How Good Is Samsung Warranty?

Long story short, my S22U has been super slow in term of internet connection and mobile connection. I've tried every solutions I can find on google and none of them worked.
So now I am about to make a service request to have the phone fixed and/or possibly replaced. I've been wandering on reddit and it seems like Samsung in the US has bad reputation when it comes to warranty.
I'm just wondering how is it like for Samsung Australia? What's your experience with Samsung warranty?

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  • 9
    Good experience
  • 27
    Bad experience

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  • +3

    As with any other company, some people have had a good experience, some not so good.

    Neither anecdotal experience will impact nor may reflect your own. Just send it in.

    • yeah I know everyone has different stories. Thing is I have 1 phone only and I don't want to be without a phone for too long.

      • Maybe see if you can book an appointment at a store for live service if they do that. Apple offer you replacement device on the spot, maybe Samsung do too.

        • yep. I'll try that. Not gonna send the phone in without knowing when I will get it back

      • I don't want to be without a phone for too long.

        Consider buying an el cheapo phone from somewhere like Colesworth or your local Post Office just in case it takes a while to fix your current phone.

        Samsung has a poor reputation for any work, warranty or not.

        • Seems like that's the only route. Boss won't be happy if he can't call me lol

          • @trantonz: I took my phone to Samsung Chatswood @ 3 years ago, due to moisture in the charging port. It was sent to Yennora, and I had it back via Toll-Priority courier 2 days later.

    • It's like my experience with Apple as a Retailer over the years. Generally 1 bad experience puts people off for years from a brand (or someone else's)

  • +1

    Shake an "8 Ball" good…

  • +2

    Had a TV start to fall apart at the plastic bezel that was out of warranty but only about 14 months old. Samsung got a service guy out within a week to replace the bezel and it was all free. Pretty good experience.

    Hate the TV though. HATE IT!

  • my S22U has been super slow in term of internet connection and mobile connection.

    What network are you using? My vodafone reception has been shit in the Melbourne CBD for a while with about 1 bar of reception most times and I don't use a Samsung.

    • I'm on the jbhifi telstra plan so technically it's one of the best in term of reception. I'm in Taylor Lakes and I can see a 5G station in a straight line of sight.

      • I had Telstra on my work phone for a few years and I can't really say that reception was much better. There were 5 bars sometimes, but most times I looked at it, it was one oor two. I can only imagine the buildings block out a lot of the signal.

        Was the reception any better with your previous phone?

        • I quite often get better reception, whilst the person beside me on the same carrier doesn't, with their Iphone. I think the iPhone 8 was the last phone with decent reception.

  • +1

    Got a 2 years samsung Fridge, still under warranty and the thermostat failed. Called them and they managed to sent the technician in 1 week time. No charge nothing. But yes, wont go with Samsung Fridge again for the next one.

  • +2

    I read this and thought it was another of Scomo's 'announcements': How Good Is Samsung Warranty

  • Just keep send it back, until they give you refund. During my 2 year vodafone contract years ago, I go swap from galaxy nexus to galaxy note then to s3, in the end, vodafone gave me an iphone 4s.

  • imo silly question. Samsung is a huge company with multiple departments, warranties will be different.

    Also, what mobile company has a good warranty? As far I can see, all of them are not great.

    Finally, you're one hand slip/knock away from losing a $1500+ phone.

    • I think they have something like 5 Divisions, which have 95 Departments. Most of the large Bulk carriers that ship freight across the seven seas were built by Samsung. They have Oil Rig Dept, Robotic weapons division etc.

  • +1

    Had a faulty SSD that I had bought second hand, but was still within original 3yr warranty - Called Samsung Aus who said they would send me RMA info and instructions. Chased up 4 times over 2 months, never received any information from them at all, not a single email, no call back, nothing. Each time I called I was on hold for 30-50 minutes before I spoke to anyone.
    After all this back and fourth, Samsung Australia told me it was a UK sold device (According to the part number and serial number (Which was provided to them on the first call)) and to contact them. Spent a few days trying to get ahold of Samsung UK, who gave me the details for the EU's SSD warranty company. Contacted them and was told it was a drive sold in NZ and I had to contact them. Contacted Samsung NZ who told me it was an Australian sold unit and they couldn't help me.

    Got back to Samsung Australia who agreed, finally, that it was an Australian drive, but without a proof of purchase they wouldn't help, despite the 3yr warranty on an 18 month old drive.

    I had a colleague who purchased a Z Fold and the screen had micro-cracks on the fold. She submitted it for warranty, as the phone had never sustained any damage and it was a Samsung-documented issue that can occur with the folding glass design. They then told her cracking displays aren't covered by warranty and she would have to pay for the repairs.

    So in short, I don't purchase any Samsung products these days.

    • ohhh man. What a pain

    • Funny that, just did a search to find any info on Samsung warranty reputation and I am also awaiting a RMA for a faulty SSD for a month now. Chase it up every few days and they keep saying "urgently escalated and get a response within 3 days". Cant imagine then how long to actually get the product back.

      Surely not all Samsung product warranties are this bad.

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