I'm guessing most people here are looking for bargain at good quality
this is imported and cheap coffee capsule
at the moment is the best alternative to nespresso capsule and for me better quality
Something "Special" from coffeemate is coming

That's what I was thinking.
Cue the comments about non-dairy white stuff ……
gerardo66, are you affiliated with coffeemate.com.au?
Also, note that this is not the non-dairy white stuff coffee-mate by nestle. The website is registered to an ABN belonging to a sole trader. There's a possible breach of trademark.
I think you might be right there. Without a name change I wouldn't expect the site to stay up for long.
Coffeemate =/= coffee-mate =/= coffee mate? not sure on the legalities of this…
I think the legalities ® pretty clear: Nestlé® Coffee-mate®.
Is the proposed company name similar or identical to a registered or pending trademark?
Registered or pending trademarks can be searched for using IP Australia’s website. While a name won’t be refused registration by ASIC the owner of a similar or identical trademark may take action against you.
Now, given that the new entity is essentially competing with the same Nestle® for Nestle® Nespresso® coffee pod sales, I can't see Nestle® being too flexible with naming rights! :p
Seriously Gerardo, you should have chosen a different company/trading name, that way you may have flown under the radar a bit but you've got no chance with it being that close!!!
I sense a cease and disease letter coming soon.
I confused myself, thinking that it only applied to similar products… But yeah, I hope Gerardo doesn't need a lawyer anytime soon…
If I were Gerardo I'd be seeking good legal advice & changing that name pronto!!!
I had an acquaintance once start up an IT company with a very similar name to another well known international IT company, and this guy was even stupid enough to use a graphic logo nearly identical to theirs!
Let's just say that didn't end well for the startup. They didn't just get a C&D letter either, they got dragged thru the courts by the big boys punitively, they had to pay both sides costs & legals. They came out of the business venture with a significant loss & they damn near lost everything that they personally owned!
When it comes to business names & trademarks always remember the golden rule…err on the side of caution, coz those with the gold make the rules! ;)
Didn't your acquaintance bother with PTY LTD? That would've saved everything they personally owned…
LOL, nope…he was an idiot, his wife was probably worse. Worst patronising big-noters I think I've ever come across actually! They thought that they knew everything, wouldn't listen to advice or warnings, so we just let them go & enjoyed the show! Not only did they have no limited liability, they also didn't have any type of professional indemnity insurance either.
TBH, I never expected the big company (I won't identify it coz it will almost certainly identify the fools) to be so vicious. I thought they'd get a C&D with a stern warning but no, they got the full treatment. Somebody must've either seen an easy target or wanted to send a firm warning (or both) coz they were quite literally dragged by the plaintiff through as many legal channels as they could muster before they could weasel out. AFAIK, they got lucky coz they never had to pay any punitive damages, it was just the ongoing costs & legals that crippled them.
The reason why I mention the golden rule is that I had another friend who had a patent literally stolen by another large multi-national…long story short, his solicitor advised him that the MN would use the exact same tactics as a defence, they simply had too many resources & he would be crippled by costs long before he got to a forum where it would be resolved. Despite being legally in the right, he basically had to let it go…sadly, might makes right in (civil) legal spheres!
It is "discovery" that screws up the legal system. While some is legitimate, discovery can really be used as a weapon.
LOL is that a cease letter littered with anthrax? :P
Yes i'm a sales rep.
I thought companies weren't allowed to sell coffee capsules that fit Nespresso machines? Also, your capsules are $.80 each? That's similar/more expensive than actually buying them from Nespresso. I'd love for some of the quality coffee makers to make their own coffee capsules.
As a title says: special is coming!
Just because Nescafe is available on market it doesn't mean that other coffee companies can not sale their coffee.It is the same with capsules.
I agree with you! Unfortunately, Nespresso don't.
See this
In Switzerland alone, it has launched legal action against a rival compatible capsule developed by a former Nespresso executive, as well as a product launched by a subsidiary of the country's biggest supermarket chain.
Both sell for about half the price of branded Nespresso capsules. Separately, the company has taken legal action against Sara Lee in France, Belgium and the Netherlands.
Hi Neal
yes i know the story i follow Vergnano against nespresso and they won
anyway i appreciate your followup
Btw i can tell you bit more in the next two weeks about special,free delivery….
i'm know sure if the company will be able to send sample alone but they talk about money back guaranteeregards
Haven't refillable capsules that fit nespresso machines been sold here in Oz? I am sure I have seen them on grop buy websites.
I've seen the empty capsules which you can fill yourself but never prefilled ones. IMO, the whole point of having Nespresso's system is the ease of using the capsules. If I have to stuff coffee into capsules, I may as well use a regular machine. So definitely looking forward to more people making filled capsules.
yes i got the refillable too
but i can tell you that
when people understand the running cost of this machine they looking for cheap way and coming the refillable but the problem is when you buy packet of grind coffee vacuum 250g, and open it…the first 10-15 shot of coffee is ok after that they start loosing flavor and taste
and you have to refill againHi StewBalls
thanks everyone for all the comments
i spoke with the owners and they going to change the shop name.No probs. I think that would be wise, or at the very least get some reliable legal advice to be on the safe side.
I wish you all the best in your business venture.
For me, if the beans are over 2 weeks old (the date the beans were roasted, not the date you open the package), they are stale and I throw them away. Therefore I'll never buy any of these capsules.
You can ask any espresso bar and they will tell you they get their beans in weekly runs, some every 3 days.
Don't think it makes a difference for capsules as they are vacuum packed (well the official nespressos are). Seems to work well with canned food.
the capsule are gas flushed to keep the freshness incl. nespresso
I am interested in alternatives to the official Nespresso pods, and am keen to see what you offer gerardo66 ;)
If you guys can do a price that is near the 1 time fillables which are around 40 cents each, you will be getting a lot of orders!
There is a lot of discussion about alternatives (Capsul'in, Coffeecapsuledelights, Nexpod, Espresso Coffee Club, DiBella, Mr Coffee Pods, Coffeeducks etc) on the Nespresso thread on Whirlpool for those interested:
Hi Kirt
not sue how close we can get to your request
BUT will be really good price strictly to ozbargain
i can guarantee the High Quality of the product
NEW refillable biodegradable capsule coming
Lavazza a modo mio capsule
and Lavazza point including offers like this:
http://www.gumtree.com.au/s-ad/rivervale/appliances/-lavazza…today i'm ready with the offer to ozbaganer
Box of 100capsules
Coupon code: ozbar100
each capsule will cost only 0.55cents
a free sample is also included in the box, return if not satisfied and we'll refund you!
Registration is required only 1 coupon per person
offer ends 17/06 - 20 coupon availableRight……
The Coupon code doesnt even work and that only get you $3 off the price
Did you try registering? As per the reps comment above:
Registration is required only 1 coupon per person
Yes pauly you alright
whats wrong with aldi coffee? i thought this was bargain not expensive site
well we live in W.A.
i think is not available over here
never try the aldi
bestepresso as compatible capsule have no competition, favours, lemon tea,coffee
with ginseng (in stock in 3 weeks)also you have money back guarantee
How can I sample your range before deciding which coffee pods I'd like to buy in bulk? Do you have a shopfront I can visit …I live in Perth.
Hi liparj
yes we at the moment we selling from one of my shop
556 hay street perthGreat, I work in town so will try to come in during the week…
I always thought coffee mate was the non-dairy white stuff you put in coffee?