at night. I don't have it on right now as there are not really any mozzies around where I am.

    It might not be as effective in your specific use, depending on if you have a suitable location. You need to have it somewhere mozzies love to go during the day. I left a bucked of water in there to help attract them, but maybe a C02 trap etc would also help.

    I used an old fan but they are about $12 from Bunnings, or endlessly thrown at during council cleanups. For netting I used a pop up food dish fly cover from eBay - $7 for a 3 pack, and at the time (but not anymore) free shipping with eBay Plus. The larger size actually just stretch fitted over the fan. I removed the fan pedestal and hung it up.

    Power is about 20 cents a day to run the fan on the medium setting. In theory higher speed air catches more, but I found it was mostly limited to how many came into the area each morning.

    Pic of my grubby setup. It's hard to tell, but there are a lot of mozzie corpses in there. I changed the spot a while back, so most of them are kind of up on the right. They don't take up much space, so I doubt I will need to empty it for a long time.

    The specific netting thingy I ordered.…

    • Oh wow! That’s really cool. Thanks for taking the time to write this up and share this. I’m going to give it a go, if only for the satisfaction of seeing how many mozzies I can get.

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