There is a stretch of highway on my way to work that is a 70km/h zone, and every day at the same time a guy in a subaru must leave late, since he is flying. I have seen him nearly cause accidents due to him going so fast ( hes easily doing over 100km/h - switching lanes at random no indicator)
Should I butt out and just leave it, or call the cops and tell them the time hes always there and hope they come out oneday and see it? Hes been doing it for over a year ive noticed, and the cops are never in that spot at that hour.
I dont want to be a tattle tale, but he would have to be doing nearly 2x the speed limit.
There is a school near the stretch of road.
What would you guys do? Just leave it alone?
For anyone wondering how I am judging his speed - Just to see how fast he was going oneday when I noticed him coming up behind me I let him get right next to me, then tried to match his speed. I got to 90km/h before I gave up and he was way beyond me. I was going off the GPS speed on my phone not my cars speedo.
To top it all off, hes a green P plater.
Edit: Mods can delete, nevermind turns out I'm the idiot.
Lodge a traffic report. Time, rego, details of behaviour. They'll send a letter, it goes on file.