This was posted 2 years 10 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Mortal Kombat 11 $22 (OOS), Triangle Strategy $40 (Exp) & More + Delivery ($0 with Prime/$39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

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Both dropped to match Harvey

Mortal Kombat 11 -$22 - Out of Stock

Triangle Strategy -$40 - Expired, back up to $69

The Legend of Zelda Links Awakening -$53

Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition -$40 - Expired, back up to $69

Crash Team Racing Nitro-Fueled -$35

Nintendo Switch Wheel Accessory -$12

Thanks for the extra stuff RichardL

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon AU

closed Comments

  • +13
    • +1

      Thanks bro! Bought two! BTW my name is Richard Ltoo😂

    • Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy - The Definitive Edition - $40

      I'll throw a tenner Rockstar's way for the portable Switch version, to cover physical costs and distribution, otherwise will take it as a Epic freebie for PC. That's all your getting for this effort, Houser.

  • +7

    Bought Triangle Strategy on release. Good strategy game. Definitely recommended if you liked Final Fantasy Tactics or Tactics Ogre.

    • +2

      Same, I thought it might get scarce like Octopath.

      So I kind of regret paying 69 now haha

      • I was waiting for a Limited/Collector's edition to appear, which never happened in Australia, so never picked it up…

      • This was me exactly. Still haven't played it either.

  • +3

    too bad no mario superstars

    • Yeah :(

      That would've been an instant buy from me.

      • +1

        I bought this for full price. Totally worth it if you have some friends to play with. One of my favourite Switch games now. Online play is fun too

        • Yeah I don't have any friends, it would be online only for me pretty much

  • +1

    Kombats gone

  • +1

    Nearly caved and bought this at launch as Octopath is now quite rare physical. Glad it finally dropped.

  • Triangle OOS now back to 69

  • Love that the price for Triangle went back to $69 in the time it took me to put it in my cart at $40 and go to the checkout. And of course, they won't honour the price it was when I added it. Sigh.

    • I've heard that if its in your cart then you can checkout at that price

      • Not according to the chat-bot I liaised with. Couldn't be bothered to fight with them in the end, I'll take it as a sign that the game's not for me.

      • Nah the prices can change. I’ve left things parked in my cart for long periods of time (weeks) and Amazon go so far as to give you notices of changes to price both up or down as part of its interface if you check the cart.

        For Amazon you’re better to buy and then cancel shortly after if you’re on the fence rather than keep things in the cart, since cancelling a so easy.

  • nearly bought triangle, but I tried the demo and its not for me,

    sometimes with these switch deals I can't control myself and I have too many games unplayed

    • Probably wasn't the best idea for them to have such a large about of dialogue between battles for the length of the demo.

  • Great, $40 saved

  • +2

    GTA back to 69

  • Was checking Amazon all morning. Stop to have lunch and miss out. Serves me right

    • Normally Amazon pm at launch time.

    • +1

      eating lunch rookie error ;O

  • +1

    Thanks OP and RichardL.
    Bought Mario Kart Live: Home Circuit (Mario Set) at $88.
    No, in true OzBargainers fashion I don't know why either. Just love the idea of the tech though and seemed an OK price to try it out.

  • did anyone who purchased Triangle Strategy from Amazon receive it sealed?

    I wasn't.

    Thanks in advance :)

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