credit to the comments of the Amazon deal you should be able to get these controllers for $71.1 or add battlefield for $10 more but doubt people with do that :)
PS5 DualSense Controller (All Colours) $71.10 + $5.99 Delivery ($0 C&C) @ JB Hi-Fi

Last edited 25/05/2022 - 03:15 by 1 other user
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Why negged? It's a legit question
Ooh, thanks for making me check. I've got the $10/$50 one, sweet :D
Now the hardest part is picking a colour.. that hot pink is calling to me…
Stick to purple, pink and blue.
The other colours you might get old stock that aren't the improved less drifty kind.
Not true, the pink was affected too. Russian roulette it is!…
Thanks for the heads up! I never check my commbank so I would have missed it otherwise. I got the 10/50 as well.
Thanks for this! My partner had the 10/50 one too. She's picking the purple controller.
I'm new to the Commbank Rewards, how quickly do you get your cashback?
I have the GoodGuys $30 off $300 spend - could I technically buy the controller and another item (let's call it Item X) to bring the total to $300, get the cashback and then return Item X to effectively bring the cost of the controller to only $49?
from other cash back website (cashrewards) usually they cash you a long period after you are eligible to refund the item.
I think its to avoid this loophole where people get cashback then fully refund the item to the shopCommbank would be similar I guess?
Thanks OP!!
no problem tempted to buy one myself but do i necessarily need it since i like the ds4
Buy one before order a ps5?
yeah for the pc
Does it work as reliably as an Xbox controller on PC?
wouldn't know but never had an issue using a ps4 controller especially if you use stean support or any other compatible software like ds4 windows, don't know if theres ds5 windows you will have to check
Yep works fine with windows 11 Bluetooth. Battery life isn't as good as the xbxsx controllers though, but the build quality is much better.
Risk is the way you end up managing to get a ps5 is in a bundle that includes an extra controller.
Supports up to 4, so you still need it! :D
Not if I haven't got any mates.
Stupid question: Does it work on a PS4?
yes but might need a few steps…)%20to%20control%20your%20PS4
Tempted to buy but then I’d have to use my imagination until I can snag a PS5…
That's what I did with the Gamecube back in the day. Got the pumpkin coloured controller and held onto it for a few months until I was able to find the system in stock.
At this price, would definitely recommend doing it. PS5's are getting easier to get nowadays, usually when posts were made on OzB they were sold out in a minute, the last couple posts lasted a couple hours (from my memory). You should be able to snag one soon. Goodluck!
Finally bought my 4th controller. Thanks.
Thinking about buying a 3rd. What do you use your 4th controller for? There doesn't seem to be many games worthwhile for 4 controllers
Overcooked is at its finest with 4 people, 2 controllers and a bottle of tequila 🤌
Tower Ascension
Good price, POS controller - broken 4 of them - the springs used in L2 and R2 are a lot smaller and thinner, therefore susceptible to breaking.
I recommend that you don't buy the first gen ones (white) and disable 'Trigger Effect Intensity' - cool feature on shooters, but will eventually break yo' sh!t.
SONY Support is terrible - they answer at first and fire away a million warranty questions, but then fail to deliver when they advise 'we'll send you a pack to return the broken units'.
My PS4 controllers are 8yrs old and never had an issue.
did you contact Sony because that's where you bought them? I've taken just one of my controllers back to Harvey Norman with a minor issue and it was replaced with a brand new one on the spot.
Was that controller the one that came with the console?
Having a similar issue but with the Xbox controller that came with the console, they don’t come with any packaging. Feels odd just bringing the controller back to JB for replacement
It may have been the one with the console, or the spare I bought. From Harvey Norman I bought a spare controller so that's the receipt it went back on. I didn't provide any packaging.
Yes I second this. It's way easier just go to the retailer rather than contact sony. I took my controller (the one that came with console) straight to EB after 1 year of use and got a replacement. I just told them it's drifting issue and they gave me a new one with no more question asked, didn't even take a look at my receipt.
Yeah get only Blue, Pink or Purple.
If you like the white black red so much, then better warn you they are just different internally. Sony improved them but didn’t announce. Watch this I read that correctly? Black and red are both just a bad as the original white?
Depend on the batch. I think all recent built units are all the improved one regardless of the colour. But the galaxy colours are always safer
I saw people say the other colours have also been upgraded, however it’s a lottery as to what stock a store might have.
The white controller that came with the console I bought in November last year was the new version.
Thanks for the info.
I dont have any issue with my controller been using from day one of the PS5 release
Yeah, imo one person breaking four is statistically super unlikely to be the fault of anyone other than the user.
My white launch controller is in perfect shape.
Yeah, that person doesn't deserve to use PS5. probably need to shift to PC and use keyboard and mouse.
@virtualds: lol @ doesn't deserve…
Not a heavy or abusive user in the slightest, no controller rage - just normal usage in game like TLOU, Days Gone, GTA, GT7 etc
As said, never an issue with PS4 controllers, 8yrs and still kicking on.
As is my white day one used by 2 adults and 3 young kids. never missed a beat. Its also still white so no idea how peoples controllers get so damn dirty or discoloured…
I got my PS5 recently in the Eb games drop, been using for 2 weeks and my left joystick started drifting ever so slightly to the bottom left, I'm ashamed to say I play NB2K so its super annoying.
I think YMMV in this case.Edit: Had a PS4 the year it was released for christmas, the original controller I got with that PS4 is still working perfectly fine as well as my other 3 controllers that I bought that next year. So I don't think I have been using the Duelsense wrong for mine to start drifting.
Different experience with Sony support.
Very easy warranty replacement, one phone call, I said "drifts", call didn't go further, no troubleshooting even attempted. Got an email with postage details (free), new controller arrived 1.5wks after they received mine. They sent back a newer model, same colour.
Luck of the support draw.
I was on similar boat as TB0n3 with PS5 Dualsense that came with launch pre-order console, R2 spring broke literally from holding trigger while playing genshin (adaptive triggers support is almost nonexistent in genshin besides fishing mini game fyi)
Did amazon chat support in regards to faulty R2 trigger, gave me $136 partial refund despite warranty finished for over 4 months and didnt have to send whole console out.
I suspect amazon receives lots of compliments due to Sony's horrible QC from Dualsense.Used that money buy 4x Dualsense trigger springs for around $5 from Aussie ebay game store "DopherGames"
I got them couple days later. Opened that bad boy up & with some patience, I got R2 trigger working just like how I remembered.
TB0n3 have you tried replacing the trigger springs yet? You only need to open the back & bottom part of the controller to replace the broken trigger springs.
Yeah that was my next move mate, will give it a shot - thanks.
Cool, good luck & let us know how those 4 controllers go. Thanks
Edit: I mean't ebay seller "Dohpe Games"
Yes, two of them were from SONY, the other two were from JB and BigW (lockdown ate away most of the warranty period, but SONY said they'd honour it).
Thanks OP. Been meaning to get a second controller for a while.
Was hard deciding between red and purple. Went with purple thanks, finally can play coop with my gf.
yeah, nice try. you're a gamer, we all know there isn't really a gf. Waifu don't count.
Check out "It takes two", it's awesome!
Awww yhhh, I have one more jb hifi $10 perk voucher left and I'm pretty certain it will be used on It takes two, low key wishing for it to go even cheaper than it is now at $29.99.
I already claimed overcooked all you can eat when it was on ps plus and that is the main game my partner wants the controller for.
I think I will get It Takes Two as well. Any other two-player games that I can play with my angry wife to calm her down?
I'm amazed how much I don't want to go into a store in 2022. JB is like 500m away from home. Still opt for $5.99 delivery. Not the ozbargain spirit I know but you know it's not going to go as smoothly as you think doing a C&C. Park, the hassle of nice people asking if they can help, the wait, the momentary 'where is it?', security sideeye, people not looking where they are walking, the fruity coughs. I may never go into a store ever again.
Just go son, some sunlight will do you good.
lol.sunlight…in store.
I'm assuming he doesn't have a tunnel between his front door and the JB HiFi which is 500 metres away.
@Budju: dude. I'm in the one of the southern parts of Victoria in late May. Might as well be the middle of the night.
you need to do something about your anxiety man
Why the HELL did i buy four white boys
Make sure it’s the newer model “ CFI-ZCT1W A” and not “ CFI-ZCT1W”. Apparently they fixed issues with drift and whatnot.
This on all colours of just some?
I believe purple pink and blue are guaranteed to be revised models. The other three are likely, but not guaranteed, and will depend on whether stores have old stock or not.
Yep, look for the FCC ID that ends in "A" or the UKCA logo at the back of the controller for the new improved version.
Thanks, just checked all mine and the have the A
Where/ when did you buy yours? and what colour?
@Blitzfx: I got blue pink purple and red
I bought the blue and pink on release and the other 2 about 2-3 months later
All mine have the number the the “A” after it and also have the UKCA Logo
This a good one to have?
@Twisty: Oh, i'm not sure. Just going off what other people said, there's some risk of the black + white + red model being the old ver, so kinda wanted to see if they had flushed out the older versions and pushing through the new ones.
Does it have the A on the box or do you have to look at the actual controller?
Alright so I can confirm the model on the box doesn't reflect what controller is inside. I got a new version of the black colour
i checked most of the boxes in JBHifi glen and forest hill. thy all have serial number “ CFI-ZCT1W” on the box. Only when you open the box and look at the back of the controller can u see a tiny A on the controller itself.
also, the FCC ID will have an A at the end too.
in short, only when you open the box and at the controller itself will you know its the new variant.
So how does one go by getting the newer model? All the controller boxes are sealed so I’m sure they are not going to open them up for you
Get the 3 new galaxy colours. They're only in the new design
I think all the new galaxy colors would be the new variant.
@ruztynail: Can confirm
I got the purple and picked it up now from JB and it has CFI-ZCT1W on the box and on the back of the controller CFI-ZCT1W and a tiny A next to it.
@zzzman: Yup. No way of knowing if one is planning to get the white or black without opening the box.
@ruztynail: Yer I’m wanting a black one but I don’t like my chances and once I open it I bet it’s gonna be hard to return it and ask for a newer model seeing you can’t tell
@ruztynail: Hahah just got to convince the Mrs I need a black too as I got red pink blue and purple hahahaha
Thinking of saying once you go black you never go back, see how that goes down
@JoJoker: Just got my black one from EB and it has the A
They did say if it didn’t have what I wanted I could return it as long as everything was like new and box was still good which was nice just in case
Thanks Op! Bought red and stacked with commbank.
Would love the CommBank JbHiFi offers I never get those. Is there anything I can do to have the ai target me with JB offers?
I purchased 1 with JBHIFI just 10 days ago with the RRP $119.
Went to the store as the 1st customer this morning and returned it (actually I kept the controller), and purchased 2 (1 more) by paying only $23.20 more.
Very happy with the price now and I finally have 2 PS5 controllers.For anyone who yet to buy, please note that the dark purple, light blue and light pink ones are the ones to buy as the others have major defects on the triggers.
Oh crap, haven't heard about this defect issue before! Damn, shouldn't have gone with red.
I might try swap colour on pickup.
Yes, you should. Search it on google and you can find the defect details.
Don't sweat it, it's hardly a widespread "major defect". Do you really think all black and white controllers are boned? There is a small increase in the risk of a defect at best. The comments here are ridiculously dramatic.
you're wrong about the other colours not having the upgraded parts tho. They will have chances of being the older models but most have already been upgraded. Source: my PS5 console came with a white dualsense with upgraded model number, ends with "T1A" instead of "T1"
This black version is the new T1A along with the other new galaxy colours. The white with the console comes straight out of the factory, and the reason why it's the new version. The only real chance of getting snagged on the old T1 is if you purchased from a small regional retailer or online that hardly moves through their older stock. Safe to say all controllers from high turnover game retailers now have the T1A new version with updated springs.
Nope, got an old white one from Amazon mid this week. Bugger.
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If you've been targeted by Commbank Rewards you can stack hard.
1) Spend $50+ and Get $10 Back @ JB Hi-Fi
Dual Sense = $61.10
1) Spend $75+ and Get $20 Back @ JB Hi-Fi
Dual Sense = $55 (assuming you can find a cheap $4.40 item to push the 92FRENZY total beyond $75)