My sons and daughter (5 and 7 yrs old) will start learning piano and martial arts.
How am I able to get background check information on the teacher to ensure no crime against children in the past in NSW?
My sons and daughter (5 and 7 yrs old) will start learning piano and martial arts.
How am I able to get background check information on the teacher to ensure no crime against children in the past in NSW?
I guess they went down to the bureau of piano teacher licencing to get their piano licence before offering lessons.
At least the martial artists would need to be properly regulated by the Department of Defence. I heard the teacher's hands were registered with the police as deadly weapons.
The person needs to apply themselves for a working with children check https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/apply-working-chi…
They should be able to show the outcome via the Service NSW app. The working with children check includes scanning the persons criminal history. You’d want to verify their true identity too with photo ID such as a passport or license.
You can also do a police check https://portal.police.nsw.gov.au/s/policecheck-definition?re… but again I think the person needs to apply for that or at least consent to it
There’s also unofficial community sourced sex offenders lists like this one https://aussiesexoffenders.wordpress.com/ which are somewhat controversial and not comprehensive enough for your needs.
People who work with children are required to have a WWCC. You may ask to see the current valid check but that's it.
It's not for you to be checking teachers. That's responsibility is with the employer.
If it's a private provider, they are a sole trader. Therefore no employing body/company.
Then simply ask tos see the WWCC. It has a SRN which you can plug into the screening site and it will say yes valid or no not.
Mindful the language is bizarre. In SA, Not Prohibited means all good.
In NSW, they will need to have a paid Working With Children Check. The person you are looking at doing work with your children will have a WWCC number and you will be able to ask them for that and their details.
To check if it is valid, you will need some information from them and you can then run it through the Service NSW WWCC database here
You are provided with a card, similar to your drivers licence.
Just ask to see the card.
The ACT and NSW ones have your full name, picture, registration number, expiry date etc
As someone who works with children and has a paid WWCC in NSW, I do not have an ID card. Was never provided with an ID card. I have never had my photo taken nor had to supply a photo of myself during the application process.
The only thing that I have that even remotely could be classed as an ID for my WWCC is linked to my Service NSW mobile phone app, and even then, all it does is gives me, my name, my WWC number, expiry and clearance type. So, maybe ACT or other states have these WWCC ID cards, but NSW does not.
in victoria, i have a physical WWCC card
Same, with picture and all. Vic.
Ok, well in the ACT i have a physical card and my partner who works in NSW also does. Don't know why it's different for some.
My NSW WWCC is on my Service NSW app.
It has my Name, check #, expiry date, type of clearance and a QR verification code.
I don't believe I ever received a hard copy card.
Dont know why the down votes, there is nothing wrong with asking to see the credentials.
In my role, i have to carry it with me and produce if requested, same as my work ID, the company policy is to show my work ID as evidence i work for who i do
Because it is misinformation. There are no WWCC ID cards that I know of in NSW unless they have started issuing them in the last few months. (I’m happy to be proved wrong on this, but can find absolutely no information or photos online of what NSW WWCC ID even look like.)
I went to work today at my local school and I was curious about these ID’s, so I asked about 20 people (office staff, geoundsman, teachers aids, volunteers, bus drivers and crossing guards), this included people that had theirs renewed in the last few months and no one has a physical card or was offered a physical card, none of them had their photos taken either.
And in NSW, I do not have to produce my card/ID/WWCC number to just anyone that asks and only have to supply my WWCC number to my employer to keep on their records. If someone is curious, they would have to ask at reception/office and they would confirm I had one but would not give them any further information.
People involved in private work or self employed with children (tutors/instructors/etc) may have different rules as to what information they have to give to someone who asks, I do not work 1 on 1 with children, so I do not know their rules.
I cannot comment on the rules in ACT.
Yep you are correct..
There is no physical card for NSW.. i asked my partner this morning..
i have previously linked her WWC to the Service NSW app though.
I guess the old adage is still relevant as in dont Assume as i guess i did due to me have a physical ACT card and thinking i had seen hers when i obviously didnt..
It's a sad society when parents have to think this way.
Depends; is it a case where teachers abusing students is more prevalent or as a society we are more informed that this can happen so we are extra vigilant?
It may very well be both, society has gone down the gutter.
I totally agree. As a teacher I am offended.
Although my working with childrens check photo makes me look like a criminal, I payed good money for that bloody check.
Hope you're not teaching English!
Hope you are not an expert on reading forum comments in a timely manner 🤣🤣
@iNeed2Pee: No, I'm not, but if I had indicated that I had a job that required that I'd be very embarrassed now.
Society has always been f-ed up but thankfully less of the crimes against children are being swept under the rug these days and parents are realising you can’t trust anybody. In the old days, parents trusted too freely. It’s a balance but good on the OP for doing their research.
It is. The world is generally screwed. But we should always have done what we could to ensure our children are safe when left alone with a stranger in a position we are providing a level of trust and authority in.
How am I able to get background check information on the teacher
The worker's private information is protected by privacy law.
It would be unlawful for anyone to provide this information to third parties without consent.
Thank you everyone for the info
The piano lesson is a private lesson at the teacher's home
The martial art teacher usually has teacher's aid
So will need to do background check on the teacher's aid as well
Also planning to put them on swimming lesson this year, and next year starting ballet /sport and language school
That's going to be a lot of background check 🤦
As a condition of employment at those activities, the business will require the Working With Children Check to be provided to them. Causing way to much work for yourself taking it on yourself to do this for each teacher. What happens if the regular teacher is absent, will you ask for the substitutes details before the class can begin?
Cbf looking up the stats but most abuse against children is done by people known to them e.g family.
But not all. Not saying I'd do this but OP wants to do something for their childs safety and their own peace of mind.
WWCC - just search the register
Ask to see their Working With Children & Police check.
I started a casual job last November that involved installing equipment in schools (so not actually involved with kids). Had to get both. Not overly expensive ($210 for both??) or hard to apply for so a music teacher should have them.
I even had to get a WWC when I was on the board of the local RSL Youth Sports Club (again, never directly involved with kids)
Then you will be afraid all the time unless you teach your kid everything yourself. Even with a WWCC the person could still be a paedo, it just means they haven't been caught.
As others have mentioned, your kiddie is much more likely to get fiddled by a family member. Well publicised and large scale cases like the one you've linked to sell pappers and breed fear but they are not representative of most child abuse cases.
Always build confidence in general and make sure your kids understand appropriate physical norms etc and have an open and safe dialogue with you as a parent. Imo these are the best guards in general.
If it’s a licensed professional, surely they’ll have a background check done already.
I believe it isn’t that odd to ask for a copy of the same from the teacher itself.
Anyways to answer your query
‘ Under the Australian Human Right Law, only the Australian Police Agencies and ACIC accredited Agencies can provide the National Police Checks for above-mentioned purposes. In addition, all police checks must be undertaken with the written consent of the person being checked, unless the check is mandated by relevant legislations.’