Need a New Computer

I am after a new computer just for the web, not into games, would like a device that can be used as a desk top say with a doc station, hence have a wide screen display and normal key board, but can also be mobile if required, that is use the land line at home and 4g on the go if required.

Any suggestions as what to get, lap top, note book or tablet, and what brand or model, budget upto $1200 for all equipment required inc monitor doc station and so on.


  • Try ebay - I wouldn't go for refurbished as for the same price you can get brand new. The following are just some examples.………

    As for brands Asus, HP, and Toshiba are fine. Personally I prefer Toshiba but that does not mean that HP or Asus are bad. Depends on what you need and want to do with the computer.

  • Most any laptop can be used with a keyboard, mouse and external screen
    (tip - change power settings so it doesn't power down when you close the lid)
    You only need a docking station if
    1. you need a connection say dvi that th laptop doesn't have &/or
    2. You plug and unplug the unit a lot and can't be bothered doing the cables each time

    Web stuff only doesn't require powerful system and I would buy new with warranty
    Suggest you just keep an eye out on here for the next bargain laptop and lcd screen and fire away
    You should be able to get laptop and 22 or 24 inch screen for $600-$700
    You can send me the other $500 if you like :)

  • you won't find docks on most laptops these days

    maybe the Lenovo T420 series and the expensive enterprise types

    i would just use a Logitech unifying desktop and a hdmi LCD so its as few plugs as possible

  • desk top say with a doc station, hence have a wide screen display and normal key board

    If you want to minimize on the amount of cable clutter:

    1. Buy Logitech mouse and keybord set that uses the same wireless dongle. Some of them use "Nano" sized receivers which are very small and you don't need to even remove them when stowing the laptop into a bag.

    2. Buy a HDMI LCD monitor with an internal speaker built in, so you don't need extra speakers — but monitor speakers generally sound very tinny.

    3. For printers, USB thumb drives, USB modems and such, just buy one of these powered USB hubs and keep it as a permanent fixture to your table. When you want to go portable, simply unplug the USB hub from the computer and you're good to go.

    My recommendation:
    $499 Samsung Quad core AMD laptop with 1TB internal drive It's probably more than what you need, feel free to choose a cheaper model
    $158 23.6 inch AOC LED monitor with built in speakers / HDMI connect
    $65 MK520 keyboard and mouse with Nano Receiver via Logitechshop. free shipping
    $18 Belkin Powered USB Hub 4 ports
    $2.09 HDMI 1.5 meter cable

    Total cost: $750 for the entire setup.

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