YouTube Channel Has Been Suspended!

anyone there have received this email!I woke up this morning with an email that my YouTube channel has been suspended ,I have the Indian premium account but I don't have YouTube channel I just watch things and listen to music
Hi Peter ****,

We have reviewed your content and found severe or repeated violations of our Community Guidelines. Because of this, we have removed your channel from YouTube.

We know this is probably very upsetting news, but it's our job to make sure that YouTube is a safe place for all. If we think a channel severely violates our policies, we take it down to protect other users on the platform - but if you believe we've made the wrong call, you can appeal this decision. You'll find more information about the policy in question and how to submit an appeal below.

What our policy says

Spam, scams or commercially deceptive content are not allowed o

I Called Google support they couldn't help me, they have no access and they sent an email and I have to wait up to 48 hours ,
I never upload anything and i dont have private channel on YouTube!!!

anyone have similar experience and can help ?

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  • +3

    Follwing with interest since I only recently got the access to YT Premium India working

    • As am I.

    • Likewise

  • +3

    There seems to be a lot of it going around:…

  • +6

    Do you still have access to Youtube Premium?

  • +5

    I wonder if it was hacked first

    • +18

      send me your username and password and I'll check for you.

      • +18

        Don't fall for this - a real YouTube employee will always ask for your credit card details…. like me. Send me your credit card details and I'll check them against your account to see if you've been hacked

      • +3

        Can't believe that helped. Thanks serpserpserp.

        • +2

          Thanks, I thought it was a scam.

  • +15

    This is why you get ublock origin for free instead of paying to get your account suspended.

    • +1

      ublock origin can block youtube ads ? WOW

      • Yep.

      • Yeah, doesn't work on Twitch though.

        • +2

          nothing works on twitch for long, there are ways but they keep patching them, it's a constant back and forth between the people who make the scripts and amazons IT.

          twitch isn't worth watching these days anyway, all the big streamers are washed up or sellouts, if you really want to watch them, the big ones have youtube editors who get rid of the hours of crap and condense it all into 10 - 20 minute videos that are actually watchable.

          • @[Deactivated]: I can’t imagine people wasting their lives watching other people streaming their lives! Even 10 min is way too much. It isn’t like the internet is short of other more useful or entertaining things to watch!!

      • Ublock origin + plus online Spotify was the dj at my wedding

        If you have a android tv box install this

      • Use Wipr for Mac/iOS. It's worth the $3.

    • I'm worried that they'll crackdown on this one day

      • +1

        will be just like cat and mouse game i supposed.
        just like IDM, one version cracked and later we get this annoying pops up, then cracked again, and so so repeat

      • i am not really, most people still don't know you can actually block ads on youtube, or they have some weird aversion to installing an extension for some reason, but as long as ad blocker users remain in the minority, we're fine.

    • this and ad block plus is what I have been using for probably the last 6+ years

      The other main one is I dont care about cookies

      • i don't like ad block plus, i think it was either them or normal adblock that were allowing bribes to show ads from some websites, but either way ublock is enough by itself, so i just stick with it as well as decentraleyes and facebook container

  • Ahh, got nabbed due to breaking their communist guidelines? Well done, you are in very good company lately. Stop giving them your money.

    • +14


      They are in fact the epitome of capitalism.

      • -5

        So is China, what's your point?

        • +8

          What's yours? I can't see one

          • +11

            @Quantumcat: Their point is nonsensical but quite clear: anything bad = communism.

          • @Quantumcat: My point was that YT has been cancelling MANY people for the vague crime of 'breaching community guidelines'. A lot of the them don't even know what they 'wrong' as YT never explains.

            • @EightImmortals: It's not that hard to guess the rules they have broken, they are using a VPN to access Youtube premium via an Indian IP which is against the guidelines
              All Alphabet need to do is find out what Indian IP's are registered to the VPN providers and any accessing via those IP's will be blocked.

              The same will soon start happening with Netflix Family and it being accessed from multiple IP addresses

              • @HeadTheWall: Is it so difficult for YT to let him know that was the reason?
                As I posted in another thread, what's the point of having a VPN if they can be defeated so easily?

                • @EightImmortals: Why should they invest any time into this? if someone is clued in enough to know they are gaming the system by using a VPN to bypass something that they should be paying for legally then it should be pretty obvious what the problem is when they get caught out

                  Maybe they should go and read the T&C and community guidelines, it's not our fault if they are too lazy or stupid to do that and come on here having a whinge instead

                • @EightImmortals: VPN's were originally designed to allow workers connect securely to work/corporate networks from outside their offices
                  They were not designed for this use, it was discovered that they have this added benefit for consumers

                  The VPN companies are not doing anything illegal, it's the user that is breaking the law when they use them to access geo services in other countries
                  Alphabet has every right to protect their content and enforce the rules in each country and that is what is happening here

                  • @HeadTheWall: Whatever VPN's were originally used for is completely besides the point.

                    If they have the added value of protecting people from the prying eyes of corporations and bad state actors then that is fine by me. My question was however, what good are they if they are so easily bypassed or defeated.

                    Thirdly, since when did corporate 'guidelines' because legally enforceable 'law' in this regard? And what has the OP doe that was 'illegal'? Is access YT in India illegal now? Someone better tell all the Indians before they get cancelled as well. Or are simply defending the grubby practice of 'region coding' that has been going for for decades and is simply there for companies to subsidise poor markets by ripping people off in other countries?

                    • @EightImmortals: Clearly what their primary purpose is does have some relevance because you are speaking as if their sole use is to protect users from the "Prying eyes of corporations" and that they are useless at that because they can be bypassed. That is all wrong

                      1 - In relation to the OP's scenario they are not being bypassed, Alphabet/Youtube have decided to enforce the T&C that the user signed up to which is that the account is to be used by a user residing in India. If an "Indian Youtube" account is accessing Youtube via an IP that is registered to an external VPN company then they are well within their rights to ban accounts accessing it that way because they are more than likely not residing in India

                      2 - They (Google/Youtube/Alphabet/Spotify/Amazon etc) all have a right to protect their data and paid services and how they are accessed. When a user signs up to their services they are agreeing to T&C i.e a contract and that can be enforced

                      3 - Yes, using a VPN to pretend they are in India and signing up to a service that requires them to be a resident in that country is against the law

                      Look, you obviously don't want to agree with what I have to say and have some beef with companies closing down loopholes but too bad. That's life
                      Just don't cry foul when a loophole gets legally closed

                      PS - Don't presume the VPN companys statements that they don't keep any logs as protection either because that may or may not be true. There's plenty of info out there about this


        • +2

          what's your point

          If you wanna sh!t on communism (and there might be plenty of ways to do that) best not to do it by sh!tting on capitalism.

      • They are in fact the epitome of capitalism.

        Your opinion is not a fact

        Capitalism is simply a free market where individuals are free to trade as they wish.
        So while Youtube as a company might operate in a capitalist environment, the users within the YT ecosystem do not. Do you think that all YT users are free to publish whatever legal content they like without interference? I've seen plenty of examples where they don't. Channels blocked, subscribers mysteriously deleted etc. So if that is the case, how is that 'the epitome of capitalism'?
        The epitome of capitalism would be a video streaming service with no rules outside of the legal requirements. Youtube is far from that.

        • Free markets are not unique to capitalism. In fact there are socialist variants of free markets too if you care to explore.

          Capitalism is about the private ownership of the means of production, of which Youtube is an exemplar. The epitome of capitalism is the owner of something doing whatever they want with that something with no influence from others. Google owns youtube, they get to decide what to do with it. Google owes you nothing except that which you both agree to together in contract.

          Your namesake protects you from interference from the government. It does not allow you interference in other people's or corporation's matters.

          • @fantombloo:

            In fact there are socialist variants of free markets too if you care to explore.

            Too funny. By definition socialism means social ownership, ie by the wider group or community rather than the individual. You cannot have a true free market if it requires permission from others to operate.

            The epitome of capitalism is the owner of something doing whatever they want with that something with no influence from others. Google owns youtube, they get to decide what to do with it.

            Yeah I already covered that part. Now show us how the users of YT have the same freedom under this 'epitome of capitalism' when they are heavily regulated by arbitrary enforcement of randomly changing ToS?

            The relationship between YT and its users is a lot closer to medieval fiefdom where lords have unilateral control over their subject.
            Your understanding of socialism and capitalism does not match reality.

            Your namesake protects you from…

            Well that's a random comment… Try to stay on subject…

            • @1st-Amendment:

              Now show us how the users of YT have the same freedom under this 'epitome of capitalism' when they are heavily regulated by arbitrary enforcement of randomly changing ToS?

              They are not regulated - they are free to engage with google or not. Google owns youtube so they ultimately decide on the rules of engagement. If you don't want to engage with their product that's your free choice - no-one is "enforcing" you to stay. It's like the bread shop increasing the price of a loaf of bread - you can stop buying from them whenever you want, go find an alternative, bake your own bread, start your own shop, whatever. If google feel the market forces of people leaving because they are disgruntled then they may adapt - their choice.

              You cannot have a true free market if it requires permission from others to operate.

              Start here:


              then explore further as much as you want to be informed.

              Try to stay on subject

              I am.

              • @fantombloo:

                Google owns youtube so they ultimately decide on the rules of engagement.

                So not a free marketplace for the users then, as OP rightly called out…

                Start here:

                Already covered in my last reply. Reading skills = 0

                • @1st-Amendment: You are saying that google shouldn't be able to do what they want with their own asset.

                  Congratulations - you are anti-capitalist without even knowing it.

                  Before you judge my reading skills perhaps you should read something like the link I sent you. It may blow your mind that the world is not limited to a dichotomy of commo-authoritarian-centralisation verses capitalist-free-orgy.

                  • @fantombloo:

                    You are saying that google shouldn't be able to do what they want with their own asset.

                    Nope. Reading skills = -1

                    Before you judge my reading skills perhaps you should read something like the link I sent you. It may blow your mind that the the world is not limited to a dichotomy of commo-authoritarian-centralisation verses capitalist-free-orgy.

                    I read it. You are yet to make a point that I haven't already addressed.

                    Reading skills = -2

    • -1

      By "communist" you probably meant "soy", but otherwise I agree.

      • hahahaha, no I wasn't but I like the cut of your jib!

  • -1

    Play stupid games…

  • +1

    Does your Gmail still work

    • +1

      yeah gmail and all working but not youtube

  • +2

    What did you do to get suspended?

  • -2

    If you don't own the rights to the music you're putting under the ISIS beheading montage they ping you for that. Yakkety Sax (aka 'The Benny Hill chase music') is heavily policed, for instance.

    • +1

      Downvote me all you want, Yakkety Sax is not public domain. Pay your musicians and composers what they are owed.

      Also: issuing correction on a previous post of mine, regarding the terror group ISIL. you do not, under any circumstances, "gotta hand it to them".

  • Whats your youtube channel about?

  • +2

    'but I don't have YouTube channel I just watch things and listen to music'

    doesnt add up…

    • Neither does paying for an Indian subscription in Australia.

      • neither does paying Youtube in place… lol

  • Damn I hate YouTube now. Forcing bloody ads down people's throats just sucks to the point where I boycott whoever is advertising with them. Thank goodness for adblockers but YouTube seem to spend a lot of time trying to get around these adblockers as well.

    • +3

      Forcing bloody ads down people's throats

      I wasnt aware they forced people to watch youtube?

      • -4

        There is always one DH sigh

        • +3

          dont be so hard on yourself

          • @SBOB: Who hurt you? Just sad..

    • +1

      If you don't like YouTube and their style, don't watch 🤣. No one's forcing you to….

  • +1

    Do you have two factor authentication turned on? Also go check your login history on your account. And probably change your password.

  • +2

    you must have pissed off team woke

  • +1

    Easy fix. Sign up a new gmail account and setup a new subscription via VPN.

    • What about my favourite , watch later music collection?

      • +1

        sign up for new account, and then find the watch later stuff again…

  • Assuming that you didn't post anything too spicy as a comment (which, given the state of Youtube comments on any given day, would have to be pretty heinous I'd imagine), chances are your Youtube account was hacked in some way and scammers commandeered it to post dodgy videos/shill cryptoscams/etc.

    • +1

      I just watched a documentary last night and I went to sleep a woke up in the morning with email from google that youtube have been suspended ,I never have channel and I never upload any video neither made any comments

      • Do you have a family account, perhaps someone else posted something offensive causing the parent account to get suspended.

        • -1

          I do have family account but I don't think anyone can post anything in my behalf, Sharing premium account doesn't give them the permission to post anything in my account I guess

          • +2

            @petros0: You're right, but since your account is the parent account that is the only one they can suspended that has premium attached to it….

            Surely you can see what I am saying.

  • +2

    And I have just received an email from my appealing and say my account will stay suspended

    • +1

      Sounds like a scammer got into it somehow and took your account for a joyride.

      @FLICKIT has a link to a google support thread above upthread about a guy that had a similar issue to yours where he got the appeal rejected too and had to have the (profanity) soyjacks upstanding members of Google look into it personally. The guy eventually got his account reinstated though, so that might be something to pursue perhaps?

    • I have similar experience as yours. I have an YT account, I only watch videos, never uploaded anything, never argued with anyone. My account also suspended n my application for review is rejected. The only reason I think of is my view of China and Russian are not mainstream western one, but I don’t post comments much at all.

  • -1

    I assume as you are posting here you did some sort of ‘deal’ on your account, that’s what’s happened here

    • what deal , i done nothing absolutely

  • Yeah, happened to many people, but what they say “found severe or repeated violations of our Community Guidelines” is so vague. It could mean a hundred reasons. I think it’s a Bot picking on members!

  • +2

    Finally I have got my YouTube account back apparently it's hacked asking the guy at community support Andrew,

    but man what a terrible and useless Google supports are ?

    Everyone should learn from Apple performers when it's come to support their product I mean man no one can beat apple hey

    • +2

      Pointing fingers because you didn't lock down your account enough…?

  • +3

    So this has nothing to do with your YouTube premium subscription but is related to your YouTube account itself

    Maybe update the op so people don't freak out

  • I use argentina instead.

  • +1

    Got the same warning 2 weeks ago
    followed now with this

    • correction: not Youtube Channel but Youtube Premium put on hold

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