• expired

Free A$20 Worth of Bitcoin (BTC) after Signup & Verify @ Cointree


Sign up and verify by 11:59pm on Sunday 22 May 2022 and we’ll give you A$20 worth of BTC for FREE.

Cointree is one of Australia’s premier cryptocurrency trading exchanges helping Australians unlock and grow with the world of cryptocurrency since 2013. And now you too can join and trade crypto the simple way.

  • Invest in more than 270 cryptocurrencies, as well as gold.
  • Trading view charts and automated trading
  • Copy portfolios of expert traders
  • Pay bills with crypto

Step 1 - Sign up via this link (Add promo code: BARGAIN20)
Step 2 - Verify your account
Step 3 - AU$20 BTC will be deposited into your account after account is verified

It's that simple. Sign up and join 5 million Aussies investing in the fastest growing asset of the decade - with free bitcoin on us!

Only one credit per person. New members only. Credits can not be applied to multiple accounts. Not applicable with other offers

Note: If you are unable to see your BTC credit after verification, log out of your account and log back in

Referral Links

Referral: random (25)

Referrers receive up to 70% of Cointree commission earned from referee, depending on your current reward tier.

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Cointree Crypto Exchange

closed Comments

  • Nice deal but bitcoin? Why?

    • +2

      We like to make it easier for people to get their feet wet with cryptocurrencies. What better coin than the most popular one - Bitcoin.

    • +2

      Because it is the one of two in your portfolio you should have (in my view the only one).

      What do you suggest? Luna or UST?

  • +7

    Soon to be worth $15

    • +3

      Will still be worth more than my current portfolio 🤦‍♂️

    • +1

      It was $39k last night, now almost $45k, you're saying?

  • +3

    Hi rep. Is there any conditions? Deposit? Etc…

    Surprised no interest at all….
    Keep in mind best time to get crypto when it’s cheap (or free).

    • Think everyone is butthurt from the recent crash. Free BTC is free in my eyes.

    • +2

      Hi CandyMan,

      The conditions are: Only one credit per person. New members only. Credits can not be applied to multiple accounts.

      No minimum deposit is needed to receive your BTC

      • wow very generous!

      • Is a deposit required though

        • +2

          No, only account verification.

          • @CointreeDan: your ID verification is not good, it needs video as well after submitting license details.

      • Edit

        All good, log out and log back in worked.

        Verification completed but no sign of the promotion BTC in my account

  • -2

    That's like $0.04!

    • +6

      $20 is $20

      • -4

        Transaction fees averaged $62.788 in April 2021, but it looks like they are currently around $1. Apparently, the transaction fees have collapsed because of a lack of interest in BTC, which means less people want Bitcoin, hence the giveaways to improve the number of members.

        • number of members

          Good troll.

        • +2

          Apparently, the transaction fees have collapsed because of a lack of interest in BTC

          Maybe you shouldn't comment on something you clearly have no idea about.

          The hash rate is at an ATH … which means it can process transitions at lower costs. Also have you ever heard of the Lightning Network? Average fee for me using Kraken is less than $0.30 (0.00001 BTC), people need to avoid Binance and other exchanges that rip people off on withdrawal fees.

  • +1

    I’ll take it given the current market massacre.


  • +4

    The guy from TV show gotham has an economics degree and explained that crypto and NFT's are essentially a ponzi scheme. Who'd have thunk that would happen in an unregulated market.

    Google him for an interview about it, he and another guy are flogging a book but its really well explained.

  • Hahaha. No thanks.

  • +2

    Damn, thought it said Free Cointreau.

  • +1

    Hi OP, I've signed up and verified. How long does it take for the BTC to be added to my account?

    • Hi ronnknee,

      It will be added straight after you are successfully verified. If you having trouble seeing your credit try logging out and back in.

    • I have the same question, I’ve done the same. do I have to deposit money as well? It did say I had to.

  • +3

    If it was $20 of luna thats like 100k of tokens

    • Yes, and then imagine if it went back to even $50USD! Hehe.

      • If USD drop 99% of its value i'd pick up a few coins because 'you never know' with crypto - probably better odds then power ball

        • +1

          Yeah, I grabbed a tiny bit of Luna a bit earlier. Spent same as powerball ticket amount, probably— better odds maybe, yes. Haha.

          • -1

            @Wadiyatalkinabowt: Congrats, you threw money into the bin.

          • +1

            @Wadiyatalkinabowt: i brought $15 worth it is now worth $2 well thats life… Crypto is an insane place Dogecoin was once worth 70cents and has absoutly no utility. If Luna Terra survives this they could bounce back the insanity of the space no one can be sure about anything.

            The story that always get me is the guy who purchased 8k of Shib and when Shib hit is All Time high 12 months later it was worth 5bn USD - i mean that is just freak-en insane!

            people often forget BTC and ETH have seen >90% sell-offs in the past and bounced back 'way stronger' you literally never know.

  • -1

    do you guys support socialgood coin?

  • Can confirm….got my 0.000234 of BTC immediately :)

  • +2


  • wait an hour and you'll get 0.00234 bitcoin for your freebie! :)

    • On top of $20, you mean?
      That would be cool.

    • Unless it further loses value then you will get more

  • +1

    You guys shorted right?

  • Just an FYI, I received this email just now….

    I just wanted to quickly reach out and thank you for joining Cointree. I saw you signed up via our OzBargain promotion, and it looks like a credit will be applied to your account of bitcoin, however it's only going to be $10 worth. Sorry, I know this wasn't the offer.

    We identified an issue in our crediting system which has now been resolved. We will need to apply a manual adjustment for the other $10 bitcoin credit. This needs to be done manually so may take up to 48 business hours to take place. Rest assured, we are aware of it and will be ensuring you receive the full offer.

    Appreciate the quick communication Cointree!

    • +5

      Thanks for sharing ItsJonesy777.

      There were a few of you that only received A$10, so we are reaching out to those individuals ASAP to ensure you receive your full A$20 of BTC as per the offer.

      This issue has now been resolved and everyone moving forward will receive the A$20 BTC.
      If there are any other issues, please feel free to contact our support team via live chat or phone and they can help remedy this for you :).

    • +1

      I also thought it was a bit strange that the link OP provided mentioned a bonus of $10 when signing up instead of $20.

      Just signed up, the ID verification process was a breeze. I usually have issues with using my driver license to verify due to my name format but the manual check was almost instantaneous.

  • Thank you, CointreeDan.

    • +1

      No problem Tenzin!
      Enjoy your BTC :)

  • i wish my coin grow from a tree!

  • Signed up, using Australian mobile, but no SMS recd to verify the account. Tried multiple times to send the code, but nothing recd yet

    • Hi Chirag T,

      Sorry to hear you are having issues. You can reach out to our support team via live chat or phone number so we can help you remedy this.
      Visit this link for your preferred contact method.

      • Sure thanks

  • Please advise what the verification process is

    • Hi NDjokovic,

      Basically, the process is an ID and facial check to ensure you are an Australian resident and not a robot.

      • How can you tell from my face if I’m Australian?
        Is this reply targeted at Djokovic?

        • +1

          he's unvaccinated, he won't get the $20 lol ;)

      • Yeah this shows in your credit report with some Credit Bureau's

    • Pretty smooth - usual driver license or passport verification. I am assuming if they managed to match your details with what's in their system, that should be it. I had some issues due to my name format so had to send a link to my mobile phone to take a photo of my license front and back, and a quick video spelling out some unique digits and turning my head right and forward. Got verified manually in the next minute or so.

  • Done with my verification. Didn't receive the A$20 BTC. :(

    • Hi moomoosan,
      If you having trouble seeing your credit try logging out and back in.

      If you are still having issues seeing your credit after that, you can contact our friendly support team and they will help you ASAP.
      Visit this link for your preferred contact method.

  • Are CoinTree regulated in Australia with an AFSL? I couldn't find any information to suggest that my money wont end up in the Cayman Islands??


    • Cointree is regulated by AUSTRAC for AML/CTF compliance. You can find more info of our AML policy here

  • Didn't get the $20 BTC either.
    I went thought the whole process, did the video thing, got email verification back that it was all good - but no $20 BTC.
    Waste of time…

    • Hi drmac,

      We will ensure everyone who successfully verifies using the promo code will receive the A$20 BTC.
      If you having trouble seeing your credit try logging out and back in.

      If you are still having issues seeing your credit after that, you can contact our friendly support team and they will help you ASAP.
      Visit this link for your preferred contact method.

  • Recording my voice to do ANYTHING feels a step beyond my normal comfort levels. Aped in anyway

  • How do you cash out to your bank account? And are there any transaction fees to cash out your bitcoin? Thanks!!

    • Hi sweatbysu,

      If you need assistance withdrawing into your bank account our friendly support team can help you with that. Visit this link for your preferred contact method.

      Our transaction fees start at 0.9% for buys and sells or 0.25% for coin-to-coin trades.
      No deposit or AUD withdrawal fees.

  • How do we delete our account? There is no option to remove our account?

    • nope. once you in, you are in forevaaaa

  • -4

    Made a Account just to give Feedback.. This is so Bad, Do NOT waste your time, Firstly you cant even SELL the BTC because its a 20$ min, and they catch you off guard with the Fee stuff, Second to withdraw the bitcoin its a 13$ FEE.. so ur left with 6$ LOL… So garbage.. get (profanity).

    Hopefully the founders of this garbage place goein bankrupt and they all lose there homes etc,

    • You also can't remove/delete your account. Feels like they scam you and just using this opportunity to take your identification details.

    • +1

      $13 fee? Rep said
      Our transaction fees start at 0.9% for buys and sells or 0.25% for coin-to-coin trades.

      Sell btc 20$ min? But we get $20 already for free

    • +1

      Why are you so toxic?

      • Maybe because he is expert about coin and found the truths

  • -1

    Ye and by the time u get the " 20$ BTC " its 19$ and not enough to sell, so then u have to swap it to bitcoin, u cant have stellar it wont let u unless u unlock a tier LOL such a garbage promo. and who ever gave me a " down points " go neck .

  • $XLM hodler ☝️.

    Let it go. It's not going back to ATH.

  • Is Cointree secure?
    How are their fees comapred to others? (like coinbase)

    • Hi congo,
      Yes, Cointree is a secure Australian exchange with hot/cold wallet systems, 2FA, and secure servers with closed network environments. You can find more info about our security measures here

      Regarding our fees, I can't speak for other exchanges, but our transaction fees start at 0.9% for buys and sells or 0.25% for coin-to-coin trades.
      No deposit or AUD withdrawal fees. More info here

  • why the stable xxxUSD coins can collapse ???
    many friends said (last year) that they are safe, will always equal to USD ?

  • Referral link input errors out FYI

  • +2

    What an absolute joke. You can't withdraw anything other than BTC and ETH unless you're a "gold tier member". So the only way to withdraw crypto is a $20 or $50 fee.

    It says all members can withdraw BCH or other "popular coins" but if you try BCH… it says you can't. Oh and there is no list of these "popular coins" anywhere.

    This is by far the worst exchange I've ever signed up for.

    • +1

      Yes, I'm starting to think it's a nonsense exchange also, unfortunately. They have a lot to say but don't back it up with the actions. Seem pretty keen on getting you in, and from then on….nada.

  • +1

    Anyone else receiving follow-up emails and phone calls from cointree trying to get them to place orders?

    • +2

      No but their AUD withdrawal process is painful. Takes 3-5 business days.

      They accept OSKO/PayID for instant fiat transfers in, but not out. I have never experienced this with any exchange.

      I do like their weekly emails with relevant news updates. I find that useful and haven't unsubscribed even though I don't use their exchange anymore.

    • +2

      I did, from "Zak". Offered me free trading for the next 30 days if I answered some questions. I was planning to put in some additional money to take advantage of free $10 in BTC promo I received via SMS, but came to realise there are so many weird restrictions like min amount of $20 to deposit or withdraw. Will probably just leave my initial sign up there as BTC for now

      • Same, and Zak didn't even honour it, I still had to pay fees on my subsequent trade after the so-called "fee-free" offer. I'm with you, just leaving as it is for now, and stick to my other two primary exchanges.

    • +1

      Yes, I did. Some okay offers, but it does concern me a little, because so far I've had to chase after both offers, and one of the offers from "Zak" (see firestint's comment) was slightly ambiguous- almost as though they knew how they were wording it to suck you in then be able to later say "oh, sorry for the confusion".
      I'll keep an eye on it, but for now I'll be pointing people in a different direction, and not putting any more of my own funds in there.

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