I literally have to wipe the soap off myself, it's so weak. Are all low-flow's supposed to be like that? I feel like even when I first got a low-flow it wasn't this bad.
Any suggestions or is this just how they are?
Shower Head That Doesn't Feel Like Someone Drooling on Me?

I hear thats good for elephants
Is the showerhead clogged? Problems with water pressure?
If you remove the shower head it will solve th problem but it will feel like some one is urinating on you instead of drooling.
Does the water turn to a golden colour (from the brass pipes)?
Spot on
Someone or an elephant
.Alright alright alright
Set the "flow" switch from "low" to "some", that will fix the problem.
You can generally remove the 'low-flow' limiter on these shower-heads, but you might just have a water pressure problem where you live.
Maybe a water pressure problem at your mains?
How long does it take to fill a 9 litre bucket?
.I would take the shower head apart as there may be some stuff lodged in the flow constrictor. Had this once and after cleaning it was back to normal until I got a better shower head.
Can remove the water save filter. Otherwise if it's happened after plumbing work, you can remove the head and turn on the taps. You will get lots of metal shavings out that can very often caused slow water flow.
Remove the flow restrictor.
A good quality water saving shower heard shouldn't feel like it is watersaving.
I have a methven aio in 1 bathrooms and a grohe power and soul shower in the other and both are amazing without taking out the restrictor.
Purchased both from Reece and their larger showrooms have a working display so you can actually feel what the spray is like on some of the showers they sell before actually handing over any money.
But if you have low pressure in your house then there won't be much you can do. You can get a plumber to check the kpa at your house if you are not sure.What have you got now? Got a pic or a link to something similar?
It may just be a flow restrictor. Could be low pressure. Could be the head.
Personally I prefer a shower that doesn’t feel like being sand blasted and is more like rain. So a large head mounted directly above is best for me.
I've had two Methven shower heads that I've absolutely loved. The Futura and the Escape. The Futura split open after a few years (the head has a screw-on face) and Methven replaced it with the Escape MK3. Their 'Satinjet' technology feels amazing IMO. I removed the flow restrictors when installing.
I suggest the commando 450