This was posted 2 years 9 months 9 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Prime] Free - Far Cry 4, WRC 8, Escape from Monkey Island, Calico, Astrologaster, Across The Grooves @ Prime Gaming


June's free games from Prime Gaming. Prime subscription required to redeem.

  • Far Cry 4 - requires account linking with Ubisoft
  • WRC 8
  • Escape from Monkey Island
  • Calico
  • Astrologaster
  • Across the Grooves

Full credit to Billbil Kun.

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closed Comments

  • +59

    Far Cry 4 and WRC 8. Don't tell me Amazon Prime isn't the best damn value subscription going around!

    • +1

      How does it compare to Game Pass in terms of value?

      • +32

        Game Pass doesn't give you free delivery on millions of products or access to a decent video streaming service, for a start…

        • +11

          …and game pass is almost twice the price. And you can't play the games when you stop paying the subscription.

          Gamepass does have WAY more good games though. Fifty times more, maybe? A lot.

      • +8

        Game Pass is a subscription to continue playing, Prime Gaming is a purchase of the games like Humble Bundle.

        We pay so much less for Prime in AU and get all this stuff, my Amazon Gaming client has over 400 permanent games already. I am very happy with the $39 I paid via the Revolut deal for this year.

        On top of that, it's worthwhile logging in to your Amazon Gaming client on a friend's computer as it has no DRM or cloud saving, while being a better client than Epic Games.

        • +3

          And you can launch them from Steam too. It's not pretty, but I have my gaming rig hooked up to my TV and have it boot into Steam in big picture mode. I just launch my games from there.

      • +1

        2 different kind of services. Apples to oranges

      • +17

        It's $6.99 a month. less than half the price of what it is in the US. If it's not cheap enough for you now, it never will be.

      • +22

        EBay plus is the one of the worst paid subs you can get. You may sign up for trial during Black Friday and dump it for rest of the year. Ensure you got multiple email addresses.

        Amazon has been the go to since 2019

        • +7

          What's happened to eBay… Sold something the other day for the first time in years, something like 15% commission and needed to send a photo of my driver's license to get paid $35.

        • +5

          I will one up you there Accidentally purchased a useless Kogan subscription via phone in my pocket.

          • +2

            @burns13: I gave their 14 day free trial a go. They failed the trial as it had finished before (Kogan branded) item had arrived. So of course forgot to cancel the trial.

            Making Kogan First opt-out and having an opt-in trial finishing reminder hidden somewhere makes it a dirty play in my book.

        • +2

          The problem is Ebay hasn't been good for quite a few years now, the selection and prices used to be great, now the selection isn't that good and the prices tend to dupe you ($20 item, $40 shipping? Prime gives you free shipping).

      • +1

        Just buy an annual subscription, full price it's $59 a year. Worth it just for deliveries, or video. Heck so much good content on Prime Video. The gaming service is a bonus, so many free in-game perks. Yeah GTA online is old now, but the prime perks avoided any desire for shark cards, and decent games.

    • Can't agree more

    • +1

      I'm not sure how Kogan First justifies the same yearly price.

    • So by clicking active prime gaming, this does not add an additional cost to my amazon prime sub?

      • +7

        Nope, its all included in the standard Amazon Prime fee!

      • Nope, includes quite a lot, including the streaming service, prime reading, "expedited" free deliveries.
        The video\streaming service is under rated. Sure it's not as fast as Netflix, but content I like so I am happy.

  • +1

    On steam or origin?

    • +4

      I would guess that Farcry would be either an account link or Ubisoft Connect

      • +1

        Yeah I thought the same

  • Are these keys? Or redeemed through linking accounts?

    If they're keys, let me know and I'll share mine as I don't play on PC.

    • +3

      Generally the Origin ones are keys and the rest are either Prime or linking required. I messaged you. If you have any keys you don't want I'd be happy to play them.

  • +7

    Awesome. Far Cry 4 is the only one in the series I haven't played yet.

    • +3

      You're in for a treat.

      • +6

        Yep, 3+4 are the pick

        • +1

          honestly my pick is 5, the soundtrack is just so good

      • # 4 is a grouse game, if not a bit long. The only bit I hated was those towers
      • # 5 was cool, until the end which was a word I can't discribe even to this day
        If they mixed up #4 & # 5, you would get a hell of a grouse game
        BTW, # 4 was game of the year
      • # 6 I have yet to play
  • +23

    For those who haven't played FC4, If Pagan Min asks you to wait, just wait pls. It is disrespect to leave the table without finishing your meal.

    • +1

      very short game though. Great game - too bad all the factions suck

  • Ah shit! Here we go again… another few more weeks wasted 😂

  • I thought Monkey Island was last month.

    • +3

      That was Curse (MI3) this is Escape (MI4). The Two games the main crew from 1 and 2 did not work on.

      This one used the GRIME engine from Grim Fandango. It was the last adventure game LucasArts put out and it was a bit of a fizzle.

      Still worth a play if you are a fan of the genre/series, but assume most fans would have already, despite it being looked down on the series.

      Edit: it is also the last in the series to be added to Amazon, all 4 main games and, Tales of Monkey Island have now been added. So complete your collection.

      • Well, complete for now. There's a new game (by Ron Gilbert, from the first two games) coming out this year.

    • It was, the Curse of Monkey Island. This is Escape. Great games. Now have The Secret of Monkey Island, Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge, The Curse of Monkey Island and now to get Escape from Monkey Island thanks to Prime. I guess Tales will be next and maybe wishful thinking the new yet to be released Return to Monkey Island.

      edit - Darn if Escape has been done in the past, missed that one :(

      • Thanks

  • +9

    Ah yes Far Cry 4 with Ellen DeGeneres as the villain. My fave in the series

  • PM me if you want my spare Dead Space 2 code

    Edit: claimed.

  • fark….bought FC4 not too long ago

    • me too :( for $11.98

  • -1


  • I never was able to finish Escape from Monkey Island, I gave up on it years ago

    • +5

      Lucky you're able to post from Monkey Island then.

    • Herman Toothrot? Is that you?

  • Just got far cry primal and new dawn from the ubisoft code $5.50 each for the deluxe editions. Already own all the rest except 6 but im down to wait for that one to drop significantly also. Hopefully people enjoy 4 i thought the environment was very pretty even today but the story wasnt as good as 3.

  • Damn! Even if you don't have Prime for some reason, this giveaway itself would make it worth it for a month ($6.99)

    • +1

      Would paying for just one month subscription cover two months of Twitch giveaways?

      • Yes, you would get the May games and then in 6 days get the June games I would think

      • That's a great idea! I did not think of this.

      • You don't even need the whole month. They pro rata refund. 21c per day.

  • +4

    Thought Far Cry 4 was a good game but didn't seperate itself from Far Cry 3 enough.

    Then the whole series fell off a cliff after Far Cry 4. I wish they stopped making them. Or my idea for the series is to take a more serious approach in real/semi real conflicts. I thought Far Cry 2 set in an African war was one of the most unique games I've played even to this day.

    • It's freaking free! Just claim it.

  • Wow, great deal - I have WRC 10 and Far Cry 6 for my PS5 but will still get both the older games for my PC which is less powerful.

  • Can't see Farcry 4 or WRC 8 to claim?

    • if u scroll to the top, there's a blue bar it says "IN 6 DAYS"

      • +1


        • +3

          Here's your friendly reminder that you can now claim the games.

  • Far Cry 4 doesn't seem to be showing anymore. Anyone have a link?

    • Replace anymore with yet, and you have your answer. Four more days.

      • Gotcha

  • Honestly guys .. i did not know this even existed until this post .. Thank you so much OP!!!

    Also, here is a dead space 2 claim code if anyone wants one ..


  • I don't understand how Amazon Prime makes money. I just feel like Prime is a marketing tool for Amazon.

    • They don't make money. AWS makes money.

  • Good god, I had no idea prime gaming gave away games! I've joined for a couple of months, free trial ( on my 2nd free trial now) but always thought it worked like gamepass, so I never really bothered looking in to it

  • Hope they give out free squadrons key again soon!

  • Far Cry 4 is play on Amazon Luna

    • No love for Australian. Only for states users I think.

  • Far Cry 4 is not a key, have to use to Ubisoft Connect.

  • How can I see my game library with Ubisoft? Do they force you to install their launcher?

  • So if I unlink the accounts later will I lose access to FC4?

  • Can I play these games for free without playing 7$ per month subscription fee?

    • The games remain and are playable on your account even if you stop your Prime membership.

      • Thank you ☺️ So technically i can signup for the free trial, purchase games, cancel the trial and still can play the games😃

        • Not sure, I don't think there are exclusions for free trial members but I could be wrong.

  • +3

    Ubiplay playing up for anyone? It just spins and spins….

    • Yes. Same with me. I would say give it a try tomorrow. It won't let me link my accounts.

    • Same.

    • yep, not working at the moment it seems

    • didn't work for me 30 min ago
      but worked just now

  • Why i haven't still got may pack for fifa22? Has anyone got it yet??


  • Few months back we got WRC7 and Now WRC8. Prime subscription is the best value for money service out there.

  • Nice one OP…I think I should just wait for Epic and Prime freebies from now on with how many awesome PC games are being given away.

  • when I try linking my prime and ubi accounts, it takes me to a page with a blue background and the white Ubi soft logo just flashing. Have tried different browsers. Anyone else run into this issue?

    • +1

      didn't work for me 30 min ago
      but worked just now

  • I’m having issues linking my Amazon and Ubisoft accounts. I go through the link and get taken to, hit the Link button and approve the account linking from my Amazon account, but then just get returned to the with the Link button again.

    Looking at my Ubisoft account I can see it is linked, but Amazon doesn’t seem to recognise it. Had the same issues on multiple devices, with adblockers turned off.

    Has anyone else had this issue?

    • +1

      yes same issue here. ive been trying for a little while now. cant seem to get around it.

      • Thanks for responding. I got it working today. The devices I was having issues with were iPhone and iPad, today I tried on Windows with Edge and it worked.

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