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3 Line Netcomm V431 VoIP Gateway $20 + $12.95 Delivery


Netcomm VoIP Gateway Special
For a limited time only, get a 3 line Netcomm VoIP gateway for under $20! With a retail value of up to $700, this offer is exclusive to MyNetFone's Whirlpool customers and a bargain you won't want to miss out on.
Please note the following conditions:
These devices are not pre-provisioned by MyNetFone. You will need to set it up yourself by following the instructions included in the Device Activation email.
These devices are only available on a WhirlpoolSaver plan by default. If you wish to change the voice plan for your device, you can do so via the MyAccount Portal. Instructions will be included in the Device Activation email.
Hurry, offer only available while stocks last!

Mod: Fixed title for clarity

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closed Comments

  • +4

    RRP of $700 is just wrong.

    • OP should have advised us of the ~$13 S+H fee (per V431 ordered), but it's still great value at ~$33, if you take the time to dig in & learn how to use its features.

      Great for a SOHO office or family with teens :-)
      who spend "hours" on the phone…

      • Where? :-) How old are they?

        And - the BIGGEST Questions - will we need to take costly Cisco course (or, as bad, hire very costly Cisco tech's) to get them installed? :-/

        Will we need to buy any other Cisco gear to get them working, in the end?


  • What's this whirlpool saver plan? I'm with them but just on a standard plan

    • +2

      http://MyNetFone.com.au/whirlpool <-is your friend

      My memory say:

      10 cent calls (up to 2 hours, then cut off) to any -normal- linefone; you pick the town/city/country of your own incoming phone number… Called a DID number, it costs $5 / year.

      Yep, you got friends or family interstate, they may be able to ring you for a local call tick, ie, if you can get a MNF incoming tel # in their town or city.

      With this device, you can have 3 incoming numbers (each costs: $5 / year)

      This device falls back to a normal landline, ie, if you have one & plug it in.

      It's a cool tool/toy, worth more, eg, to a SOHO business… maybe come up-to-speed with it & sell / install some into firms that have wired Internet (ADSL or cable, should do it)…

      Some profit.

      Smaller families can get a tel # for each member (up to 3, besides any landline you may have).

      Little known SECRET: Once you & your family & friends all have SIP numbers, you can call each other [from home] FREE… ie, you can even save the 10 cent / call fees.

      (I think MyNetFone gives you 3 SIP numbers - free - with each V431, so you can have up to 3 simultaneous calls going - each to a different friend who has their own SIP number; the SIP # may have to be within the same VoIP service - eg, MNF's - to enable the connection… others will know more… :-)

      Kids can keep in-touch (eg, work on homework together) -even- while one or all are "grounded" (Just ring & leave the VoIP phones off-hook, ie, connected…

      "Hey, how'd you start number 17 of the Maths homework?"

      Kids need -not- tie-up the house's landline phone anymore…

      You can make timed calls to mobiles, ~ 15 cents per minute (from memory; better confirm at the link I've given, above).

      Some of these are on eBay for big bucks, but I don't think they'll sell at those prices.

      They may be or go obsolete, eg, if / when ADSL and/or cable gets replaced by, eg, FTTN (Fibre to the Node = Home/Office)… but they will likely have some good years, eg, in smaller towns across AU…

      These won't last… so, get 'em while you can!

      • Sorry, this is blocked at my work. I thought the website was down but it turns out that mynetfone must be blacklisted. Go figure!
        So basically you get the standard mynetfone plan but with a $5 DID number (instead of $30) and reduced call rates for national or mobile calls. I better change on to this!

        • Yep… There's been a WhirlpoolSaver deal for a while now, originally listed in threads at:

          Check in the VoIP's forum…?

          I haven't needed to access it recently, myself… let me know if I've missed any great deals over there! :-)

      • Actually, you don't need a DID for your interstate friends and relatives to call you for the cost of a local call.

        Mynetfone have local dial-in numbers over most of Australia, for most people there is a number in their local call zone. Here is the list of numbers: https://www.mynetfone.com.au/Residential/Home-Phone/MyNetFon…

        To use this, call the appropriate "Global Access Number", wait for the voice prompt, then dial the account number of who you want to call. Account number starts with 09 and has eight digits.

        Also very useful for checking you answering machine while on holidays, in case you can't take your VOIP box with you on holidays (sometimes you won't want to, e.g. if you are on the other side of the world. Office hours here = sleeping hours over there).

        • Yep, but don't those systems require an extra step?

          I'd bet that -most- folks are prepared to pay $5 / year to save their families, clients/customers, friends, etc. the time & trouble of going through that hassle… :-)

          BTW, it's possible to take your landline # to MyNetFone (it's a paperchase, but I've done it before & it was easier than informing everybody that I'd got a new tel.#)

          I think it was free, too… except for the time & energy for that paperchase, of course. ;-)

        • There is no extra step if your friends/relatives program it into the phonebook of their phone.

          All the phones I have seen with a phonebook will let you add a 1-second pause between some digits, so for example you would enter 70046666PPP09000000 into the phonebook, to dial through the Adelaide dial-in number (70046666) to account 09000000.

          It may take five seconds to dial instead of one second, most people are happy to do that for the cash saving.

  • +1

    what is this actually? what is mynetphone and whirlpool saver plan?

    • This is using the internet to make phone calls, like Skype with Skypeout (the ability to call "normal" phones and mobiles). Except you don't need a computer running, you use a small box (the V431) and you can plug a "normal" phone (wired or cordless) into this box. You do need to have ADSL, ADSL2, cable or NBN though. Calls are a lot cheaper than the rates of the standard telcos, although people who make a LOT of calls may be better off on one of the telco's "unlimited calls" plans.

      • For anyone ringing overseas to the right countries (over 40 to choose from, or have in the same subscription) Skype is also an option.

        There are Skype phones that don't need a computer (some even have color screens, Internet Radios, etc. full (embedded) multimedia features, on top of video Skype phone functionality.

        …but I digress! ;-)

    • MyNetFone is a VoIP Provider (Internet phone co.)

      A -big- difference between, say, dealing with a de facto monopoly (read: Telstra) and enjoying MyNetFone is that…

      MyNetFone lets -you- control all your hardware, eg, deciding "on-the-fly" which port, on each box (ie, if you ever have more than one) is connected with which of your incoming phone numbers (DID numbers).

      You get such DID numbers, on-line, -without- having to queue for a Telstra call-centre person (read: driod, in my experience. ;-)

      You pick the city/town & (to some degree) the number you'll be getting… and you get that new incoming number INSTANTLY.

      How does -that- compare with Telstra, etc.? :-)

  • $12.95 shipping fee applies

  • -1

    $12.95 shipping fee applies. Not a great deal, in my opinion. I assume you need to sign up for a plan?
    I think the VoIP rates are more important than the box on the long term. Many VoIP providers probably give the box for free on a contract (e.g. Primus, on 12 month contract. Box is locked, but been with them for 4.5 years so I don't care).

    • +1

      This MyNetFone box is NOT locked… so, how can it be -such- a bad deal?

      For lower-end ATA boxes, MyNetFone sometimes give usage credit with the box.

      (Some items you can/could get from MSY came with MNF credit, or did in recent past.)

      How much would you have pay to ship such a box across AU?

      This box does -more- than a simple ATA box does.

    • +1

      If you dont know or not sure about something,ask pls…if not,pls dont comment.

    • So, tell us about your Primus deal… ;-)

      And, is everything "just like MyNetFone" with Primus? (Maybe re-read this threat first…)

  • +1

    With a retail value of up to $700

    Instantly I don't want to buy from these people.

    C'mon guys, you can do better than that..

    • Now, the OP sees RRP $699 (or near; I'm not looking at it, now)…

      What's s/he -supposed- to say about its value?!? :-/

      Do you know any products like NetComm's V431 that you can buy -new- with warranty for $33, including S+H?

      I didn't think so…

  • Do you have access to reflash the firmware and use as you please?

    • They're -not- (AFAIK) locked to MyNetFone…

      but yes, maker's latest firmware can be installed as it comes out.

  • This deal is for a device to plug in a standard phone handset to use VoIP across a broadband internet link (without needing a PC to be on).
    I've been on the whirlpool saver plan a while - it is good value and mynetfone are reputable.
    It appears that they got hold of a bunch of these boxes that are being orphaned by Netcomm. They originally came out 7 years ago (hence why they once RRP'd at $700).
    Some discussion on Whirlpool:

    Bottom line: great deal if you are thinking of moving to VoIP/trying it out. The box is full featured, but not cutting edge. Probably nothing to see here if you already have a VoIP setup with a reasonably modern ATA.

    • +1

      I'd say that the V431's value - ie, for those -new- to VoIP - is that it's EASIER to configure a -single- device for 3 DID numbers than it is to get 3 DID's to work on 3 separate ATA's (assuming each of the ATA's provides 1 DID number).

      It's also gotta be cheaper to run ONE box (with its warm power block) than 3 ATA's (w/ 3 pwr blocks), over time.

      And even if V431's don't have -all- of the latest bells & whistles of today's VoIP world, they have -more- than most ATA's have.

  • Cheapest on Static Ice is $529.

    The Whirlpool plan has a $0 monthly fee and $5 per year per DID. It mentions nothing about minimum contract though. Is there one?

    • NO Contract - Just Decide every month if it's good value.

      No monthly cost, so, no loss (except pennies of your $5 annual DID "rent") if you don't use it, eg, if you're away on holiday, etc.

      I agree… MyNetFone's WhirlpoolSaver account is TERRIFIC value!

    • Are the listed companies -selling- at $529…?

      I don't think so… ;-)

  • So here's their Whirlpool saver plan

    here's Part 17 of the plan discussion on Whirlpool

    here's the MynetFone plans as listed on whirlpool

    But basically the MNF Whirlpool plan is

    WhirlpoolSaver Plan
    Local/National Calls 10c/Untimed
    Australian Mobile’s 15c/Minute (per sec billing)
    Direct-in-dial number $5/year per DID
    Monthly FEE $0.00/Month
    Included Calls 0 Calls
    Global rate From 1.9c/Minute* (per minute billing)
    SMS 10c each

    As for others who say $20 ($33)is too much for the hardware.
    Well the plan is a lot better deal then most other VOIP providers (especially iprimus)
    You're not stuck with your ISP. and for $5/yr you get a portable landline. The calls are cheap & so is the SMS's.

    personally I use Pennytel, as I get a better overall deal on their $5/mth plan,
    But MNF apparently is quite reliable and their support guys hang out on Whirlpool to help their customers.

    • I don't know where you could get a box with FXO cheaper, and it appears to be unlocked, or at least unlockable.

    • Yep, got a summer home? Work out of 2 cities?

      No problem, take an ATA with you & your number goes where you do. (Not a feature that's specific to V431's, but to VoIP ATA's as well.)

      Suppose a business has to be available 24x7, but they happen to be in a dangerous place (war-zone) or just need to shift with conditions (eg, Emerg Operations Centre), but want folks to be able to reach them by the same landline tel #'s…

      Just take the V431 with you, plug it into another router at destination, and you're back on-the-air…

      Of course, this technology can be "misused" eg:

      • "Honey, I'm in the Perth office, as you can see by my Caller ID number on your phone."

      Magic tricks are possible:

      • "Watch now, I'll beam from our Perth office to our Cairns office" (Then s/he rings back
        using the phone connected via a Cairns DID.)

      So, use your V431 (& other VoIP ATA's) wisely.

      (AFAIK - like most VoIP services - MyNetFone don't -guarantee- your 000 call will be routed to the right responders' call centre, ie, given your calling location… that's true -because- you can take your ATA or V431 with you… and look like you're calling from the same location.)

      • For the 000 calls, I believe the address sent to emergency services is marked as "not a guaranteed address" or somesuch. Mobile phone numbers would be marked the same way.

        Calls from Telstra or Optus fixed phones ARE marked as guaranteed addresses. This can save valuable seconds, as emergency services won't need to ask what address you are calling from.

    • You should be able to use this with their Neosaver plan


      For $5 a month you get

      DID 1 included
      Local/National 100 included per month including NeoGlobal, then 10c untimed
      Mobile 12c per min, per second billing
      International Once included calls are used, 10c untimed for NeoGlobal; from 1.9c/min for other international From 1.9c per minute From 1.9c per minute
      MyText SMS 20 FREE per month then 10c per message
      Number of Lines Up to 2 lines

      So if you make more than 50 local/national calls a month, this is better value. Also you get benefit that the 100 included calls can be made to many OS locations inc Canada USA, many in Europe HK Malaysia. And over the 100 calls then you only pay 10c per call untimed including those neoglobal international calls.

  • There might be some YouTube videos about these… If not, there oughta be… ;-)

  • I caved and bought one. It supports T.38 for the once or twice a year I need to send a fax, and at worst can be a backup to my Mitron.

    • Can you tell us more about T.38 FAXing, please?

      Is there a CHEAP T.38 FAX machine, that also -doesn't- use up ink or toner each time it's switched on?

      I'd be happy enough to find a CHEAP "software-only" T.38 "virtual FAX machine" solution.

      Does anybody have any suggestions? :-)

  • Even if this is locked, mynetfone have decent rates and fantastic customer service - highly recommended.

    • It's NOT

  • Get the NetComm manual(s) on this & see (eg, in the diagrams) all the ways it can be used.

    Don't miss this one, if you think your Internet's up to the task of VoIP (QoS can prioritise call packets over any download or other packets, so your VoIP calls can sound good), learn enough about VoIP to save some $$.

    If not only for yourself, maybe to provide a (paid) service to a local business or 3… ;-)

  • Already on the Whirlpool Saver. Can existing customers get this?

    • It's more than likely you received an email about it (maybe today) and yes, it's available to existing customers.

    • Yes, you can even get a new sub-account with extra mnf numbers.

      • What you call "mnf numbers" are known as "SIP numbers" - you get ONE / port, & they let you ring FREE to others' SIP numbers.

        You can even ring other phones (connected to the same V431) FREE, ie, if you ring their SIP numbers.

    • +1

      Yep, we got one while on that plan. :-)

      Why not? They just want to dump the gear, & maybe pickup some new business as a side effect.

      I think MyNetFone is an example of "Patient Capital" & - as such - is well worth studying & copying (or joining).

      Good value… Not pushy… Great service… Always got a deal to consider…

      They win my GH Seal of Approval.

      GH = Good Housekeeping ;-)

  • If you are intending to do a lot of overseas calls, you may want to consider different hardware to the V431. It's a good box, but only supports a single VOIP provider. Mynetfone is pretty good for overseas call costs, but for some destinations (e.g. India) there are other VOIP providers who are cheaper. Many voip boxes will support two or more providers, and even let you automatically select which provider to use depending on what type of call (local, mobile, international) you are making.

    With all VOIP providers, there is the per-call cost to consider, and the reliability of the service. I find Mynetfone to be extremely reliable, and the call costs are good. For most people, I think Mynetfone are the optimal solution - unless you have special calling requirements, like lots of overseas calls. Then I'd recommend Mynetfone for calls within Australia, and compare costs with other providers for the overseas calls.

    Also a note: this deal (with the V431) cannot be accessed by going through Mynetfone's home page. You have to use the link, the whirlpool offers are a special deal not available through the home page. These offers have been running for at least five years that I know of, I don't think they're going away any time soon.

    • Yes, I noticed that… access the deal via, eg:

      …then click on the Netcomm Special display ad, in the 2nd row of ad's…

      If you order, you'll get a couple of SMS's (!) & eMails to let you know what's happening.

      The eMail stream will contain configuration info, so don't delete them… :-)

      PS I don't think the V431 special can last too much longer… the V422 special is already gone, & there can't be too many more V431's left, unless, eg, MNF are helping NetComm dump all of its residual stock…?

      (MNF would never tell me how many units were available… :-/ Hopefully, they'll have enough for everyone who wants one…

  • +1

    These would be great to install into the Community Hall -or- Store at remote (or maybe semi-remote) Aboriginal Communities, where lots of folks don't have a phone in the home…

    It could be a (slight) fund-raiser for the Community, ie, if they have compatible & reliable wired Internet.

    (Yes, I know, not all Aboriginal communities have Internet, or - if they do - it's only costly, satellite Internet.)

    But - for those that -don't- have phones, but -do- have cheaper, wired Internet, a couple of these boxes (eg, in the Community Store & Hall) & cordless phones connected to each of the V431's 3 "virtual lines" could mean up to 3 people could be speaking to relatives, friends or others at the same time, for less than they'd pay Telstra (especially, for long-distance calls in AU) at an outdoor phone box… ie, IF that phone box was working.

    (How would -you- like to share a phone box with 80 other people?)

  • "Sorry, An error occurred during processing and you have been logged out!"

    • Worked when I didn't log-in to my existing account.. and made a new one.

      MNF can merge accounts later if you ask nicely.

      • And… you can/must -release- devices, eg, if someone else buys one of yours.

  • +1

    Oh… One more thing:

    • Use your Android 2.3 (or -earlier-) device - eg, on WiFi - to make calls, using your WhirlpoolSaver plan, and - in a pinch - one of your V431 SIP numbers & password.

    We have an Xperia X10 (from memory) that's Android 2.3.x that lets us make calls with "NO SIM card inside"

    • we use MyNetFone's Android app for Australia-wide calls to normal landlines… -and-

    • for overseas calls (to over 40 countries, some even include calls to their mobiles), we use Skype's annual subscription (US $149, last time we paid it), that includes 3 incoming numbers.

    "The phone with NO SIM" just works! :-)

    • One of the great things about VOIP is being able to use softphone client apps. You just need the login credentials & the SIP server settings the VSP provides & you're up & running.

      If mobile call plans were not getting cheaper, the MBB data sim + VOIP app combination is a good option to save a penny. Uses download & upload data, but will not use much due to compression from the codecs.

  • If you have parents/relatives overseas who you call a lot, you could consider buying two, and post one of them to the overseas parents/relatives, if they have broadband internet. Then you can talk as long as you like almost for free (you still have to pay your internet data though, but at 0.5-1Mbytes/minute = up to 60Mbytes an hour, it's pretty cheap for an international call. The overseas relatives will use the same amount of data too.)

    Your overseas relatives can also call other Australian landline numbers for a fixed 10 cents per call, untimed. But remember, if you bought this for them, it's your credit card the charges will go on.

    • Do V431's work on "all" ISP's ADSL services?

      Do ISP (elsewhere or here) block VoIP packet &/or ports?

      • I recall reading of some United States ISPs that blocked VOIP, but that was a few years ago. Some countries block VOIP, I believe Saudi Arabia is one. VOIP is illegal there (or was, I recall reading on Whirlpool that the situation may have changed). A member of the royal family there owns the largest telco, draw your own conclusions.

        Many businesses block VOIP on their internal network. No different to blocking facebook and other non-work activities.

        As for Australian ISPs, I haven't heard of any that block VOIP. There are some that VOIP may not work on, due to jitter and/or latency. Satellite and 3G are considered "risky" territory as far as VOIP is concerned.

  • Sold out! That was quick…

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