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Actaully they do stack. I bought my last suit at 40% off and stacked it with this deal to get a second pair of trousers free. Oxford stuff is insanely overpriced but the price I paid at the end was a very good deal for a high end suit.
High end? You're kidding right?
Ambiguous: you have fallen victim to Oxford's trick - the over-inflated RRP to appear as to be a luxury brand. They are no better than anything from the likes of Sires.
The only items that are of decent quality are their Luxury range shirts that are actually made with cloth from reputable mills.Seriously, you haven't touched high end until you come across the likes of zegna, isaia, brioni and kiton etc.
Blahman, you have fallen victim to the fashion "elites" trick.
There is a very large difference between a high end suit, and a designer label suit. High end refers to the overall quality of the suit, not the price of the label attached to it. Oxford suits are in fact very well made.
Yeah……'Modukun' is right and so is 'Blahman'. Besides their high-end Italian mill shirts the rest of their apparel has really suffered in quality. It's only worth spending your money on when it's priced at 75% Off. Besides you can get better deals on-line from overseas with comparable/or free postage and just as quick delivery. Their sizing is unpredictable also…….buying on line from them is costly.
Sign up for their Oxford Member program (it's free). I got an SMS for a $25 voucher code the other week, Combined with 3 for 2 deal it makes the shirts pretty good value. I've had Oxford suits and they have lasted me ages. Ditto the shirts. I'm not fooled into thinking I'm buying Hugo Boss, but at the sale prices and deals, it's pretty good value.
There are sales at Oxford all the time.
You seem to be using the EBGames tactic of rotating between 40% off deals, and when there isnt 40% off, they are buy 2 get one free.
I can tell you that this really irks me as a consumer.