This was posted 12 years 9 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Pizza Hut Pizza Pizza Mia - New Living Social Offer $2 with New T&C - Buy Up2 8 Valid 7 Days


Living Social has relaunched their PIzza Mia Offer with better terms and conditions.
Notably buy up to 8 and can use 7 days, not excluding Fri & Sat like the last offer.

If you do not have a LS a/c, you can still PM me and get a $5 starter credit. I will need your email address to give to LS

What can you get these days for $2? How about a Pizza Mia pizza from the biggest pizza chain in the world with a blend of tasty cheddar and mozzarella cheese, topped to the edge in your choice of seven flavours, with the convenience of online ordering thrown in as well? Surely not! Well we've hooked up with our good friends at Pizza Hut who are exclusively offering LivingSocialites a medium-size pizza from their delectable Mia range for just $2. Choose from seven flavour combinations perched on top of their Perfecto Base including Pepperoni, Beef, Veggie, Ham and Cheese, BBQ Bacon, Hot 'n' Spicy and Cheese. Simply place your order online and pick it up at one of Australia's 277 Pizza Hut stores. You can now get up to eight vouchers so stock up and indulge in the goodness of pizza. Simple, convenient, delicious and all for just a gold coin - you can't even buy the ingredients for that!

Maximum eight per person, In addition, one voucher can be purchased as a gift • Limit of one voucher per online order. Vouchers are only redeemable on orders placed via • Valid for Pick Up and Delivery • Additional cost of $8 ($8.80 public holidays) for delivery, minimum delivery order value is $19.90 • Valid seven days a week, excluding State Of Origin (23/5/12, 13/6/12 & 4/7/12) until July 31, 2012 • Valid for Pizza Hut Pizza Mia range – 7 varieties (excluding Chicken.) No customisation of pizza toppings will be allowed • Owing to heavy on-line traffic to the Pizza Hut website, daily redemption limits may be necessary • Not available via iPhone or Windows Mobile applications • Online redemption only • Available at all Pizza Hut stores nationwide in Australia • Pizza Hut delivery restrictions apply •

Check out all the latest Pizza Coupons & Deals

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LivingSocial Australia

closed Comments

  • +4

    I really do not see why you would not be able to place 8 (or some other number greater than one) separate orders and pick them up at the same time.

    It only says one per order. Not one per day. Not one per person per pickup.

    That's my initial reading anyway.

  • +1

    they let you buy 8 vouchers and you have already paid for them so they should just let you pick them all up together anyway. their attitude turns me off buying from them, if they dont like accepting vouchers they should stop using them.

    vouchers bring people in their attitude pushes people back out.

    pizza hut at penrith were really nice though as they had a great manager there. lake haven is really rude so i would rather just eat at their buffet and not use vouchers to take away.

    • +2

      I have no doubt that a number of OzB's would view the buffet as a bonus takeaway opportunity.

      • Back in the day I saw a lady put a slice in her handbag on the sly.

        • i wouldnt mind a PH buffet if it was priced reasonably and had a decent range. too bad there is none in perth.

          on the other hand, it seems that delivery and conditions contradict each other.

          • Limit of one voucher per online order
          • Additional cost of $8 ($8.80 public holidays) for delivery, minimum delivery order value is $19.90

          If one pizza is $2, and I can only buy one at a time, then it would be impossible to get it delivered unless i loaded up my order with other things like garlic bread, etc

          Or am i missing out on something

        • Or am i missing out on something

          Nope. :)

    • +3

      That's a worry. The last people I want to have bad blood with are those who prepare my food :D

      • +3

        Agreed. My lil' one cracks the shirts sometimes, saying "It's been x minutes, tell them to hurry up!" I have to try to get her to understand the importance of timing criticism of any sort until after the food has been delivered.

    • I was answering someone else's question below and it occured to me that the reason there is one per online order is that that is how they set their system up. To just accept one voucher code, not up to 8. I don't think the previous offer had an admonition on multiple pickups in one go, just that you would not be able to use all of your codes in the same order.

    • That is correct. I purchased 3 Mias and got 3 separate vouchers. The online system can only accept 1 voucher at a time. But i am sure u can enter separate orders to pick up at the same time.

      Call the call centre and they will tell you how many orders you have on your phone number.

      I joined Living Social thru a referral link and got $5.00 credit added to my account. That was awesome.

      I have a referral link but not sure if it will work. That should work out to 3 Mias for $1.00 because you should get a $5.00 credit added to your account.…

      • I have a referral link but not sure if it will work. That should work out to 3 Mias for $1.00 because you should get a $5.00 credit added to your account.

        Not quite. We will find 5.00 credit is non convertible on LS 'Food purchases', including Pizza; however, can be used to offset advertised LS (greater value) future item(s).

        i.e. your order came out the register, so to speak, @ $1.00 (3 Pizza), however, official banking statement will show: $6.00 charged recorded.
        (^A discrepancy , LS).

        Good method to promote though, advertise cheap Pizza but $2.00 is as low as these go, reflected by my experience: Signed up via referral link (Wednesday 16/5), got 6X Mia (display $7.00), read out $12.00-total through my bank.

        • **Later comments inline thread report being honored the credit/$5.00 discount with their 1st order (LS\pizza hut), did anyone else check up the case through netbank??

          Found some bug. Inside LivingSocial, shows -$5.00 applied discount to order (receipt), against debit card on bank side reflects no supplied discount. Sent off writing to Living Social for refund/adjustment.

          5 deal bucks balance 'used' on PH deal, yet ultimately passed through nil "$5.00" discount, per quoted

        • So does it take off the $5 or not?

        • $12.00 on the bank record, $7.00 on their (LS) receipt .. go figure.

        • +1

          from LS Help/FAQs

          "you may see an authorization hold on your credit card for the full amount, but once the real charge goes through, both your credit card and LivingSocial account will reflect the applied Deal Bucks. Please note that you can’t use Deal Bucks to buy Gift Cards or with Takeout & Delivery"

          Unsure what's takeout and delivery here? Maybe it's means cannot use to purchase from their shop category.

          I'll wait and see whether my debit card will reflect the applied deal bucks.

          @daver - the charge on your card is just an authorisation or the final charge? I checked mine, it's an authorisation with the full amount of $6 for 3 pizzas, however, $6 hasn't been deducted from my balance.

        • There just appears an "OUTSTANDING TRANS" that took my NAB debit card balance down by $12.00.

          @powergirl, thank you so much for looking in to the FAQs section for me, it originally did strike me that this could be the most plausible explanation.

          Like you, I will keep my eyes peeled to make sure correct payment is posted i.e. "the real charge", as outlined will happen in the FAQ. Appreciated.

        • So Does the $5.00 credit get adjusted or not?.. what the Final Verdict?

  • +3

    Anyone know how these might freeze? I could be interested in picking up 8 and freezing 7 of them and dealing them out as required.

    • I dont even understand the conditions properly - if I order the 8, can I or cant I just delegate 3 of those for 1 order - or has the whole voucher have to be used at once?

      And with the condition that the order be placed online - so you cant even use the voucher over the counter and wait?

      • You must place order online and apparentoly NOT using their mobile app.

        If you buy 8 pizzas, you will get 8 voucher codes. Each of these need to be used individually, but there doesn't appear to be any problem with using multiples for the same pick up.

        Be sure to bring printouts of your vouchers to the store when you pickup.

    • +1

      Anyone know how these might freeze?

      I can see no no reason why they wouldn't freeze. Most other pizza store pizzas freeze quite successfully.

    • +1

      Pizzas freeze fine. Just wrap them up in foil and pop them into the freezer.

      Reheat using an oven/toaster so it'll become crisp again.

      A microwave will just kill it.

      • Or just fry it on the pan(no oil needed)

  • -7

    god, people in these comments need to learn how to reply to the proper comments. It's such a mess down here.

  • I'm guessing they relaunched this offer because they didn't sell in the hundreds of thousands like the Hungry Jacks offer did…

  • Maybe it is the case they did not sell enough. It looks like the OzBargain community may have had some influence on the terms and conditions of the offer.

    So, the 3 that we purchased as part of the previous deal are now able to be redeemed on Fri and Sat?

    Has anyone tryed pizza mia, and if so, how was the size?

    • +1

      I have tried them (3 for $13 deal). They are 9-inches in size and taste just like every other Pizza Hut pizza.

      For $2 it's good value, but I wouldn't buy one at full price.

      • Apparently that beats John Travolta.

    • I'm also curious as to what this means for the previous deal. Is the previous deal now subject to the new T&C or the T&C that was in place when purchased?

      • the previous deal now uses the new t&c.
        If you go to the living social website, and download your vouchers (as opposed to the one's in your email), the voucher now says that it is valid all days.

    • IMO, pizza mia taste different with the other Pizza Hut.
      I tried it last year once and never bought it again since.
      I still prefer the normal Pizza Hut pizzas.

      Unless if they've changed their recipe since then.

  • +7
  • Heh. 2nd time I've gone to the order page. Selected some and then gona "nah. not worth it" and closed the window.

  • old vouchers now says 7 days a week :)

  • +1

    If anyone wants $5 deal bucks, please PM me your email address. I will send you a referral link. As it is said:

    "You’ll immediately get 5 LivingSocial credits (they call them “Deal Bucks”) to apply to your first purchase. I’ll also get 5 Deal Bucks (woot woot!) if your purchase is worth more than AUD5 (that’s right, AUD5.01 and we’re golden)!"

    So it should work out as paying $1 for three pizzas.


    • -1

      +1 to this, it's the way to go.

      You can also PM me your email address for my referral link for the $5 credit if you feel like sharing the love.

    • -1

      I can help with this too.

      Email me at [email protected]

      I'll send the referral link which you can use to get:
      - 2 mias for free, or
      - 3 mias for $1

      • But wait! There's more!
        So how does that one work??

        • +1

          As a new refer you get $5 credit off your first purchase.
          If you buy 1 or 2 mia pizzas, the total is $0. They require a credit card but there is no charge
          If you buy 3 or more mia pizzas, the total has $5 knocked off it.

          Because a mia is $2 I do not get any kick backs (I only get kickbacks if the new purchase is >$5). Hold on, this may mean I get something if you buy 3 mias for $1 but I'm not sure :P

    • Sorry, i have reached the daily referral limit for today. I will have to wait until tomorrow to send out more referrals.


    • If anyone wants referrals for $5 deal bucks, Im happy to send a ref link too.
      Just PM me with email address.

  • LOL @ the tags!

  • +1

    Can you send me the referral link for the $5 credit

  • There is no general living social referral link as i found. Each link is unique. So will need your email to fill in their referral page to send you the link. And to PM

  • My only 'beef' with Pizza Mia is that it tastes like crap now Dominos and Pizzahut have a so called 'upper class' range which should be the standard.

    As for the living social Mobile Phones mess last time I will pass. They contacted me a month later saying the code should work 'now' and it didnt. Ofcourse the prices were inflated as well so I didn't bother.

  • I'm thinking 'Ozbargain' will soon join 'Google' as a commonly accepted verb, as well as a proper noun.

    The site appears to have been Ozbargained.

    • but the site isn't ozbargained.

  • I want to know when i get and can use the voucher, it says when it expires but not from when i can use it, so what if i ant use it because it starts too far out, id love to use it this weekend but if i cant i dont know when ill be able to.

    • +1

      I grabbed two earlier in the promo (a 'friend' referred me so the 2 were free).
      The email vouchers arrived the next morning.
      When I tried to use one on Monday evening it worked.

      So at a guess: buy now, get voucher Friday morning, eat on weekend….

      • Thanks ill go ahead then, we'll see if you get that referral credit :)

  • When purchasing from LS the connection is timing out :/

    • same

      Edit: finally bought it.

    • yep on iPhone app as well, at least with the iPhone app i don't have to keep entering in the ccard info

      • the website seems to have stored my CC info without asking me.

        • yeah same, bit dodgy.

          Also just noticed i got an email earlier saying that id purchased it, even though i never successfully completed the checkout process. LS really need to work on their checkout process or i'm not sure ill ever buy from them again.

    • same :/

      edit: worked now :)

  • Does the voucher have your name on it?

    • yep - well actually it has the name of the credit card holder on it…

  • ref link isnt working?

  • I have clicked onto a couple of the above referral links, but when i select my pizzas it still asks me for my cc details, and i doing something wrong?

    • after you click the referral link in your email, i think you have to 'sign up' in the top right corner. After doing so, you can access your $5 credit. in my experience:

      As a new refer you get $5 credit off your first purchase.
      If you buy 1 or 2 mia pizzas, the total is $0. They require a credit card but there is no charge
      If you buy 3 or more mia pizzas, the total has $5 knocked off it.

    • I didn't think referral links worked for LS. you need to get someone to send you an email…

  • PM me your email if you would like me to send you a referral link to get the $5 credit : )

  • PM me with your email address for a referral link for $5 will send one asap :)

  • I also have some referrals left if anyone wants the $5 credit, send me a PM with your email address.

    • your account does not accept PMs

  • Hmm, I haven't even looked at the living social site yet and I got this email just before:

    welcome to LivingSocial!

    Thanks for becoming a LivingSocial member! Each day, we'll email you with great experiences and values at local restaurants, theaters, spas, and more. You'll love it—we promise.

    Is there a possibility that someone is using my details to create living social accounts?

  • +2

    Dammn 24 Hour wait for my Vouchers :(

  • Just PM me with your emails if you need referrals, you'll get $5 credit as well!


  • Same here, PM me with your email, still have some referrals left for $5 discount ;)

  • +1

    the new terms are better im going to eat some on friday. Just PM me with your emails if you need referrals, you'll get $5 credit as well. For every successful invitation, both will get 5 Deal Bucks. or Make sure you follow this link to buy the deal…

  • +2

    PM me with your email for $5 referral credit

  • f###ing hell, they don't send you the code instantly? For f*** sake. Guess I'm having Pizzahut without this deal tonight then.

    Really bloody annoying though. It's bad enough they make you pay for it through their site, then they make you pay for it before telling you when you'll be able to use it.

    The first post should be updated to be more clear. I'm so peeved I'm almost negging this deal. (almost)

  • Just placed my order… says if 3 friends buy the deal through the referral then you get it for free! If anyone else wants to buy through my referreal that would be awesome! thanks everyone and thanks OP for the post! :)…

    • Thanks sandeep dhariwal! Just need 2 more please :)

  • Someone be so kind to PM me with the $5 referral credit?
    Would love to get 3 pizzas for $1

  • -2

    If someone is feeling generous, please buy using my referral link.…

    It says if 3 buy, my deal is free. Thanks in advance.

  • Can someone Pm me their ref link please?

    • PM me your email address and I will send my $5 credit referral link through.

    • -1

      hi Dave1
      you have messaging turned off so i cant PM you.

      Anyway i think its best if i send you a referral email for you to get your $5 credit for sure. thus please pm your email address. then you just sign up via the email link then buy 3 pizzas on the same order. thus you just have to pay $1 since you will get $5 credit off your first order.

      you can click on this url but im not sure if you will get $5 bucks you are best emailing me your address…


  • Someone be so kind to PM me (ID : [email protected] ) with the $5 referral credit?
    Would love to get 3 pizzas for $1

    • Sent.

      • thanks :)

        — If i buy 2 Veggie Mia its still under $5 and total is 0$.
        But its asking me to fill up credit card info.
        Anyone tried/checked if the we get charged for it?

        • Sorry, i bought 3 for $1 and i haven't seen anything on my credit card yet. So i can not confirm that.

        • I see, has any been charged on the credit card if we purchase just 2 Mia Pizza?

    • .

    • -

  • ANother issue/Q …
    An hour ago, I didn't realize this $5 referral thing :( and I purchased Veggie Mia (3) for $6.
    Can this be undo? possible to cancel it? (I am yet to receive the voucher after order confirmation)

    • I guess it will be too much hassle and not worth it.

    • yes u can cancel within 5 days. just pm a new different email address to get your $5 referral credit

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