This was posted 2 years 9 months 24 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

ASRock Radeon RX 6600 XT Challenger ITX 8GB Graphics Card $499 + $9.90 Delivery ($0 SYD C&C) @ PCByte


Lowest price for a AMD Radeon RX 6600 XT to date

Also worth noting that unlike the other Radeon 6000 series cards the RX 6600 XT is being replaced by the 6650XT
So once all existing stock of the 6600XT's run out they wont be making anymore 160w 6600XT's
You will only be able to buy the new 180w 6650 XT moving forward at a higher RRP

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closed Comments

  • +5

    I've wished I've waited. Not only is this a fantastic price, I've always wanted a 3L computer. For no reason other than to brag about it.

    • +3

      What's a 3L computer?

      • +3

        3 litre volume. Really nice and compact.

    • Nice. Remember Digital Storm's Spark? Was soo looking forward to it, but it never happened.

    • Then what do you rest your feet on when browsing/gaming?

      • A foot rest? Like a normal person?

      • Dude you have no idea how funny it is to me to have a computer that's smaller than my foot be my footrest. Efficient, and warm lol.

  • +9

    Link to graph showing great value for what it is -…
    Includes preliminary 6650xt pricing and performance indications

    • +5

      I posted a deal for a 6600 (not XT) for $409 the other day

      So $6.91 ?

      • I bought one, thanks for posting. 6600 at this price is the $/frame winner no question, and I just wanted to minimise my spend on a generation of cards that are soon to be superseded, so it was perfect to replace my 1060 3GB

    • +2

      Yes thank you

      • +15

        The RX6600XT is faster, costs less and uses less power then a RTX3060 at 1080P high settings gaming.. not sure where you get your info from

        Neither card gives a good ray tracing experience so that's pointless.. don't give wrong misleading info please. But i take it your an Intel/Nvidia fanboy judging by your username

          • +5

            @AMDisDooDoo: i'm not triggered.. i buy the best value product.. you can buy whatever you want.. dlss can cause ghosting… neither up-scaling tech from nvidia or amd is as good as real rendering. i'm just trying to point out to others that your opinion is misleading if someone was to take it as fact…

            I've been buying AMD/ATi Nvidia/3Dfx cards from the mid 90's . drivers have been fine for me from both companies in my experience…

          • +1


            how amd cards have terrible drivers

            geez, someone's stuck in the past. personally ive had no issue with my 6700 xt (didn't have any problems with my 5700 xt either admittedly), and it seems like there hasn't been nearly as many complains around the internet abt the drivers this time.

            • @lachlantula: I'm actually with him on this one. I've had a XFX RX 6600 XT since August last year and have never been overly impressed with drivers released since that date. As an example, Fornite performance has always been sub-par based on framerate 'stuttering' and rapid fluctuations. The strange thing is that the December 2021 driver performed better than the January and March 2022 releases. I've also had the an even worse experience in my second system which has a Gigabyte RX 6600 - I initially thought the card was faulty on arrival as the stuttering was so severe (using the March 2022 WHQL driver) so I put the card into a brand new system I had just built and had the same issues. I managed to rectify it by using the non-WHQL April 2022 driver which has significantly reduced the stuttering so it's basically unnoticeable. BTW - yes, always ensuring a "clean" driver install is completed by using DDU.

              I'm finally happy with the performance now from both cards.

          • @AMDisDooDoo: have you played games lately alot of nvidia drivers with games like Guardians of the galaxy are rubbish, AMD cards currently run this game perfect.

          • +10

            @AMDisDooDoo: Looking at your comment history practically every one is a criticism. How about you contribute to the community and post something you feel is a better deal then?

              • +2


                The rx6600xt is a terrible gpu for gaming

                I have an RX6600 and it’s perfectly fine for gaming. No issues with drivers or instability while playing across a variety of games.
                My biggest complaint would be issues with OBS, captured footage is choppy. Maybe the Nvidia video encoder is better but probably could tweak settings to get a decent capture.
                But for actual gaming, absolutely no issues

                • @FireRunner: Which games?, at what graphics?, and what fps?

                  • @AMDisDooDoo: I’ve been playing
                    Far Cry 6, highest settings but RT off, get about 60-70 fps at 1440p
                    CS:GO, highest settings, I think FPS is around 300 at 1440p
                    Dark Souls 3 has a framerate cap at 60 so it’s just a stable 60.
                    BOTW on Cemu gets about 80fps but probably more CPU bound anyway. Was a bit worried emulators would have trouble with Radeon but doesn’t appear to be an issue

                    • @FireRunner: And newer titles like, Fortnite, valorant, warzone, apex legends?

                      • @AMDisDooDoo: Yeah, not really into those kinds of games. Can’t say how they perform.

                    • @FireRunner: Don't for get Red dead redemption 2 run it at 1440p medium to high settings and get 80 to 100fps on the 6600XT

        • 6600XT is 30 mh/s, 3060 is 50 mh/s. No comparison. This card needs to be sub $400 to make sense.

        • +1

          you can do ultra at 1080p for the 6600 xt for every game and get between 60 to 200fps. 1440p will struggle in some games at ultra but for the most part you can do it for alot of games.

      • we get it your know nothing about graphics cards. That is why the xbox series X and PS5 are using AMD graphics cards. O yeah and most video editing machines use AMD graphics cards.

        • -2

          Well for one you have terrible grammar. They aren’t using amd graphics cards they are using amd apu’s which are essentially CPU’s with good integrated graphics. Anyone that says amd gpu’s are good are trying to make themselves a feel better about being cheap. Ok and? Most workstations that require heavy computing power use 3090s not 6900xt’s because the 3090 has 8gb more of vram, amd cards also don’t have an equivalent for tensor cores, which means for application like ai and machine learning nvidia is used.

          • +3

            @AMDisDooDoo: The fact you have no case your trying to find things like "terrible grammar" just to pick a fight. Clearly, you're not worth good grammar in the first place, thats how much respect people have for your comments. The graphics is generated by AMD regardless if its intergrated or dedicated. again consoles don't use Nvidia.. The fact this is a big deal means alot of developers that port there console games are going to favor AMD optimised games on AMD hardware over Nvidia. Which leads to terrible Nvidia ports, hence Guardians of the galaxy running bad and crashing on only nvidia cards. Hardware is irrilvant if the software isn't optimized to untilize the hardwares full potential.

    • +2

      another Nvidia humper?

      • Nvidia > amd, why do most professional gamers use nvidia over amd, if amd is so good? Nvidia has better software, better. I mean at least I’m not cheap or a tight a**.

        • +3

          not cheap or a tight ass?
          Hand back your Ozbargainer card please

          • @Lonewolf1983: There is a difference between looking for a bargain and then just being plain frugal. A $500 gpu is not going to be future proof by any means. For a card to be future proof it has to be able to put perform consoles (as the majority of players are on consoles so gaming developers will optimise them to the specs of the consoles). Can the 6600xt do 4K at 120fps no, therefore it is not future proof and you will need to upgrade it, meanwhile buying a 3080 although more than double the price of the 6600xt will last me for years without needing an upgrade.

            • +4

              @AMDisDooDoo: You’re comparing a midrange AMD with a high end NVIDIA, of course its going to be a bloodbath.
              I could turn the argument around by that logic. The RX 6800 XT absolutely stomps an RTX 3060, therefore RTX 3060 is a bad card
              At least choose two cards from the same tier or price range to make a valid argument.
              Also futureproofing isn’t necessarily the best tactic. You could go midrange and upgrade twice as regularly which I reckon would end up saving you more in the long run

            • +1

              @AMDisDooDoo: about 95% of cards (including Nvidias) cant do 4k 120fps?
              guess all those cards are not future proof and will need to be upgraded too

              Better off buying 2-4 cheaper GPU's and recycling them every 6 months

            • @AMDisDooDoo: have you tried doing this? o thats right you don't have the card to try this.

  • +1

    Good price considering the 6650XT is about $650+ here at a very limited amount of stores. Overseas the 6650XT seems like a better deal coming in at 400 USD on Newegg.

  • What's wrong with 180W?

    • hardware unboxed has the 6650XT using around 5% more power vs the 6600XT.. so not much to the 180w claim its still less power vs the 3060

  • Any one have concerns with this single fan design? Would you get the Gigabyte Eagle 6600 XT or this for similar pricing?

    • +2

      Wouldn't really care about the fans, 6600 series run very cool
      The Eagle 3 fans are noisier than my Asrock 2 fan card in my 6600's

  • Tempted to jump on it to replace my current 1660Super…although I actually don't need it…ah well, next gen is around the corner temptation resisted

    • +2

      next gen is around the corner.. only high end next gen.. the 7600XT RTX4060 wont be out for another 12 months+ so if your happy to wait for that long all good.

      • I should be okay with waiting, since I haven't really been gaming anything too hardware requiring (or at all). But yea, the deal is actually pretty good, especially for those wanting an ITX card (which usually comes at a premium).

        • Same… tempting but I only play overwatch and my r9 380 handles it well.. Heck my x300 r7 5700g IGPU is handling 75hz 1440p medium well.

    • +2

      Wait because prices are still inflated by crypto. You'll always get encouraged to buy in the comments because these people already bought and don't want their cards to fall in value. The only thing keeping prices high is the above average demand.

      • I bought a card two weeks ago, but I'd be ecstatic to see prices continue to tumble. Unless you are someone who's planning to never buy a GPU again, high prices are terrible for everyone long term.

        The idea that if we just all hold off buying they will go down indefinitely towards where they used to be seems optimistic at best. The GPU market has plenty of competition amongst AIBs, so when prices can fall they do (maybe less so for Nvidia cards given mind share, but still). But there's a chip shortage combined with a shipping crisis. The margins on these things are not what they were a year ago, not much left to give from what the tech tubers are saying

    • +1

      yeah don't know man the jump isn't going to be that much of an improvement from a 1660 to 6600 XT. yes the 6600 XT is a better card but its not going to be a huge jump in performance on alot of new games. But you gain ray tracing.

      • I agree, it doesn’t sound like a worthwhile upgrade.
        Also if you really care about Raytracing then you should really go Nvidia.

  • +5

    I'm using this exact card right now, in a <4L case.

    It's quiet, and it has zero-rpm fan stop at low loads. A really nice card. I paid this price second hand a month or so ago, this is a great price new.

    • +4

      send nudes

  • Can i fit this card in my dell optiplex small form factor?

    • Na

    • +2

      Even if it could, you can't power it without a 8 pin plug.

  • Excellent price if you want to start a rig.

  • Only 2 left

    • Got to be more. I purchased one while someone else purchased another and there's still stock.

      • Maybe there is a limit per purchase? Try to add 12, said out of stock, went all the way down to 2 until I could add. Not that I bought 12, but wanted to see.

  • -5

    I would rather spend $400 on a used 1080ti than this cutdown card. 6600xt is x8 pci-e/192 bit bus. It will hurt on pcie-3 and higher resolutions.

    And its $499 because it's a 1 fan asrock mini gpu. When time comes to sell it will be worth min $50 less than the other 6600xt's. That's mainly why I'm hodling. Asrock/colofrul/ventus/eagle will become hard to sell like the asus turbo did with 10 series.

    • I have pcie 4 since this is a pcie 4 card why would someone with an old mother board buy a gen 4 card? maybe you should buy a new motherboard with gen 4.

      • +1

        almost every card has next to no improvement from PCI3 to PCI4.. 1-2% at most…

        Some AMD cards that have had their PCI-E lanes removed see gains due to being crippled when used in PCI-E3

        RX6400, and RX6500XT… no there card really see's much gains…. next gen high end may start to use the extra bandwidth

      • -1

        Because intel didn't go pcie 4 until 11th gen. A lot of people with recent builds are getting screwed by AMD.

        And that's my point. They're not going to buy new motherboards lol the card should be 16x

      • From benchmarks I’ve seen, performance difference between Gen 3 vs Gen 4 x8 is slight, maybe 2-3%. Definitely not necessary to upgrade your motherboard (and probably CPU and RAM) to get it.
        It’s really a non-issue, Jimmy making it out like it absolutely cripples performance

    • PCIE 4.0 doesnt matter with this card
      the asus turbo sucked because it used a blower fan, which everyone agrees sucked.

      • Yes it does. pcie 3 8x brings it closer to 3060 performance

      • everyone agrees sucked

        I disagree, it blows

  • haven't seen this pricing since launch so this is a good price.

  • Can I run this with B350 motherboard (MSI Pc mate)with 1st gen Ryzen 5?

    • yes… no issues PCI3 vs PCI4 on this card is 1-2% difference .. your power supply will need 1x 8pin PCI-E cable

  • Any good for Fortnite? Read some shocking reviews regarding dropped frames. Otherwise seems to be a half decent 1080p card for all other games. Thanks

    • It is probably more than enough at 1080p depending on your ideal frame rate and settings. These run really hot though typical for a single fan

    • 100-120 FPS for my 6600 XT on my i5-10400f system (Everything on EPIC detail, 1920x1080). You need to use the April 2022 driver though - anything else suffers stuttering.

  • Back in stock. Online orders.

  • 4 weeks later those who hodled get a xfx qick for $100 cheaper

    Hoping same thing happens with 6700xt. Or nvidia cards considering crypto is done

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