Can anyone be kind enough to give me one of their diablo 3 guess pass.
Please send it through a message. Thanks in advance to anyone who will give me one
Diablo 3 guess pass

Would be very happy if someone could spare me one as well:)
I would love one too, if someone feels like being super generous!
what is this guess pass?
I bought d3 off blizzard. do i get one?The guest pass is basically just access to the trial. 30 days after the release you won't need a giest pass to try the trial anymore. The trial is limited to level 13.
I believe only those who bought the boxed version get guestpasses.
Have fun with your new game!:)
I played 10 minutes and already sick of it.
Guess getting too old for these type of games. Its very similiar to d2 with better gfx :/Yeah.. you get that… I suppose people sorta expected it to be a huge leap in innovation from Diablo II given the time frame… but Diablo II was quite like Diablo I, and it's not like Blizzard where busy with WoW between Diablo I and II's development (like they have been between II and III).
Anyone got an extra code that they can provide me?
Thanks! :)
I'm after a guest code too. Thanks in advance to any kind soul. Cheers.
This game is very average, your guest pass will effectively only last a day, it doesn't take long to get to level 13. Personally I don't see what the fuss for this game is all about.
Guest Passes;
anyone else got a guest pass they are willing to give up, please?
any one kind enough to donate a guess pass? would like to try it out before making a full purchase thanks in advance!
Anyone with an unused guest pass left? Would like to see how it works under Wine.
Would someone be so kind to donate a guest pass? PM me please…
Me too please hand up! Would love to try it out before I buy it… so hard to get a physical copy here
sure, I will.