Say you have a Bose Soundbar 900 (supports Atmos, but only has one eARC input) and the latest Apple TV (supports Atmos), do you need to be careful about getting a TV that will pass through the Atmos info from Apple TV to Soundbar? Or is it expected that ANY TV with eARC can do this?
Do All TVs with eARC Support Dolby Atmos Being Passed through? (w/Bose Soundbar 900 + Apple TV)

Last edited 12/05/2022 - 19:46
Ha. I’m actually like you in that I have the 700, but am considering the upgrade to the 900. I just want to make sure I have a compatible TV.
My Soundbar 700 does not show me what audio format it’s receiving in the Bose app. Does yours?Bose is blaming my TV. The Surround speakers are ALWAYS active - even for known 2-channel content, so I don’t really have a way of knowing if I’m even getting 5.1.
I don’t really understand how that thread helped you get 5.1 working. Could you please be more specific?
I was on the same boat as you but I knew my TV supported Dolby Digital 5.1
I bought AppleTV 4K, the first Gen. and couldn’t get Bose app to show 5.1, it would only show PCM 2.0 so I sold it on marketplace.
I then bought the latest XBOX and some 4K UHD BluRay and still the same 2.0 on my Bose 700 SoundBar. I then started researching and had almost bought that HDMI splitter but then stumbled across that Sony thread which helped me configure the audio settings on XBox and TV to pass through the Dolby Digital 5.1 from XBox to Tv to my SoundBar and viola, the Bose App also show Dolby Digital 5.1 when playing my UHD blu-rays.Nice. I can get 5.1 sourced from the Apple TV (by changing Apple TV audio format from Auto → 5.1) through the Samsung TV into the Soundbar, but my Bose app does not show ANY format on the "Playing from TV" screen as the documentation indicates it should. My friend just got the same Soundbar 700 along with a 2021 Samsung Frame TV, and her Bose app won't show the audio format either. Is your latest Bose app still properly showing the audio format? Is it iOS? Any chance of a screenshot so I know what I'm looking for?
@jaydisc: Yes I use the Bose’s IOS App. and see Dolby Digital 5.1 Playing From TV when I play Netflix on TV.
@jaydisc: Select Dolby Digital 5.1 audio format on your Apple Tv and you should see the same on the Bose IOS app as well..
@TheMills: Yes I had that set, but my Soundbar was an ex-display stuck at v5 firmware (2019!). Once I updated to v13, the audio formats are now showing! Thanks for validating yours worked, because Bose support couldn’t figure it out - they couldn’t even get it to show on theirs. At no time did they think or suggest firmware. 🤦🏼♂️
I WISH we could disable the back speakers if the audio format didn’t support then. But Bose fakes it in those cases. Now I at least can see if the format is DD 2.0 or just LPCM, I can manually turn off the rears.
So my 700 setup is now as perfect as can be. So now I’m on to shopping for a new TV to justify the 900!!!
@jaydisc: Gr8 to know its finally working for you.
Bose had started a community forum to support customers like us with such basic problems but it was shut just in 2 years max I guess as there were more and more complaints that they could not fix or they sent the customers back to figure out alternative themselves as the product doesn’t support the feature..
BOSE think they are invincible but they are slowly walking the path Nokia did as Bose still doesn’t support YouTube and YouTube music apps despite support Google smart assistant. The worst thing is there own products don’t talk to other because Bose want people to buy redundant products for just one new feature. The $550 Bose Portable Smart Speaker can’t be played in stereo mode using two of them and neither can be used for handsfree call despite it has microphone to activate smart assistant, Bose wants customers to buy SoundLink speakers for this. The entire purpose of upgrading to better product gets defeated.
The rapidly rising number of customers opting for Sonos is the proof but Bose doesn’t want to learn. I strongly believe its because they a privately held company and the leadership still dreaming that they hold some kind of monopoly in the industry 😂.
eARC is for passing the high bitrate audio formats, Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio which have Atmos and DTS-X
If one of your devices is ARC, then you can still do Atmos over Dolby Digital plus which the streaming services Netflix, Disney , Apple.So if you have Apple TV connected to your TV, you aren't going to get the TrueHD audio anyway that would maximise an eARC setup. If you want to get TrueHD audio you have to use UltraHD discs.
So if my only Atmos source is the current, latest Apple TV, my 10-year old Samsung with a plain-old ARC that knows nothing of Atmos can still pass Atmos from that Apple TV to an Atmos Soundbar via Dolby Digital? Will this be a 7.1.2 signal?
That's the idea. I can't say for sure that your 10 year old TV will do it. The question is can my TV transmit Atmos through Dolby Digital plus over it's ARC port?
Here is a long thread on avsforums that is discussing what you want to do…
Yes, the TV must support Dolby Atmos pass through!
You can check what your TV supports here by searching for you tv model number.
This is my TV and I will b in your situation after I upgrade to Bose 900 SoundBar. By the way can I ask you where is the SoundBar available at OzBargain price?
The second option is to buy devices similar to below:
I couldn’t even get the Dolby Digital 5.1 working initially on SoundBar 700 and this thread helped me out.…