I have a Sodastream machine to carbonate water, but their syrups are overpriced. And being an oz-bargainer, I now want to find the best bang-for-buck syrup that loose change can buy!
Cheap/Bulk Syrup for Sodastream?

Yeah, that's what I use. Go with Cottees as they're more concentrated which is about right to top up a sodastream bottle after carbonating. I've also found Ribena works fine.
Here's a thought. Add the syrup, or fruit juice, to the glass and then add the carbonated water. Much more variety to meet personal tastes.
Agreed, but in a household of younger kids, asking them to mix their own glass of carbonated soft drink has ended poorly too many times for me haha Better off having something premixed and ready to go for them.
You could by a 15ltr box of post mix syrup, online, ebay, wholesalers. Flavours and quality vary.
Or find a small shop/restaurant that has post mix and ask to by a box of syrup for cash.Know any places that have decent prices and importantly, shipping? Or somewhere I can pick up in/around Adelaide? I have looked at some sites, and they are either expensive, or the postage kills it. I have amazon prime, but havent see any bulk syrups on there.
Can you use cordial?
The cordial idea is good, and I have used cordial for this before, But I really enjoy cola, and I find cola cordials don't seem to taste much like cola softdrink. Whereas Maccas and HJs use a post-mix syrup that ends up tasting pretty good.
Whereas Maccas and HJs use a post-mix syrup that ends up tasting pretty good.
Your maccas and hj's must be different to any i've ever been to… their cola tastes like watered down piss.
tastes like watered down piss.
I think you mean the soda ran out (finished up) and machine is just trying to pump it but only barely ends up getting straight soda water.
Has happened multiple times while working in Fast food. Usually speaking Fast food employees dont really know when syrup has run out (especially with transparent stuff like, sprite/Lift etc), UNLESS they get a customer saying Soft drink tastes a bit off, then employee has a tastes, and decides to see the weight of the post mix syrup box (if it weighs light, means its almost gone if not fully gone).
After changing syrup generally takes 1 minute to pouring good.
Yeah it's hard to tell if the sprite mix has run out. Usually only know about it when a customer comes back to say it's just soda water.
Haha, your main overheads are the CO2 canisters, not the syrups :P
Get a 5KG CO2 bottle and soda stream adapter!! https://www.kegland.com.au/freedomone-sodastream-adapter-hos…
Can use cordial or the Pepsi Syrups (1/2 price at coles this week)!
Get a 5KG CO2 bottle and soda stream adapter!!
Second this!
I did buy an adapter for the default sodastream canister, so supposedly, a gas supplier should be able to refill it for me cheaply. Otherwise I'll buy a big bottle and refill myself.
I’m also in Adelaide and interested in this.
Ideally I want a insider in a pub or something who can sell me a box of syrup as I can’t seem to get it anywhere.