Lots of hype about the new model. Hoping fellow OBs have seen them as I haven't yet
Has anyone seen the new Samsung E8000 series & how are the prices

LAfter Dark on 12/05/2012 - 22:12
I think there is an 8000 in both but was thinking of the LED. Last years model seemed to get great reviews so with all the extra features on the new one I'm hoping the picture quality is as good or better.
The LED 8000 series is priced around ~$3800 if i remember correctly. ?Havent paid much attention as i knew its way out of my price range. will have a look next time im at the shops. what were u looking for?
Just got one today for $3500 not sure if good price from GG
That's great - hope you enjoy it - Think that's a pretty good price - haven't found any a lot under that and good to get it from a "normal" retailer IMO. Which GG store ?
is that the top of the line LED TV? or the plasma range