• expired

$15 off Min $20 Grocery Order (Delivery & Service Fee Applies) @ Uber Eats


Got this email from Click Frenzy. Add the code to your account to use now or in the future (before 1 Aug). These offers seemed to dry up at the end of last year (apart from the recent targeted one).

As always, be strategic, grocery prices are jacked up for many places (especially if you don't have Woolworths Metro in your area and only have IGA or similar). Edit: Reject shop is also a good one (thanks WookieMonster for the reminder).

Remember the following tips:

  • Woolworths Metro & Reject Shop are often the best venues to use the code at (IGA generally more jacked but can still make it work, see example at bottom).
  • Get as close to $20 as possible.
  • Check the regular prices at Coles/Woolworths and choose the least increased item to maximise profit.
  • If you have pass trial/offer to get free delivery it obviously helps, otherwise consider the closest/cheapest delivery fee venue.
  • Use discounted gift cards or some of your swap gift cards up from existing promos (Prezzee etc.)
  • Add the code and test the code at the venue you want to choose with a dummy order, before spending time messing around.

I found an everyday low price item that is $3 at Woolworths/Coles, for $4 at IGA. It means I can get 5 of the items for $7 after discount and service fees (+ $1.99 delivery if you don't have Uber Pass trial), instead of $15 which it would usually cost at Woolworths/Coles. Obviously if you have Woolworths Metro in your area this deal is a lot better value.


This offer is for $15 off your order when you order $20 or more (excluding fees) from grocery stores via the Uber Eats app (Offer). Delivery Fee applies. Service Fee applies to orders delivered by Uber Eats and is based on order value (before promotion). To redeem this Offer, open the Uber Eats app, apply the promo code to your account, search for a grocery store, add 1 or more items to your cart totalling $20 or more (excluding fees), check the Offer has been applied at checkout, and then place your order. To accept this Offer, you must successfully complete an order redeeming the Offer in accordance with these terms. Limited to intended recipients. You may redeem this Offer once only. You must apply the promo code before you place an order to redeem this Offer. Subject to stock availability, operating hours and availability of participating merchants in your area via the Uber Eats app. Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion. Offer may be withdrawn at any time. Valid only in Australia where Uber Eats is available. Expires 11:59pm AWST August 1st 2022, unless withdrawn earlier.

Referral Links

Referral: random (1445)

$0 Delivery Fee on your First Order. Referrer receives something too (Likely free delivery on next order). Cannot be stacked with new user signup codes.

This is part of Click Frenzy deals for 2022

Related Stores

Uber Eats
Uber Eats

closed Comments

  • +5

    The Uber Eats app makes it clear the offer can only be used at select stores. It is not applying for me on an order at Woolworths Metro, but that could be due to the fact I've placed a lot of grocery orders at Woolworths Metro through Uber Eats in the past. This is a little strange, considering the email from Click Frenzy specifically advertises Woolworths Metro underneath the coupon code…

    The terms within the Uber Eats app also says:

    Limited to intended recipients who have never ordered grocery on Uber Eats.

    That may explain the reason I can get the code to work at IGA and The Reject Shop, but not Woolworths Metro.

    • +3

      I have tried with nearby metro, no issues, $15 off at checkout. BTW, I had a few orders from Woolworths Metro via UBEAEATS before.

    • +1

      worked for me to Woolworths Metro which I have had multiple orders too, but they were a while back when these vouchers were appearing more frequently, not ordered recently.

  • +15

    My $20.70 order was going to cost me $13.26 after the $15 discount.

  • +19

    Prices are jacked like 3 times, local supermarket has choc bar at $2.5, on uber it's $6.25 lol

  • Thanks for sharing.

  • +3

    Got two of Capilano Honey Squeeze Pack 500G for $7.38 delivered. Thanks, Mate.

  • Nice one that's the one thanks

  • +11

    reject shop have quilton TP 12pack/$6.50

    • 3xquilton ($19.50)
    • 1xclub soda ($0.65)
      = $20.15
    • +$2.99 delivery
    • +$2.02 service fee
    • minus $15 code
      = $10.16

    $10.16/36 rolls = 0.28c/roll

    • +2

      And the Soda for any digestion issues as well!

    • +1

      Delivery fee for me is $4.49. not worth it.

  • +7

    Hey guys, I was able to add items to meet the $20 threshold. Went to checkout, and while trying out different combos I noticed if you removed items and the price went under $20 the code was still valid.

    I spent about $8 on a $18 dollar order ($5 for delivery + service)
    Good luck!

    • that must be a glitch, normally doesn't work.

    • Working here too. $15.25 takes $15 off.

      • Yes, looks like they've fixed this after several complaints. I got $14 off $14 effective spend, had to pay only delivery $1.99 & service Fee of $1.40.

    • Nice! Do you reckon Uber could charge us later claiming we didn't meet the T&C?

      • Uber isnt known to do this. old comment but yea maybe someone else will see this

        • +1

          Yep all good so far. I did order ~$15 and only paid pretty much only delivery + service fee.

  • +4

    Yep, currently the discount is prorated to a max of $15.
    No $20 min spend needed to get the discount. Ex - If you have items worth $10 in your cart, you would get a discount of $10.

    • +1

      Awesome, just got a roast chicken for $3.39 service/delivery fee

    • Not working for me. Discount doesnt apply until I have a minimum Subtotal of $20. Any trick to get this without the min. spend of $20?

  • +1

    Thanks Op

    Got 32 X 1.25 coke/Pepsi Max drinks delivered for less than $9. Used 4 accounts :)

  • Am new to Uber and have just downloaded the app. Can someone tell me the steps please, as I don't know where to add the promo code.

    • +1

      i would wait to order, you should get the $30 newbie discount in a few weeks, this last til aug, so you'll have time.

    • Go to Promotions then - Add Promo button

  • +5

    12 XL free range eggs, 3 bananas and 200g Solanato tomatoes for $4.55 delivered

  • +2

    The gall that they have a delivery fee, service fee and ask to tip the delivery people. Where da fk is the money going to?

    • +2

      I did uber eats as a part-time job, obviously, we only received $4-6 / trip (1-4km). The extra service fee and delivery fee go into Uber's pocket, not us.

    • And they still can't turn a profit.

      • No need for profits if the rich blindly invest just to keep it going. I'm sure they'd appreciate the cheap taxis, if they didn't already have limos.

  • Code has been withdrawn now. So much for August, lol.

    • OzBargained

    • Just added to the app and it accepted it, haven't ordered yet.

  • You may not need to avoid IGA, i was ordering from a local IGA and the prices were on special and the best prices of any other grocery store, but it was a limited time special for a month or so. Prices are now high for the IGA. But you may have a local IGA with a good deal on.

  • Thanks, placed an order for total $14.50 and after discount $2.94 delivered and received

  • +2

    Thanks. $4 delivered for a bunch of snacks I definitely don't need :)

  • TLDR all posts so not sure if mentioned, but don't forget free delivery with the Uber Pass 2 week trial in the app. Remember to cancel or you'll get charged after the 2 weeks is up.

    • You can claim six months of Uber Pass by linking your Bundl app to Uber (they use Mastercard).

  • Thanks OP.

  • +1

    This worked, thank you. Expires 2nd August so can shop around. Used with my uber pass as well.

  • +1

    I bought 6 frozen butter chicken and rice for $8 delivered from Woolworths metro. So $1.33 for each meal. Thanks op

    • How? 6 packs only cost $23 before discount? How is it possible?

  • Cheap Aussie butter!!! :o

  • +1

    I always order all long life milk. Works out slightly cheaper than picking it up myself from anywhere else.

  • Quilton from the Reject Shop works out cheaper than the Coles brand. Such a waste of the environment with the delivery footprint though.

  • +1

    Just worked for Woolworths Metro for me!

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