Woolworths Launches QR Code Payments Option

Reports that Woolworths will be one of the first retailers to offer a QR code payments option, which combines with their loyalty programme, for a "…a more convenient, seamless experience at the checkout…"

I can't see any benefit to me in this 'innovation', but then again I'm pretty disengaged from those loyalty programmes anyway.

What are your thoughts?

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Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards


  • +11

    Been using the Rewards/QR thing for a few weeks. Best thing is you can stick all of your gift cards in there and it will automatically charge them so you can use multiple gift cards in one transaction without having to do anything.

    • That is brilliant. I never used the trolley check out because I could not pay using gift cards. If this supports that; I can see it being more efficient.

      • Couldn't pay using gift card at trolley check out?

        • Sorry, could not remember the actual term.

          The Scan & Go feature that is available in some stores.

    • What happens when you have a mixture of Woolworths and Wish gift cards, can you set the order in which they are used?

      • +1

        I think the order is the order you add them into the app, so oldest first to newest. You can remove and add them back in so I suppose you can change the order if need be.

  • +5

    From two taps (one for the Everyday Rewards card, one for the card payment) or more because the stupid EFTPOS machine didn't recognise the Everyday Rewards card the first time, to one scan? I'm in for this.

    • I suppose the question will be if the new payment terminal is any more reliable than the current one.

      • +1

        I think you just take a pic of the QR code from the payment terminal so as long as its screen's working and your phone camera is working, you're golden

        • Sounds good, except there are already two 'ifs' in that analysis.

  • Wasn't QR code payment the go-to for companies that didn't want to embrace Apple Pay/contactless payments early on then they all changed their minds. Strange to see it coming back.

    Having said that, I believe some of the Asian payment options use QR codes? Anyone use those and can share any advantages?

  • +2

    Been around since August last year in my area. Received an email back then for a bonus 2000 Everyday Reward points to try it out

    • So do not use it till you receive the bonus offer.

      • It was probably in testing phase back then, hence the offer to entice people to test it. Now it has been rolled out nationwide, I doubt they will be as generous with points to encourage people to use it. Those points have a monetary value, even to Woolies, hand out too many and it is a hit on the bottom line.

        • -1

          OK, lets wait and see. Two of 10+ acc got "Scan&Go" offer before. This kind of special offer may be very selective.

  • +1

    Have been using it for quite a long time.
    Very easy and fast. Great improvement and no need to carry a wallet anymore.

    • Not even carry a card for contingency?

      • +5

        I haven't carried a wallet for 2 years now. Then again I haven't really gone anywhere in 2 years either.

        • My wallet still has a $20 note from about 2 years ago.

      • No - I have Apple Pay with all my cards in it so there should not be many issues

  • I'm not sure about using woolies as a digital wallet/payment service provider. They struggle with having fresh produce a lot of the time which is supposed to be their key business.

    • I agree. But most people who have responded here don't seem to be concerned, but I suppose that isn't really visible to consumers. As long as it works, most don't care who is doing all the background processing, card history management, PCI management, etc.

  • +1

    I just tap my watch on the terminal at ALDI. Really simple. You should try it.

    • +1

      How does Aldi survive without knowing all your data????

      • +1

        'Cos they don't need to know. Their raison d'etre is getting the punters in and out as quickly as possible.

        Their POS systems tell them exactly what is selling and in what quantities, so they can make their stocking decisions on that data. It is of no relevance or interest to them that I buy 1kg packet of plain flour, 2kg bag of sugar, frozen peas and beans, and a few other bits and bobs once a fortnight. The fact that they care less what I buy is evidenced by the fact that every so often, things that I bought regularly vanish off the shelves, and never come back, ergo, not enough people are buying the product, so it gets chopped.

        They have no loyalty scheme so they don't need personal data. Besides, how much capital would that suck up? More computing power to crunch data, more IT staff to keep it all running, a bigger building to house the IT department, more advertising costs, cost of printing and distributing plastic cards, etc, etc, etc. Aldi is into making money, not spending it on frills. Good, Different.

        • Exactly.
          Coles and Woolies think that they "need" this customer data, and are willing to spend a lot of capex, and accept a heap of risks and opex, just to capture all that customer data. And shoppers fall for it, because they get some 'points' (and maybe a free knife or plate sometimes).
          Thank goodness it isn't mandatory.

  • If you add Big W gift cards to this app can you use it to pay at woolworths?

  • +2

    I just added 11 woolworths gift cards, and now I can't view any of them. Shows a server error when I try to view details. It also doesn't show any of the balances on the gift card summary screen. Is 11 cards to much to handle? They must be running on a commodore 64.

    • Lodged a ticket with the Everyday Rewards team. Apparently the IT team are aware of this issue and are working on fix which should be available early next week.

      • +1

        I think 10 was the hard limit for the Money app so guess it's the same and you'll have to delete the old ones.

        • Can't delete them on everyday pay because it times out when looking at the individual card. That's the only place where the delete button exists. The rewards app doesn't prevent more than 10 cards like the money app, so I thought that meant the restriction didn't exist for the everyday pay system.

          Everyday pay stores the cards remotely. Woolworth money stores it locally. I did try reinstalling the rewards app, but the cards reappear when logged back in. Whereas with the money app, there are no cards at all and have to be added again.

          • @flagger: Final update, all 11 of my gift cards are now reporting correctly in the everyday rewards app, and it's pretty snappy now.

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